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Article Comments posted by Brewerytownbeats

  1. 2 hours ago, Dave Harrison said:

    It’s the I’m a loner (b/w instrumental) pictured above that I’m waiting for, not the “All my life” issue. If anyone in the UK has that, I’d obviously be interested, but I’m guessing not due to all the issues mentioned in this thread previously! 
    thanks anyway,



    I have these at brewerytownbeats.com - thank you

    3 hours ago, Louise said:

    Yes Chalky got a hand full left just drop me a e-mail:  sales@souljunctionrecords.co.uk


    These should not be i England yet - I have not sent any over - who did you get supplies from?

  2. 12 hours ago, Dave Harrison said:

    Well, someone’s (in the USA) got a copy! Came up on my Discogs wants list this morning! $200 !!!!
    still no response to recent messages & email !


    This guy is a jerk. Resellers suck

    Hey everyone, thanks for writing - we are in the process of packaging and sending over boxes to the UK, we have almost half the orders already boxed up and ready to go - just finishing up in the next week or so, we didn't receive the repress until the first week in Dec.  Please expect a package and notification within the next week. Thank you and sorry for the delay.  Trying our best to get these out.



  3. On 11/10/2022 at 10:37, Glynthornhill said:

    Any further developments here . Just attempted to get a refund via Paypal  ( Order was placed early April so probably now over 180 days ) so no chance of a refund unfortunately  $115 down the toilet maybe... You live and learn....and No it was not sent F & F ....


    Your records will be shipped when we get the represses in, thanks for the support and no, we are not going to leave you hanging.  Sometimes things happen, this unfortunately was a combination of a lot of things gone wrong.

  4. 21 hours ago, Glynthornhill said:

    Any one else had a response or an elusive copy of the 45 , and who is the UK distributor - Tortoise Incorporated  geez ....


    So many red flags unfortunately I won't be purchasing / supporting any more of their products. 

    Man, that's a damn shame, we work really hard to put out great Philadelphia music and because of a shitty plant who sent us 2000 damaged records you choose not to support us. Thanks.

  5. 1 hour ago, Mal C said:

    cheers for coming back Ken, Brewtown don't seem keen to speak to anybody, which is a bit crap. They said above "all the UK orders will go in box to a friend in the UK", so I guess they are doing them in batches? I ordered a WD as apposed to the Blue ones above, Id assume those would have come through first...

    who knows 😞

    Anybody gets anything, pop a note on here to update us all...

    Hello Mal - It is not that we are not speaking to anyone, apologies if we haven't gotten back to you right away.  We are slowly working through the orders, making sure it is done correctly and we don't send damaged product.. good news is (for us at least!) the pressing plant has agreed to re-press the vinyl - won't be done till Nov however - we are contemplating holding off on the rest of the orders until then.. but we would like to get out the records that are relatively undamaged at this point.  Just a bit of a slow down on top of everything else we do (physical store, Discogs store, two kids, life in general and some really bad luck over the past two months (read above) - thank you for your patience.  Have a good day, and RIP Lizzie 🇬🇧

  6. 7 hours ago, Gointoagogo said:

    Same here - got my order acknowledgement on April 12 when they said they would let me know when it had been sent. I've sent numerous emails since early June but I eventually gave up after no response . Not surprisingly I won't be using them again, even though they do get some nice releases.

    Let's see, where to begin.  Let's start three months ago when the pressing plant push back the pressing date for no reason.. or 5 months ago when my dad when in with a life threaten emergency and I spent two months by his side while recovering and unfortunately missed the "proof" stage of the labels.. but once we figured that out the place that we get our labels from said they were having paper supply issues.  Or three weeks ago when they landed and the records were damaged and we have had to go through every single box to find acceptable records to send out (which started shipping today, we got 30 orders processed and will continue on Monday) - or how about two weeks ago when I shattered my collarbone and missed 7 days of work and still am having trouble moving around enough to print sleeves, fold boxes and all the other BS that comes with fulfilling orders.  All this is to be said, the orders are finally starting to go out.. they are being processed at the rate we can handle - all the records are being inspected for damage before shipping because we want to minimize the returns.. All the UK orders will go in box to a friend in the UK who will then disperse them.. they will be out hopefully within the next two weeks.  It's been a shit show believe me.. but i am hoping to be finishing the orders up within the next two weeks.  Attached are some pictures of what we are dealing with..

    IMG_8193 2.jpg copy.jpg

    IMG_8246 copy.jpg

    IMG_8247 copy.jpg

    16 hours ago, Dave Harrison said:

    As above, ordered one of these in early May, had an acknowledgement, then after several chasing up emails got a reply about 3 weeks ago, saying they were in stock and would be shipped out following week. Nothing has arrived and absolutely no response to last 5 emails or messages on their web chat line! Starting to smell a rat! Has anyone else received any of these NuRons records, or had any relevant response ? 

