Hi Fabsoul 69, would like to help with your "want," but I'm afraid I can't, in fact I'm not certain the record even exists.
My name is Mark Ellis so I think that if I'd ever seen a record on the Ellis label it would have stuck in my mind & I'd probably have bought it just out of curiosity/posterity. That said, for the past 18 months (roughly) my mind's been very mixed up & I've dropped some horrendous clangers so maybe I even recorded the record myself but just forgot about it.
This message is obviously of no use but if I can help in any way, or you can help me in anyway then don't hesitate to make contact, 07737775878 or email me at mark.ellis23@btopenworld.com
I can only reply through soul source but haven't logged on for a long time, I don't intend to for the foreseeable future so if you do reply please do it by phone or email,
Peace & love too