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Everything posted by young81

  1. Thanks for posting this I am new too so this thread is very useful.
  2. The reason why I said portable is because I am a bit limited for space (I live in a one bed flat) and I dont have the space for a great big thing. I was guessing (perhaps wrongly) that a portable would take up less space, meaning more room for records. Thanks for everyone who took their time to reply, I have been mainly listening on youtube and buying mp3s from amazon, that way I dont feel so bad if it turns out to be rubbish since I can just press delete and not worry about having to sell it. Or go next in the case of youtube. I will shortly pm those members who have very kindly offered to give me some records - any is welcome!
  3. I am new to the scene, and I dont know anyone who is into northern soul, most people I know like modern music. 1) I am considering buying a record player. Does anyone know what I should look for? Any brands to recommend? I am after a portable player. 2) Most of my buying will be done via ebay. Is a record labelled rare really rare on ebay or do they put rare to trick unsuspecting buyers? Is there anything I should look out for? My guess is to buy the best my money can afford. Thanks in advance, although I have listened to a few songs in my short lifetime, most of them have been mp3s. Unfortunately I am finding that the albums tend to duplicate tracks and I am finding it a bit restrictive. I am going into vinyl but am clueless.

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