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Everything posted by Bruv

  1. It would be nice to see one of your playlists please George, I am sure the regulars on this site would really appreciate it.
  2. I bought it for the instrumental Rick I have grown to really like it as it's one of my favourites on the Cleethorpes Story cd, but the vocal isn't bad having played it a few times now.
  3. Finally have a copy now of The Third Time Around - Soon Everything Is Gonna Be Alright. I cannot decide if I prefer the vocal or instrumental
  4. This Newby and Johnson spin I hadn't heard before until I came across it on YouTube, loved it straight away and soon hunted down a copy.
  5. This Timothy Wilson spin I had never heard before until one of my friends put a live tape recording from one night he was at Wigan Casino up on facebook. I was very lucky and managed to come across a copy a few weeks back.
  6. I had never heard this Two People spin before up until a year ago, picked a copy up eventually on discogs.
  7. This happened to one of my dj pals over the weekend, he got asked to play There's A Ghost In My House even though he was back sat down after doing the set, he told the fella who was well oiled to ask one of the other jocks they either didn't have it or refused to play it.
  8. Special track for me my first ever record buy which got me interested in Northern Soul/Soul music a passion which as never gone away.
  9. Yes please I like to see what gets played round the Country. Even got the bloody wife on my back now about keeping the plastic all original.....
  10. Here's a few pictures I took from last Sunday at the Mopar National's which is held every year on the last weekend of July at Santa Pod Raceway, this is a very popular event with owners of American Muscle Cars, much better than a static car show as you have the chance to drive or watch the cars in action on the pods famous quarter of a mile drag strip.
  11. Fabulous H. B. Barnum spin - It Hurts To Much To Cry
  12. Opal Fruits Pete. I was never that keen on the lime green one's I gave them to my Brother!
  13. Thanks Dave. I was going to bid on a Despenza copy on ebay last week, even though it had a half inch crack and was so warped you would need 3 grams to stop it skipping. £667 was the final bid, unbelievable.
  14. Dave, that test press you mentioned is the Ivorys on the b -side with Tommy Hunt - The work song on the A side, was just wondering as my Kent copy date's from 1985.
  15. John's great spill worked with that Ivory's Classic it easily cleared a Grand.
  16. Finally got my hands on this Great old Stomper today.. James Lewis and The Case Of Tyme - Manifesto
  17. Thanks Pete, I had it playing a few times when I got home from work thought I'd post it up.
  18. Adore this Percy Wiggins spin - It Didn't Take Much
  19. I got into Northern Soul through my next door neighbour in the late 1970's, I was round one evening and he played a few records while we were chatting away and I happened to say I liked a particular song, later that night he came round offering me the single as he wanted money for fags, after that I was hooked big time.
  20. Nice Kelly Garrett got played out Pete, that's a good enough excuse to post this brilliant clip up...
  21. Here's five I had requested at a Social Club gig over the weekend The Tams - Untie Me The Shakers - One Wonderful Moment Mandrill - Too Late Jackie Wilson - Because Of You Carol and Gerri - How Can I Ever Find A Way
  22. I managed to get my hands on this Teddy Randazzo Big Production sound this week off a collector friend, Howard Guyton - I Watched You Slowly Slip Away
  23. Over a Grand for Celest and it's not even a Flawless copy, I bloody give up....
  24. I Dig this Marboo spin - What About Love
  25. Love giving this Timeless oldie a good blast out, The Shakers - One Wonderful Moment..... And what a brilliant video from Mike Acton KTF 72

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