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Everything posted by Vadnochka

  1. REAL DEAL SOUNDS - REDUCED - NO LIST FILLERS HALF A DOZEN ESSENTIAL DJ / COLLECTORS ORIGINALS IN GREAT NICK AT MY USUAL GREAT PRICES AUGUST MOON - WASTED YEARS / YOU'RE TOGETHER BABY - O-GEE EX £375 £340 essential brilliant double sider - such a great sound and so in demand again CONQUISTADORS - SADNESS & GLADNESS / LONELY WAS I - SIGNETT EX+ £375 £340 2 for the price of 1 - both sides blinding - their best. IDEALS - THE MIGHTY LOVER - BOO-GA-LOO EX £150 £130 SOLD Bargain - lovely labels and great condition unlike most out there. STEELERS - JUST BEGINNING TO LOVE YOU - CRASH EX £325 £300 Horn propelled killer - how good is this - * & 31/109 on label FOUR PROS - THERE MUST BE A REASON - CARLA EX- £200 £180 SOLD Class Detroit double sider again - huge demand - great sound - lovely red issue LINDA GRINER - GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD - MOTOWN VG+ £175 £150 HOLD Such a great sound - Motown map design label Any queries or to buy - give me a shout Steve
  2. PM'd you
  3. Watched that blue one on ebay the other week - wasn't a sound I knew but given the price Compared - Harry Moon has been achieving recently I wasn't surprised until I read the full blurb and realised it was cracked -
  4. HALF A DOZEN ESSENTIAL DJ / COLLECTORS ORIGINALS IN GREAT NICK AT MY USUAL GREAT PRICES AUGUST MOON - WASTED YEARS / YOU'RE TOGETHER BABY - O-GEE EX £375 essential brilliant double sider - such a great sound and so in demand again BILLY PROPHET - WHAT CAN I DO - SUE WLP (SINGLE SIDED) EX+ £450 SOLD Immaculate all time great - this IS Northern CONQUISTADORS - SADNESS & GLADNESS / LONELY WAS I - SIGNETT EX+ £375 2 for the price of 1 - both sides blinding - their best. IDEALS - THE MIGHTY LOVER - BOO-GA-LOO EX £150 Bargain - lovely labels and great condition unlike most out there. STEELERS - JUST BEGINNING TO LOVE YOU - CRASH EX £325 Horn propelled killer - how good is this - * & 31/109 on label FOUR PROS - THERE MUST BE A REASON - CARLA EX- £200 Class Detroit double sider again - huge demand - great sound - lovely red issue Any queries or to buy - give me a shout Steve
  5. Returning to a previous post - ref. Timmie Williams - Competition - when I got mine back in the early/mid 90's from a written sealed bid auction from Washington state, I got the heads up from David Foreman in Houston ( he knew the seller from US record conventions ) , in conversation that my bid of $695 was short and I found out that going to $800+ was almost certain to get it - I duly did for $811 - a couple of years later going on to Chaddy for @£1200 - also proving - its not always what you know but who you know as well as putting in the work.
  6. Exchange rates have always been volatile - My first trip to the USA - August 1968 -$2.40 / £1 = a penny for a penny - Wilson government devalued and we were on the bones of our arse as a nation - little did we know what was coming as the industrial strife of the 70's was just around the corner. The current situation of @ $1.25 / £ is only relevant if you are in a set-sale as against an auction that's active and multi bidders have driven the final price up to near or even above any sounds 'notional' value in the UK - a better exchange rate only gives more scope for more bidding until it reaches this point, which it invariably does. 'Buying trips to the States' implies that the person involved has a proven round of targets (sellers) and will return laden with goodies - I haven't seen much evidence this for a long time - the odd fortuitous find excepted and I cannot see how any one can make an economic case for such trips, regardless of exchange rate - flights / accommodation / living expenses / internal travel costs just make it an expensive holiday when compounded with purchase costs of any finds. This of course will kill any previous margin calculations. Clicking 'add to cart' is a lot more cost effective than traipsing to the airport. In the end the market will find the true price - irrespective of exchange rate - Do you want the sound ? / What will you pay for the sound ? and it will all depend on whether you are looking to sell on for a profit and as the internet has exposed the whole world to our dark little secret, the chances of dirt cheap finds are slender and just as it was 20/30/ 40 yrs ago - those who put in the hard yards ( time & diligence on the internet ) will always come out in front of the lazy buyers who historically have always expected to buy cheap ( a lot of celebrity dj's fall into this category - dealers as well ) - there is a reason you missed the under priced set-sale or the more exceptional low end price auction.
