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Source Team

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Everything posted by Source Team

  1. this topic has been moved to 'general sales and wants' forum from the 'record wants' forum
  2. Event post locked Unfortunately due to over the top promotion we can not allow specific event posts in the main soul source forums Please use the event guide entry for all specific event talk more info on posting content can be read here https://www.soul-source.co.uk/source-help/content/
  3. Broadcast on Friday 14 October 9.00pm-10.00pm BBC FOUR Director, DJ and BBC Radio 6 Music presenter Don Letts looks at this very particular and very provocative British subculture. Don explores how skinhead has become associated with street fighting, trouble on the football terraces and violent racism in the public consciousness, both in Britain and around the world. He reveals that its origins actually lie in a cultural coming-together that could not be further from its tarnished image. Don Letts said: “When I tell people my first point of entry into youth subculture was via skinheads... more background at http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/proginfo/2016/41/skinhead BBC The Story Of Skinhead - Don Letts
  4. Video from the June 2014 thread . back in July after posting up the images of the 45 member/owner Nickw emailed me two vids of the actual record to post on the thread... as plan is to use this video feature for archiving videos etc as a reference thought this 45 would make a worthwhile addition can read the thread via https://www.soul-source.co.uk/forums/topic/314938-darrell-banks-open-the-door-to-your-heartour-love/
  5. The Manchester European Soul Weekender (MESW) will be 3. This year is bigger and better, with a fine blend of european, national and local DJ's & collectors giving everything they've got for two days of soulful bliss.
  6. The cast of "Northern Soul" bob, spin and weave through the classic ‘Back Street’ by Guy Hennigan Don’t it make you just wanna… This was my first short film for Elaine Constantine, she left me to get on with it. And boy did I enjoy doing this.

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