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Everything posted by PatricioJ

  1. So glad - and be sure to check in - I'm basically unloading my boxes (80s, 90s mod DJ in San Francisco - Northern Soul, beat, etc.) Cheers, PJ
  2. Hello, If you are still waiting for one I just put my personal copy up on Discogs. Would love to see it go to a good home! https://www.discogs.com/seller/produtron/profile?sort=label%2Casc&q=Sphinx cheers, PJ
  3. Typical of Ebay, they presume we are too lazy to do our own customs forms and make GSP the default (for US sellers, anyhow). You can opt out by going here: https://ocsnext.ebay.com/ocs/sr?&query=3171 I can fill out my own forms, thank you very much! -PJ

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