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Everything posted by Vadnochka

  1. Got home yesterday afternoon to find Jimmy Hart / Joe Tex and Don & Juan in my hall - all three had disappeared in the tracking system in the USA a week ago - only to arrive unannounced Like I said - they will arrive
  2. Great looking line-up - This time I will be there - Going to Cotgrave 1st then on to Rugby - Great sales box in tow - ( Four Coins / Earle's / Sidney Barnes and dozens more. I know I said that last time - But both of us were ill. Looking forward to seeing everybody again. Come up and introduce yourself. Frostie
  3. You just need to wait patiently - The malware attack has stopped all tracked shipments - I have been fortunate that stuff that I had almost given up on suddenly arrived at South Midlands Dist. with no warning after being trapped at Langley for nearly a month. These were inbound from the States I might add - and a further one from Holland suddenly appeared out of nowhere with a large tracking info gap once it had arrived in France. I've been advised not to send stuff out, in fact they still cannot process stuff via local post offices, only stuff processed on line and recommended I go to their website for this service. Certain items I think (Yours appears likely) has got trapped in limbo until they can sort out this problem - The Post Office staff are keeping me up-dated - I've got a Guitar Ray awaiting sending - all paid for but not able to send safely due to value. Best of luck on your stuff
  4. Amazing Harry Deal on the studio console producing Bold Breed in Taylorsville N. Carolina
  5. Returning to my bee in my bonnet - I never said anything couldn't be a big sound or re-activated or anything - What I said was the post i was referring to as saying these other venues were the originators and I was contradicting that assertion. Referring to Wigan looking like a youth club - I was making a comment about my view of the mob trying to get in on that 1st night when we arrived outside, having driven down from the Mecca, admitting that we gave up and drove home to Loughborough. - A point I have made before also tempering it with the observation that - it was a bit of a liberty as I was only 19 at the time and didn't recognise anyone from other venues outside the Casino.
  6. Yeh - Blackpool - Ronnie Walker etc in some place on or near the front - Second hand shops in Leicester - in the back streets around Melton Turn as we knew it - Multi copies of numerous titles - My brother bought a stack of Shakers One wonderful moment - I was amazed to hear it played by Colin at the Torch a couple of weeks later - I went to my car and started banging them out at £3 - £5 on the strength of that - El Cids in cross keys yard Loughborough Nancy Ames - Epic 10p. - Chris had found a British mint issue the week after in Brees Leicester - Colins face when we rocked up with the pair at the Mecca as he had just started playing it. Ex Twisted Wheel 45's from Blakey in Discland Belvoir St. Leicester - Earl Jackson, Patrice Holloway, Sam Nesbit BMGoose and numerous others - This was mid 72. - Remember - Professionals / Nabay / - virtual one offs & Valentinos - Sweeter / Parliaments on Gworld / Edwin Starr RicTic You're my mellow - all stock items at Selectadisc - Arkwright St. for less than £2. Sounds turned up everywhere - Luton / Mansfield - A fiver got you just about anything and you could haggle down from that. You just had to be relentless or damn right cheeky. Great days - Still out there you know - Scooped a 1/2 price mint Four Coins - Lanco this morning never had one - - chuffed to bits - just plain fluke - right place /right time
  7. Just got another bee set off in my bonnet from a youtube post from ages ago that I read ref the above 2 sounds today - 21/01/23 1) - Four Larks - Dave Rivers rocked up at the Cats one Saturday in mid/autumn '72 - 3 mint copies - got Max to play it - I immediately dived for the decks - result me and Max bought a copy each £5 -and It made it's debut the next night (Sunday) at the Fantasia to become an immediate massive sound for me and Max. Nobody else was playing it for quite some time but was never covered up and became a semi exclusive for ages - certainly into '73. Incidently both Max and I were both playing the Professionals - Groove City at the same time. 2) Four seasons - I'm gonna change - played 1st as so many were off the albumn at the Mecca before the youth club that was Wigan even opened - End of story