  7. THINNING COLLECTION - STARTING WITH SOME FANTASTIC BRITISH 45'S CARL DOUGLAS - SERVING A SENTENCE OF LIFE - UNITED ARTISTS UP1206 EX £300 SOLD What a sound this is - Beautiful condition 1968 issue - Plays absolutely spot on - Essential Northern KENNY BERNARD - PITY MY FEET - CBS 2936 w/demo VG+ £185 SOLD Slight sticker marks from previous cover-up? - again what a sound!! - 1967 INVITATIONS - WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME BABY - STATESIDE 578 VG+ £150 Middle pressed out, but great play copy of this all time 1965 killer MARY LOVE - YOU TURNED MY BITTER INTO SWEET - KING KG1024 VG+ £125 SOLD Middle pressed out - fabulous double sider - 1965 again Four beauties there - PM if interested or questions Steve
  8. PM'd you Steve
  9. Hi, Hope you get lucky because despite being well known and around for what seems like ever, this classic instrumental has no entries on popsike and I can't remember the last time I saw one for sale. My big black book from 1993 onwards shows only one even back then and my copy (sadly long since departed my box) was picked up at a soul night in Shropshire / Black Country in the mid nineties @ £200 if my memory serves me correctly, and I do remember being absolutely surprised to find it at this gig. Again - best of luck Steve
  10. Fred PM'd you Steve
  11. Speaking of Mickie Champions - seems to be appearing almost every week on ebay - almost always in immaculate nick - maybe there is a load of these. June Jackson appears a different kettle of fish though. Frostie
  12. Darren Brown - outstanding - Thurs following sales week in your A/C - sometimes only a couple of days if sold Monday / Tues Steve
  13. A FEW MORE LOOKING FOR GOOD, APPRECIATIVE HOMES FABULOUS APOLLOS - THE ONE ALONE / DETERMINATION - VALTONE VG+ £275 awesome double sided floor filler of the highest calibre - looks and plays great. BILLY PROPHET - WHAT CAN I DO - SUE WLP -SINGLE SIDED M- £550 A Juggy Jackson Barnes all timer - essential - fabulous condition ELLUSIONS - YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO LEAVE - LAMON VG+ £550 never turns up anymore - immense/catchy/sax break legendary sound MODERN SOUL TRIO - YOU'RE NO GOOD - YOUNGSTOWN M- £800 SOLD The rarest / best sound seen on this site for ages - just awesome - and exclusivity is guaranteed virtually no ones got one - only one youtube post and that's from John Manship - except my spot from the Jersey alldayer Aug. 2015 that's on there. Looking cheap as I type this STEELERS - JUST BEGINNING TO LOVE YOU - CRASH VG++ £300 Floor filling Chicago masterpiece - those horns - you've just got to dance SYL JOHNSON - DO YOU KNOW WWHAT LOVE IS - SPECIAL AGENT VG+ £275 Another Chicago masterpiece - 201 yellow version - plays great - is great CHEVRONS - LOVE, I LOVE YOU - INDEPENDENCE PROMO VG++ £200 SOLD x on label - massive in-demander. Love it - west coast brilliance. 7 more killers from the Frost box - give me a shout if interested or questions Steve
  14. Hi, I on discogs US site - $1200 though
  15. Got a copy = wlp - Deletts - will have to check condition - defo not a minter but depends on your requirements / expectations Will get back to you tomorrow Steve
  16. CONTRIBUTE TO THE KITCHEN FUND - RANGE COOKER KNACKERED MISSUS NOT A HAPPY BUNNY - HAD TO BUY BACK HER OWN FAVOURITE LAST WEEK (Ivorys) AND NOW THE COOKERS SHOT PEOPLES CHOICE - SAVIN' MY LOVIN' - PALMER 5020 - ISSUE VG+ £500 £425 SOLD Essential all-time Wylie / Hestor anthem - slight ring wear / slight xol - bullet proof sound PENETRATIONS - SWEET, SWEET BABY / CHAMPAGNE - TERI DEE VG £300 £255 SOLD L.J. Smith / G. Colbert - immense double sider - HOW RARE IS THIS INCARNATION & How good. - Better than 1/2 price - plays much better than it looks - bargain SANDY WYNNS - I'LL GIVE THAT TO YOU - SIMCO WD VG+ £ 250 £215 Another all time floor detonator. So good ICEMEN - IT'S TIME YOU KNEW - OLE-9 M- £350 £295 Virtually unplayed - New York anthem apparently - mostly thought of as being Chicago Regardless of where it's from it is undeniably brilliant - a beaut. Give me a shout as usual Steve
