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About Brewerytownbeats

  • Birthday August 16

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    Philadelphia Music
  • Top Soul Sound
    The Ultimates - Why I Love You

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  1. I don't understand. I am simply adding more to the story. In the official description it was vague as to where these tapes came from, and as the team who found, mixed and mastered the source material I was adding onto the story. It was time, effort and money that lead to these tapes seeing the light of day and that was not mentioned, even more likely that info was not passed on from Manny's team - but adding to the story is important in our eyes. Here's the thing, for years now releases similar to this have been released overseas without knowledge of the local market it originated in.. No local press, non of the people involved in these releases originally or musicians and family's of musicians have been worked with unless necessary (th3ey had the source material needed).. This release is completely official and I am not speaking directly on that, however I am aware of other releases by similar small labels in the UK that don't tell the complete stories, or are not accurate in their descriptions and we feel it is time to correct some of those mistakes or overlooks. We're sorry this if this ruffles feathers, but honestly it is important to know the full story, it means something to the people who played on these records and family's that have only heard stories passed down and never actually seen a release. I hope that clears up my public comments a bit. We are not trying to take away from this beautiful song or release. Best of luck
  2. Trouble Trouble was original called "Listen To Me Girl" recorded in the same sessions as the Nu-Ron's "All My Life" & "I'm A Loner" - We found the tapes, mixed and mastered the tracks. Take sheet attached. Accuracy is key on these releases.
  3. I'd prefer the later - again, not to rub it on.. but some times things ain't always easy round here. Correct - on it's way!
  4. Chalky, do I tell you how to run your business or life? Out of everyone you are the loud mouth. If you can't handle my business, can't deal with this you don't have to buy anything from us. Please exit the conversation if you have nothing constructive or positive to say. I am working through it at my pace, and whats doable for me. you can just move on.
  5. Understood, all I am doing is asking for time to rectify the matter - I gave an excuse for the delay, being 100% truthful about it and have always corrected any issues when i had the full ability to - Nu-Ron's orders I was told by my employee where completed.. if there any outstanding orders I would like to know so I can send them out. The book was simply a bad timing issue as explained and will be send when I can restock (as many companies do when they oversell, do pre-sales) Agree, I apologize for the lack of communication. I feel when there is nothing to report (no changes) i don't need to - but I will update in the future more frequently. Apologies again.
  6. Again, I wish it was that easy. The Nu-Ron's issue (first issue we had we because of a bad pressing plant who first off refunded me in full for their delay and the owner of the plant came and apologized) and the Book was a bad timing issue soon to be resolved. I appreciate you recognizing me commitment to Philly soul, but i can honestly say these a bumps in the small business road and seeing comments that write me off for some delays hurt. I apologize and will have everything out soon as i possibly can.
  7. Of course. If it could snap my fingers and get everything proper I would - but unfortunately things arn't working like that these days.. lots of hurdles in small business. Working myself through it. Cheers.
  8. No one ever said it was sold out - there has been a delay on our end from getting the books from the author. Will be resolved shortly. Thank you
  9. Sorry, you are completely wrong. I didn't press these.. The author has been through some family issues, I run and operate a small business in this post-covid world singly, solo, and sometimes things get delayed, as in this instance. Appreciate your support and understanding. Books are going out soon. Thank you Just a delay in restocking these for a bunch of different reasons. Please see my post about it. Max
  10. When you run a small business by yourself, have two kids and are doing side projects to make up for the lack of business a retail establishment is bringing in these days - it gets a bit hairy to say the least. I'm a one man band at this point. Sorry for the delays. But I only have so much bandwith. Cheers. It's a book - it's coming. The restock was delayed for a myriad of reasons - hang in there. Cheers
  11. We have to our knowledge sent out all Nu-ron's orders - not sure where your order would have ended up. Do you have a copy - we have been tryng to resolve this issue. Thank you
  12. Hey, everyone - thanks for writing in. So here's the story with these. I had an initial order with Dave (the author) for 50 copies.. but they sold pretty quick. I shipped them out as soon as I got them. I decided to put up another 50 copies and well, those sold quick too (not as quick as the first round, but steady). In order to make shipments to the UK $7 I have to hit a quota of 30lbs in order for the 3rd party shipping company to accept my packages and getting a cheaper rate. So, that took some time as the UK sales where brisk, but yet not enough to make that quota - Once I did hit the 30lbs quota (about 25 books / orders) I reached back out to Dave to get another few boxes - he was non-committal and somewhat unresponsive (he has recently lost a family member and then our own Philly legend Bobby Eli who Dave was very close with died right after) - so I decided to hold off a bit until he recovers from the loses - i have dealt with Dave who I highly respect for years now and know his quirkiness, his temperament and when to leave him alone. I love the guy, but it's not always worth dealing with him. So, after all that we have spoken recently and I will be getting the two remaining boxes I ordered from him this coming week. Then all the orders will be shipped out. Thanks for hanging in there. If you need anything feel free to hit me at info@brewerytownbeats.com - Max

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