  8. It is a little known fact that there were three Frost brothers. Andrew / Steve / Chris Steve and Chris have been on the scene since 1968 when Leicester Top Ranks Tuesday night gigs introduced the younger two brothers to Motown and other soul orientated music but prior to that elder brother Andrew - 6 yrs older than Steve - 8 older than Chris was a teenage promoter / DJ / Actor / Wit and all round legend in Leicester. Promoting at the DeMontford Hall, Granby Hall, Corn Exchange and local village halls as well as Rugby town hall - from 1966, booking Spencer Davis, Paul & Barry Ryan, Hedgehoppers Anonymous, The Who, Unit 4 plus 2 as well as local bands - Fearns Brass Foundry actually played at his 21st birthday party in the grounds of the families baronial home in Rothley. He was a regular at the Chicane / Burlesque / Night Owl and a house dj at The Grand in Coalvile and the Penny Farthing Leicester before joining Trans Atlantic Records in London in there sales team - He was an avid Jazz fan but always had a large 45 input due to his many roles in the industry. So that's the background to the relentless pursuit of outstanding vinyl still displayed by the remaining two brothers who are now trying to put together a 'The Frost Brothers 150 yrs of soul' gigs on the mainland to answer the many requests from their youtube hits to be actually behind the decks and playing their remarkable play-lists. Both of them of course are seasoned DJ's with a catalogue of exclusives over the years. So - Anybody out there who wants a double deck 2hr monster show at their venue just ping us a PM and we'll see what we can do
      • 1
      • Thanks
  9. Thats the secret - no hint of value
  10. Anybody out there help with these August Moon - Wasted Years - O-Gee Exceptions - The look in your eyes - Groovey Grooves Uptights - Shy Guy - Columbia Ghetto Boys - Hand Writing on the wall - Tarx Price /condition info etc Thanks
  11. They're not snooping at what's inside just reading what's on the outside and then charging as per the law & regs.
  12. Not HMRC snooping - far more diligence nowadays on stated value on postage details. Above $25 and there is a chance it will be diverted to to HRMC at Langley for VAT collection at 20% of total package value including postage sometimes - you will then get stung with a payment collection charge from Royal Mail - all payable before package released from local delivery office - The infamous red 'you have a parcel to collect form' on the mat with the total payable at the sorting office counter or on line before re-delivery will be made. Just a fact of life now folks. Talk to the seller !! Happy collecting
  13. George, Thanks for that All the best to you# Steve
  14. I've been holding my breath on a Sidney Barnes - I hurt on the other side Blue Cat WLP - in bound from Philadelphia - paid 04/01/23 - shipped 06/01 - tracked to Jamaica NY with USPS then changed to Label printed not in system yet - today picked up by Royal Mail tracking - S. Midlands dist centre - and then 10.00am today delivered to my door - no delays / no interceptions by R&C - again showing there is no need for priority shipping / Global Shipping System / or any other so called premium shipping - 10 days door to door and actually only 8 days in transit - Philadelphia to good old Melton Mowbray. I'll take that any day and the cherry on the cake - unbelievable condition. I'm also waiting on Barbara & Brenda from Europe - let's see how that performs
  15. I've been looking at some Discogs listings from a European entry with 4 completely different genres - all big ticket items at @ 50% current market prices or better with no listing background and no sale to the UK stipulated - photos are stock items from other full price listings - Unfortunately there are still people out there that can't resist a bargain whether it be item price or avoiding fees and as a few members on here have confessed recently they've been caught out. So whatever the apparent incentive it's not a risk worth taking.
