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Michael Bailey

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Everything posted by Michael Bailey

  1. on Shagg. Will take less than stellar condition.
  2. Want
  3. It's what I collect. For example, I want Marilyn Barbarin "Reborn." On Discogs, there are 3 VG+s for about 400 UK pounds; one has been there for months. Not worth it to me (or evidently, most people), but would go less for visual VG or even VG- if it sounds okay. (No loud pops or overwhelming noise) Some rarer stuff I'd obviously go more. I have some trade items, although some of them are not top condition. (Some are pretty fine though.)
  4. Given that it just went for over $2,000 U.S., do you think 22ndSoul should wait for a NM copy?
  5. You know a copy is being auctioned on eBay right?
  6. Make my day.
  7. “Miss Lulu’s Wig” by Leonard Lee. Got the green Trumpet label. Pink label’s on eBay now. It’s one of my favorite records. Great and weird.
  8. If I have a fairly nice copy of a rare record, which I paid a lot of money for, is it...problematic if I pay a lot of money for the same record on a different-looking version of the same label (equally valued by collectors)?
  9. I've grown tired of waiting. Porgy Jones "Dap Part 1/Part 2" Guitar Ray "True Love of a Man/Ain't that Soul"
  10. If you still have this what is the condition?
  11. Please sell me your copy.
  12. on Great Southern. Wanted.
  13. on Great Southern
  14. If you still have it and will ship to US, I'll take it.
  15. Looking
  16. Happy with lesser condition: Marilyn Barbarin “Reborn” Leonard Lee “Miss Lulu’s Wig” Guitar Ray “Ain’t That Soul” Smokey Johnson “Whip It” Senator Jones “Do You Love Me” Robert Parker “Soul Sister” Robert Parker “Boss Lovin’”
  17. Please.
  18. Don't know if you heard but someone found a huge number of Guitar Ray on Shagg, and that will drive the price down to nothing. (See news article below.) Because I feel sorry for you guys who overpaid, I am willing to give 200 pounds to the first person who sells me their record. Don't say I didn't warn you. breaking-news-Guitar-Ray-records-worthless.pdf breaking-news-Guitar-Ray-records-worthless.pdf
  19. Please stare at the image below for 10 seconds before reading further. You are feeling calm, collected, and a little drowsy. You are feeling agreeable. In fact, you feel the need to do something nice for someone. You have Guitar Ray, "You're Gonna Wreck My Life" on Shagg. You really liked this record when you bought it, and first listened to it. But frankly, you're getting a little tired of it. You think its current market price is too high. A more reasonable price would be, say, 400 pounds. The record doesn't matter that much to you anymore, and you'd like to share it with someone who would value it more. In order to do you a favor, I am willing to buy this record from you for 400 pounds. (Are you sure you wouldn't feel even better if you sold it for 300?)
  20. Happy with lower condition.
  21. Please contact me if you have either.
  22. Thanks! I think that perhaps the best solution would be a place where people could put in a list of all their trade items that people could browse. A central database. Perhaps I need to start something somewhere.
  23. I have some good duplicates I'd rather trade than sell. Plus, anyone who wanted my dups might have something I'd like (I collect NOLA soul/funk/r&b). It would be good if there were a site where one could advertise one's records for trade. Is there?
  24. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjsi76Bt7zgAhVixYMKHd_uCwMQ3ywwAHoECAQQBA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DTvf_4_JNA80&usg=AOvVaw1cE4a3pANgcO877ZZbGD9i
  25. Wow, I can't believe you have any, much less all three, of these. Where do you live and what time are you out of your house?

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