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Tom C

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    Eula Cooper Standing by Love

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  1. I agree it's a high price for the Jimmy Ruffin but it's one of those early 60s releases that sounds great out on the dance floor...maybe underrated?
  2. Van's acetate arrangements were usually better than the finally released song (unless he did these too)
  3. went once...should have paid attention Latin B side is a winner too
  4. Kenny Shepard - is it, was it ever a NS spin? Van McCoy double-siders certainly going up in price
  5. The lady doing the vocals (Shelea) has a beautiful voice and will take it beyond tribute band territory. Heard her on Radio 4 on Monday evening talking about the show and giving a live version of Until you come back. Awesome!
  6. put it this way...I will go and see any doc that beats this to the Oscar I'm also hoping for a SOS part 2 featuring the footage still left in the can (Chuck Jackson?)
  7. Picture too - no doubt about it Jaxson Reese.pdf
  8. https://www.bear-family.com/jackson-jerry/ Hopefully this link works
  9. "It's Rough Out There" looked like a glorious Parkway (P-100) one-off for Jerry Jackson: in my view one of the great voices of the 1960s. This interview makes it clear that P129 "Hurry Sundown" and P142 "Pretty Girl" are also his work, though he uses the name Jaxon/Jackson Reese in an attempt to grab that elusive hit. Jerry Jackson - BCD15481 | Bear Family Records (bear-family.com) Once you listen to the records it becomes obvious that it's Jerry's voice, though I can't find any mention of it before. Neither have the same Northern impact of "It's Rough Out There" and sound out of date for 1967. I still love them all the same. The interview makes no mention of "Take Over Now", released on Capitol the next year by Jerry Jackson. Listening to this one again I'm pretty sure it's a different singer but happy to be corrected.
  10. Sly and the Family Stone are awesome - never really liked their recordings
  11. well I've bought both versions today - go stick that in your pipes
  12. Rare (unheard of?) to see Clydie's record go for much more than £200 so I think you're wrong here. Her Imperial releases are now attracting interest beyond NS collectors so auction values may increase further
  13. Oh Clydie! How beautifully you sing
  14. Here's a radical thought: let's develop the scene by playing cheapish but unrecognised gems and leave the expensive old ones to others. Perhaps the pool is shrinking, perhaps not In my memory of the dim and distant 1980s this was pretty much the story then too
  15. Yes would love a promo Rob

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