  17. Hi, Sorry about delay - mad busy at work - as described - some writing on label / scuffs and background noise but once it gets going - the mojo comes alive. Steve
  18. CALL IT HERESY BUT SAT IN THE KITCHEN - LISTENING TO SOME CD'S AND REALISED I'D GOT A LOT ON UNUSED VINYL. SO HERE IS THE OPPORTUNITY TO SNAFFLE SOME REALLY HARD PIECES AND MY MISSUS MIGHT GET HER KITCHEN FINISHED - A WIN/WIN/WIN FOR ALL PARTIES SOME HAVE SEEN BETTER DAYS BUT ALL ARE GREAT FOR DJ'ING / PLAYING / JUST LOOKING AT / TORMENTING THE LESS FORTUNATE - SO HAVE A LOOK AND GET INVOLVED - LOADS MORE TO FOLLOW - SO IF ANY WANTS - ALSO GIVE ME A SHOUT - MIGHT GET YOU TO THE FRONT OF THE QUEUE. IVORYS - PLEASE STAY - DESPENZA 470 - OFFERS - WITHDRAWN - MISSES BOUGHT IT OFF ME !!! - SEE ABOVE chip out of centre hole edge - dnap - plays bullet proof and as rare as Wand release on this Despenza offering MR. SOUL - WHAT HAPPENED TO YESTERDAY - GENUINE - OFFERS - SOLD cig burn to vinyl but plays through and of course is absolutely 'Champions League' quality and rarity THEE MIDNIGHTERS - YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CRY - WHITTIER VG- OFFERS BEST OFFER £550 - SOLD Their best / rarest / label wear but such a powerhouse top sound - so hard to acquire- what a sound MILTON & WINSTON - YOU LIED - FALSTAFF VG- OFFERS BEST OFFER - SOLD Again - awesome in demand rarity - serious label damage to both sides but vinyl in good shape and so atmospheric CHARLES SHEFFIELD - MOJO WORKING - EXCELLO G+ £200 SOLD Real r & b anthem - wol /marks and background noise but still a real floor filler. PAUL THOMPSON - SPECIAL KIND OF WOMAN - VOLT ISSUE OF COURSE - VG+ £450 SOLD immense sound - only on this stupidly rare issue - very slight ring wear to label - as good as it gets JUST THE HALF A DOZEN FOR KNOW - MAYBE SOME MORE TOMORROW !! STEVE
  19. Dave, I think you probably know the answer to that one, but then again what level of venue or audience are we talking about - the 'glitterati' will turn their nose up, so play what you like - the punters will soon let you know - lets be honest the Four Tops have had more brilliant non-released tracks than just about any other vocal group, as well as more hits than anyone else, coupled with one of the greatest live acts - Their entrance to the stage at the Birmingham Odeon - in 1972 - 2 from each side of the stage with a full Motown orchestra backing them after Mabel John had warmed up remains with me to this day - I digress ( just visualising them ) I know I'd much rather hear this particular sound than most of the so called clapped out top 500 - but I fear that that's what the rest of most people's spots would comprise of so it would all get tarred with the same brush. Best of luck Vadnochka
  20. ASCOTS - COLOR ME SOUL - CRAZY CAJUN M- £80 includes - 'She's so indifferent to me know' & 'Serenade our love' - brilliant DANNY WAGNER - KINDRED SOUL - IMPERIAL M- £60 includes - 'I lost a true love' & non 45 - 'This thing called love' Same as Johnny Wyatt - and massive at the Mecca 73/74 PLAYERS - HE'LL BE BACK - MINIT VG+ £40 includes non 45 - Get hep to love - brilliant TIMI YURO - SOMETHING BAD ON MY MIND - LIBERTY M- £100 save yourself a grand - original 68 issue of 'never be over for me' - 45 from 69. MARY SAXTON - SAD EYES - BIRCHMOUNT M- £100 includes both ' Losing control' and 'Take my heart' - Canadian only - save yourself £1500 SOUL STIRRERS - THE JUDGEMENT - CHECKER VG++ £70 includes 'Don't you worry' - super rare Ter Mar studios Chicago 69 - the Crume Bros. best give me a shout as usual Steve
  21. Was a £30-40 sound at JM & Adey Pearce had it for £12 in the mid nineties - always a quality mid tempo sound, but then again the Masqueraders 'How' was also sub £100 sound back then. Steve

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