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Jill Bayles

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Everything posted by Jill Bayles

  1. Oh sorry Toad I got it wrong...dance not quite just shoved in Modern Room but in actual fact spread across Modern Room and pub and a chunk pinched from the Redemption Room (now would that be cos they don't need it cos it's not open until the Saturday night)...oh and Cool Million tagged on to end of jazz session at 6pm...now just wtf is all that about then? Are we not worthy of a late night/early morning live act...only now at other unconnected weekenders it seems I'm pretty sure that some will be upset about these so-called "minor changes" and would not see them as "nothing that should affect [their] enjoyment of the weekender" It seems pretty clear to me that the owners are calling all the shots here and the term "promoter" does not mean what we know it to mean I wonder if those advising advised that it would be unwise to interfere with the format in this way....
  2. So in a nutshell its the dance room that has suffered but us soulful house heads are used to that now. Oh and the Northern room with DJ's allegedly pulling out. I've also heard that some of the Northern acts have been axed. Trying to combine the dance room with the Modern room just wouldn't work for me nor for most people I know who like dance ...cos not everyone who likes dance likes Modern/Crossover. Most people I know, including me, that would have attended Prestatyn this month, took their custom elsewhere last year when the demise of the dance room was first announced. Then with Pontins going into administration I felt that it would be wise to keep well away from Pontins as I had it on good authority regarding a separate existing booking that they didn't seem able to give any guarantees on existing bookings. I'd lost faith long before that though. So for me its roll on weekenders elsewhere later this year...onwards and upwards as the saying goes Having said that, I hope that everyone else who attends Prestatyn has a cracking time and is happy with the deal they receive from the new owners. You have a right to get what you pay for after all. Fingers crossed It would have been courteous if the new owners had had the decency to confirm their changes in writing to those who had booked and announce those changes somewhere online. Just cos its all last minute doesn't change that. I'm still very unclear as to the extent of the changes and that's bound to be unsettling for a lot of people who have booked
  3. How vague is this against a backdrop of cancelled room (s) and artists which could greatly affect people's enjoyment of the weekend, maybe even cause them to decide not to attend at all? As far as can see the official website has dropped some info rather than explained what has happened...hardly what can be called transparent . Absolutely shocking state of affairs,IMVHO.
  4. SOB at Southport Weekender back in the day
  5. Same here...we'd done the under-age drinkin thing and by 14 had grown out of that our parents were so fed up to the back teeth of us rollin home at all hours in drunken stupours that we were easily able to persuade them that the Casino was a good place for us to be cos of the no-alcohol policy...oh how naive they were and by the time they realised just what a den of iniquity it really was we'd been there done it and worn the t-shirt only parental rule for me and my adoptive sis was that we went together, stayed together and came home together and that she looked after me as she was the eldest...yeah right...other way round methinks...but the rule was easy to abide by as we'd been stuck like glue since my birth 5 months after hers in 1960 and that endured til her untimely death in 2002...rest in peace and love Steph
  6. 14...and hated the place...was ready for my bed by 2am & eating a pack-up by 4am...and as unsociable as they come...was dragged there kicking and screaming by my older adoptive sis...no way was she having me staying at home otherwise she wouldn't have been able to go either. I was her alibi Didn't have to try to get in the place either cos we both looked older than our tender years Never really liked Northern but did eventually form an affinity with the place for the social side of things...just used to switch off from the music...except for the more upfront stuff...always liked that. Stopped going week in week out long before it shut up shop as I'd burned out. I guess the Casino experience was kinda wasted on me
  7. Based on that trailer, I'll certainly give it a whirl...then I can go back to me yoof for a couple of hours whilst munchin on me popcorn...wonder if it'll be available in 3D
  8. Wise words indeed my friend...hope to see you pair out and about real soon
  9. Never had any money on me to steal as I lived on the bones of me arse back in the day was never owt in me bag worth stealin either...but I got me sheepskin knicked and I was gutted...loved it and it was irreplaceable...left it in the car...not thinkin straight...good job I ate the sweeties out o the pocket first The thievin robbin barstewards
  10. Now what was that about being on a roll...hmmm...stick us a quid on the lottery will ya
  11. Tis me alright hun...with long hair tied back in a scarf...don't me and Jacq look young...and guess what...I never knew it was the Webster...til now...how mad is that then? I wouldn't have been talking to Phil as I'd have lost the power of speech cos of him...he'd have been chewin me ears off and makin em bleed as usual I never could hear what was being said to me in that room anyway...loud music...wish I knew what he was on about tho
  12. Thanks Barry...not lol....good job the pic ain't clear me and Jacq...in white jacket...but who is the lad? Phil maybe?
  13. Oopsie...double post
  14. Yes...like it was yesterday
  15. The problem is it ruins floors and is dangerous when being walked upon as it can cause people to fall. And while I'm on I don't know anyone who has ever been prepared to clean up their talc mess at the end of the night although I have heard of venue workers sweeping up talc mountains with long-handled sweeping brushes and I've seen the photographs to prove it. If I had my way it would be banned completely as its a bloody nuisance.
  16. Hat well and truly doffed sir...even though I don't know you
  17. Now gone but have got another one going spare if anyone is interested...same price PM me if interested
  18. Now gone but I've got another one going spare if anyone is interested...same price PM me if interested
  19. Two going spare (no accommodation) £25 each PM me if interested. Thanks
  20. Tut tut...shame on you

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