  16. PM'd you
  17. Amended list - sold items deleted - Last time before back in the box All in the box beauties - play graded and priced accordingly NOW LOVELY ISSUES TO BRIGHTEN UP YOUR NEW YEAR Larry Laster - Go for yourself - Loma Vg+ £275 Massive since '73 - some ring wear - plays like a champ Tony Clarke - A Wrong Man - M-S Vg+ £700 Floor packing magnet - Kaplan / Terry at the helm - brilliant & an issue Guitar Ray - You're gonna wreck my life - Shagg Vg+ £1200 Label damaged but vinyl fantastic - All time in demander - Those lyrics - what a sound Ike & Tina Turner - Strange - Sonja Ex £900 800 SOLD One gone for £1K already this week on major listing - This has an edge lift but plays great - priced accordingly - My DJ copy - never any issues Major Harris - Call Me Tomorrow - Epic Ex- £350 325 Legendary Okeh Canadian imprint - Co. sleeve - still a floor packer Any Questions / PM me Postage sp. del on all £500 - £8 £1000. £10 Above - £12.50
  18. Some previously un-listed classic proper sounds and a group of reduced price items All in the box beauties - play graded and priced accordingly Carl Hall - Mean it baby - Loma Vg+ £325 SOLD In my box 30 yrs ago - back in massive demand Larry Laster - Go for yourself - Loma Vg+ £275 Massive since '73 - some ring wear - plays like a champ The Hy - Tones - You don't even know my name - Bell Vg+ £1500 SOLD All time rarity - hairlines NAP / usual printed label fade. Most never owned an original of this spectacular sound on either label Morris Chestnut - Too darn soulful - Amy VG+ £500 Sold Sublime Blue/Silver Issue - Must have for collectors / DJ's Tony Clarke - A Wrong Man - M-S Vg+ £700 Floor packing magnet - Kaplan / Terry at the helm - brilliant & an issue REDUCTIONS White Xmas Demos x 4 Turley Richards - I Feel All Right - Columbia WLP VG+ £850 750 SOLD No intro needed - DJ essential - Plays fantastic - Powerhouse floor packer Linda Griner - Good-by Cruel Love - Motown WLP VG+ £250 200 Sold Epic early Motown classic - Label wear / marks but plays fantastic Volumes - That same old feeling / The trouble I've seen - Impact WLP VG+ £250 200 Sold Double sided Detroit brilliance - Did they make a bad record - Duke Browner produced -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOW 6 LOVELY ISSUES TO BRIGHTEN UP YOUR CHRISTMAS Guitar Ray - You're gonna wreck my life - Shagg Vg+ £1200 Label damaged but vinyl fantastic - All time in demander - Those lyrics - what a sound The Rockin' Gibralters - What's your hurry - R G Records Ex £375 300 SOLD Another one now getting the plays and recognition it deserves - Brilliant Ike & Tina Turner - Strange - Sonja Ex £900 800 One gone for £1K already this week on major listing - This has an edge lift but plays great - priced accordingly - My DJ copy - never any issues Major Harris - Call Me Tomorrow - Epic Ex- £350 325 Legendary Okeh Canadian imprint - Co. sleeve - still a floor packer Soul Twins - Quick CA / GTMAC - Karen - VG+ £275 260 SOLD Ollie Mc & Mike Terry combine on one of the greatest to see the light of day in 1972 Garland Green - Girl I Love You - Gamma VG £300 275 Withdrawn Local imprint before Revue - Still such a killer - some writing on label Any Questions / PM me Postage sp. del on all £500 - £8 £1000. £10 Above - £12.50
  19. White Xmas Demos x 4 +5 to follow Turley Richards - I Feel All Right - Columbia WLP VG+ £850 No intro needed - DJ essential - Plays fantastic - Powerhouse floor packer Linda Griner - Good-by Cruel Love - Motown WLP VG+ £250 Epic early Motown classic - Label wear / marks but plays fantastic Terry Callier - I Just Can't Help Myself - Cadet WLP EX £275 SOLD Another masterpiece getting it's deserved recognition - Get on this it'll go like Ordinary Joe Volumes - That same old feeling / The trouble I've seen - Impact WLP VG+ £250 Double sided Detroit brilliance - Did they make a bad record - Duke Browner produced -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOW 5 LOVELY ISSUES TO BRIGHTEN UP YOUR CHRISTMAS The Rockin' Gibralters - What's your hurry - R G Records Ex £375 Another one now getting the plays and recognition it deserves - Brilliant Ike & Tina Turner - Strange - Sonja Ex £900 One gone for £1K already this week on major listing - This has an edge lift but plays great - priced accordingly - My DJ copy - never any issues Major Harris - Call Me Tomorrow - Epic Ex- £350 Legendary Okeh Canadian imprint - Co. sleeve - still a floor packer Soul Twins - Quick CA / GTMAC - Karen - VG+ £275 Ollie Mc & Mike Terry combine on one of the greatest to see the light of day in 1972 Garland Green - Girl I Love You - Gamma VG £300 Local imprint before Revue - Still such a killer - some writing on label Any Questions / PM me Postage sp. del on all £500 - £8 £1000. £10 Above - £12.50
  20. All play graded Matthew Barnett - If your love is real - Puff M- £300 285 Another all-timer out of Detroit - Love it Guitar Ray - Your're gonna wreck my life - SHAGG VG+ £1250 £1150 Some Katrina ? damage to label but vinyl looks and plays immense - ALL TIME BIG EASY SOUND DJ must have and those lyrics !! Tony Clarke - Landslide - CHESS WLP VG+ £500 Some label wear but plays fantastic from this legendary demo - 1/2 price The Rockin' Gibralters - What's your hurry - R G Records VG+ £400 £350 SOLD Sublime rarity on a lot of wants lists - tough one to get anywhere - slight ring wear but plays great Bobby Dunn - Something is wrong - LAURAdunn VG+ £2350 £2200 Last one on Discogs went for £3K+ a few weeks ago - almost impossible Bronx recording to find as pressing plant glitch resulted in label mis-prints. A lot of serious players without this one in their box - could be your only oppo. Modern Soul Trio - You're no good - YOUNGSTOWN EX+ £1500 All time Memphis rarity - again missing from a lot of big time collections / dj boxes Anthony & the Imperials - It's not the same - VEEP VG+ £110 Classic falsetto from Anthony - ever popular PM me with queries etc POSTAGE - SP. DEl. - £500 - £8 £1000 - £10 £2500 - £1$
  21. Matthew Barnett - Got an EX+ I thought I'd listed it this week but missed it off the posting £280 + £8 sp. del. Great sound / bargain price. I'm going to add it to my listing tomorrow if you don't want it so let me know one way or the other. regards Steve Leyt
  22. All play graded Matthew Barnett - If your love is real - Puff M- £300 285 Another all-timer out of Detroit - Love it Guitar Ray - Your're gonna wreck my life - SHAGG VG+ £1250 £1150 Some Katrina ? damage to label but vinyl looks and plays immense - ALL TIME BIG EASY SOUND DJ must have and those lyrics !! Tony Clarke - Landslide - CHESS WLP VG+ £500 Some label wear but plays fantastic from this legendary demo - 1/2 price The Rockin' Gibralters - What's your hurry - R G Records VG+ £400 £350 Sublime rarity on a lot of wants lists - tough one to get anywhere - slight ring wear but plays great Bobby Dunn - Something is wrong - LAURAdunn VG+ £2350 £2200 Last one on Discogs went for £3K+ a few weeks ago - almost impossible Bronx recording to find as pressing plant glitch resulted in label mis-prints. A lot of serious players without this one in their box - could be your only oppo. Modern Soul Trio - You're no good - YOUNGSTOWN EX+ £1500 All time Memphis rarity - again missing from a lot of big time collections / dj boxes Anthony & the Imperials - It's not the same - VEEP VG+ £110 Classic falsetto from Anthony - ever popular PM me with queries etc POSTAGE - SP. DEl. - £500 - £8 £1000 - £10 £2500 - £1$
  23. So will I - this time - 1st visit for a couple of yrs Some tasty bits as always Steve Frost
  24. A bakers dozen for you all Modern Soul Trio - You're no good - Youngstown EX+ £1800 £1600 Unbelievable rarity out of Memphis - absolutely as good as it get's - don't hesitate you won't see another any time soon !! Anthony & Imperials - It's not the same - Veep EX £125 £110 Killer falsetto from Anthony on this current big play around the land Still as good as Northern get's Postage £500 - £8 £1000 - £10 £2000 - £12 PM with ?'s or to buy

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