    Let's see, where to begin.  Let's start three months ago when the pressing plant push back the pressing date for no reason.. or 5 months ago when my dad when in with a life threaten emergency and I spent two months by his side while recovering and unfortunately missed the "proof" stage of the labels.. but once we figured that out the place that we get our labels from said they were having paper supply issues.  Or three weeks ago when they landed and the records were damaged and we have had to go through every single box to find acceptable records to send out (which started shipping today, we got 30 orders processed and will continue on Monday) - or how about two weeks ago when I shattered my collarbone and missed 7 days of work and still am having trouble moving around enough to print sleeves, fold boxes and all the other BS that comes with fulfilling orders.  All this is to be said, the orders are finally starting to go out.. they are being processed at the rate we can handle - all the records are being inspected for damage before shipping because we want to minimize the returns.. All the UK orders will go in box to a friend in the UK who will then disperse them.. they will be out hopefully within the next two weeks.  It's been a shit show believe me.. but i am hoping to be finishing the orders up within the next two weeks.  Attached are some pictures of what we are dealing with..

    IMG_8193 2.jpg copy.jpg

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    IMG_8247 copy.jpg

    On 09/08/2022 at 06:37, Funk bodega said:

    I pre ordered a while ago , anyone got any idea when these will be available , coming up for 2 months waiting , also ordered the nu rons 7 they have for sale on discogs , paid 12 days ago , payment received but no shipping and no response when asked why , is there a problem with their site ? 

    Let's see, where to begin.  Let's start three months ago when the pressing plant push back the pressing date for no reason.. or 5 months ago when my dad when in with a life threaten emergency and I spent two months by his side while recovering and unfortunately missed the "proof" stage of the labels.. but once we figured that out the place that we get our labels from said they were having paper supply issues.  Or three weeks ago when they landed and the records were damaged and we have had to go through every single box to find acceptable records to send out (which started shipping today, we got 30 orders processed and will continue on Monday) - or how about two weeks ago when I shattered my collarbone and missed 7 days of work and still am having trouble moving around enough to print sleeves, fold boxes and all the other BS that comes with fulfilling orders.  All this is to be said, the orders are finally starting to go out.. they are being processed at the rate we can handle - all the records are being inspected for damage before shipping because we want to minimize the returns.. All the UK orders will go in box to a friend in the UK who will then disperse them.. they will be out hopefully within the next two weeks.  It's been a shit show believe me.. but i am hoping to be finishing the orders up within the next two weeks.  Attached are some pictures of what we are dealing with..

    IMG_8193 2.jpg copy.jpg

    IMG_8246 copy.jpg

    IMG_8247 copy.jpg

  7. 17 hours ago, Smileys said:

    what is a exact replica?, could it be passed off as a 1st issue by a con merchant. and yep just seen flip  instrumental so of course not lol but the question still stands :} maybe repro is a more acceptable term, thanks Derek x

    There will be no mistaking these from the original - maybe "exact" wasn't the right term, close to the original would have been better - thanks.

  8. 14 hours ago, Blackpoolsoul said:

    Do we know which came first The New Establishment or The Randalls and why the name change ?

    The New Establishment came first.. a company in NY via a local connection licensed the song from Manny and I think there was some sort of name infringement that lead to the band changing it for the new release.


    2 minutes ago, BrewerytownBeats said:





  9. On 24/03/2021 at 17:48, Ficklefingers said:

    I used to have a studio acetate of the Carolyn Porter track 'I Want You'..can't remember which studio at the mo but west coast.. certain it went to tim Brown.. the backing track on the Delights very similar to her unissued 45/acetate so probably same musicians but be nice to learn if the same session ?? Interesting..

    The Carolynn Porter tracks / session were done in 1968 as you can see by the take sheet.. The Porter stuff only exists on 1/4inch mix-down tapes (as far as we know) The Delights tune was the first cut on the 16 track multi's - so my thoughts are that the rhythm tracks for this song in particular were transferred to another tape 2 years later.. However the members of the backing band stayed the same.  Baker, Harris, Young (and Eli on some occasions). It is unmistakably Earl Young on drums throughout this entire session, and Tom Moulton has said there is no doubt that it is Norman Harris & Ronnie Baker - This is also Don Renaldo's string section, and interestingly enough, every song had a "dry" run-through with just the rhythm section before Don Renaldo and Co joined in.  Hence the alternate takes on some of the tunes. 


  10. On 5/24/2016 at 09:05, gointoagogo said:

    Just got mine yesterday but well worth the wait. I love the instrumental and it's good to have it on a legit release.

    The question is - what will they bring out next? I wish they would do Honey & The Bees  Make You Mine which as far as I know has never had a vinyl release.

    We are working through the Arctic catalog - for the DJ series we are keeping it funky, DJ driven music.  We will also be working on releasing the LP sometime in the near future. Jamie Records also owns the Phil LA of Soul imprint, so we are releasing some tracks off of that as well.  Thank for the support!

  11. Tom remixed these from the original 8-Track Stereo recordings - It is in the traditional sense of the word "remixed" - actually balancing and mixing the original tapes down for this version - This has never been released before, so this is the only version to exists.  It is a straight forward uptempo soul track.   Let me know if you need anything else.


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