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Michael Bailey

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Everything posted by Michael Bailey

  1. by Leonard Lee. Please help me.
  2. Not my record, and out of my price range, but I thought some of you heavyweights might be interested: https://www.ebay.com/itm/GERRI-HALL-WHO-CAN-I-RUN-TO-HOT-LINE-905-ORIGINAL-RARE-NORTHERN-SOUL-/162612952204?hash=item25dc7cbc8c:g:WggAAOSwhIFZgGZL
  3. I would be most grateful if anyone would help me find this. Finder's fee paid for successful purchase.
  4. Is this the New Orleans based group, the Jamaican group, or who?
  5. I'd like a copy. In the interim, I can't even find a digital version anywhere. Would love to hear.
  6. Sorry for this unsolicited email, but you clearly have rare stuff so I thought I'd ask if you have this (or know someone who might).
  7. I'll take lesser conditions.
  8. from a year ago. I assume you've sold but am checking. It's "The Sad One" on Seven B.
  9. I want it (so bad). If you have it and might even consider selling/trading, please contact me either through here or (better since I will get it immediately): profjmb@gmail.com
  10. Hi all, I'm a new member from the U.S. And my passion is New Orleans 50s-60s. thanks, Mike

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