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Keith Gildart

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  1. Still looking for biographical information on Jimmy Fraser? Any idea who he was? Was it even the real name of the vocalist on this track?
  2. Thanks for this. Any idea when 'Of Hopes and Dreams..,' was first played on the scene and at which clubs was it most popular?
  3. Does anyone have any biographical info on Jimmy Fraser?
  4. Anyone have contact details for Francesco? I'm looking for a good photo for a book cover that will be published next year with Manchester University Press. Or if anyone has a decent photo of Casino, Mecca, and own the copyright and would be willing to share that would be great.
  5. Just a bit more info on the book as requested: The book is really a social history text that looks at the origins of the rare soul scene in the 1960s, the development of Northern Soul in the 1970s, and the final section covers the period after Wigan and the scene's global reach. It draws broadly on original sources: Blues and Soul, Black Music, Black Echoes and all the fanzines that were published in the 1970s and early 1980s. The authors also interviewed over 25 individuals from DJs to men and women who attended the TW, Torch, Mecca, Wigan and Stafford. We have also been able to draw on the diaries of two people on the scene in the early 1970s. It is an academic book but a very readable one as it is more historical than sociological. I would also like to stress that it is 'a history' not 'the history'.
  6. I've co-authored a new book "Keeping the Faith: A History of Northern Soul" which will be published by University of Manchester Press next year. I'm looking for a good quality photograph for the cover. An exterior or interior shot of the Torch, Blackpool Mecca or Wigan Casino would be ideal. All credit/acknowledgement will be given to owner/photographer, but they will need to hold the copyright for the image. Any help would be much appreciated. Contact: keith.gildart@wlv.ac.uk
  7. Does anyone have copies of the following fanzines that I could consult for a research project?: Backbeat, Soul Cargo, Soul Time, It's the Beat, Nite Life, Soul Symbol, Soul Groove, Talk of the North
  8. I'm still looking for women who would like to participate in an oral history project on northern soul in the 1970s. If you would be willing to talk about your experiences please send me a message: keith.gildart@wlv.ac.uk
  9. Any regulars out there who would be willing to talk about their experiences at the Twisted Wheel Club between 1963-71? This will form part of a research project on the history of Northern Soul and a book that will be published by Manchester University Press.
  10. Really interesting Georgie Fame show on YouTube link below. Nice version of SOS!
  11. Dear All, Just some clarification. The project is on the impact of soul music on the UK since the 1960s. Part of the broader project is a proposed book on Northern Soul that will examine the interplay between class, gender, race and locality on the scene. Having already ploughed through copies of Blues and Soul, Black Music, Echoes and the contemporary local press, it seemed that the peak of the scene (in terms of numbers of clubs, participation, impact) was around 1976 (but I'm happy to be corrected on this). I've extended the planned chronology to 1981 to take in the end of the Casino given its prominence in the mythology of the scene. I'm primarily working with primary sources from the period, but felt that oral testimony would add further colour and depth to the project. The reason I developed the questionnaire was to begin the oral history side of the project which will hopefully challenge existing interpretations/narratives etc. As with other types of research there will be contested chronologies, events, and meanings hence the title 'A History' as opposed to 'The history'. I'm particular interested in the voices and experiences of women as the existing histories of the scene seem to be written by men.
  12. Dear Soul Source subscribers, I am working on a research project on the impact of soul music in Britain from the 1960s to the late 1970s. I am interested in collecting and analysing the experiences of women who were involved in the scene. If you are interested in the sharing your memories, I wold be grateful if you could return the attached questionnaire. Alternatively, you can email to me: keith.gildart@wlv.ac.uk or post to: Professor Keith Gildart, Department of History, Politics and War Studies, University of Wolverhampton, Wulfruna Street, Wolverhampton, WV1 1SB Soul Questions 2016-17.docx
  13. Let me know if you get round to sorting them and I would be happy to meet up and scan the pages I need.
  14. I'm doing some research on Northern Soul and I'm having difficulty finding some back copies of Black Music. If anyone has them and would let me scan some of the pages it would be most helpful. I'm looking for the following issues: 1973 (December); 1974 (June); 1975 (September); and 1976 (February, March, May and August). Any help would be much appreciated.
  15. Hi Andrea, do you still have these? Is it a complete run? Keith

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