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Everything posted by Damian

  1. Hello all, If someone's got a clean spare of Geater Davis / Don't Walk Off and Leave Me (Luna) I'd appreciate a shout - I know it's a common record but it's been eluding me. EU/UK seller preferred. Not fussed about issue/demo etc. I just want the song. Thank you, D
  2. Mine please, will PM.
  3. Specials please if still there - I'll get in touch shortly. Thank you!
  4. Dropped you an email Ady.
  5. Hello all, Looking for this ideally VG+ or better, might settle for a VG if the grooves are not busted and it doesn't sound like bacon frying (i.e. just hissy). Please DM set price, no offers. Thank you, D
  6. Quite a few of us after this one for "I'll Be Gone", terrific tune.
  7. Might consider it if you can name a set price, not into the offers game. Thank you.
  8. @Nitram here!
  9. Well, one did sell on Ebay for around $800 last year so I guess they're being hopeful. Although I do agree that it is completely nuts. As for rarity, the yellow CMB one seems to pop up less often? In any case, it has some extra backing vocals towards the end of "Told You" that I'm not a big fan of, having heard the other version first.
  10. "I Done Told You" is very sought after by the lowrider crowd. And it IS a superb tune in that regard. "Missing You" on the other hand.. eh.
  11. Hello all, Missed out on a copy today by a few minutes so putting feelers out for a decent playable copy, does not have to be M- but the styrene must not be blasted (a soundclip would be very welcome). Ideally would love an "octagon" label demo. Please DM with details, set price, no offers thank you. Cheers, D
  12. PM'd you re: Rock Candy.
  13. Looking for a clean (VG+ and up) original copy of the International GTO's on Rojac, please DM with set price/condition. Bell Sound stamp, vinyl not styrene, etc. etc. Thank you, D
  14. Hello all, Looking for a clean (VG+ or better) original copy of this, not the '70s styrene boot. Both sides must play cleanly, photos and/or soundclip appreciated. Please DM set price and condition, thank you, D
  15. Damian


    Hello Dianne, thank you but I'm afraid that the MR-stamped one is the bootleg - "Monarch Recording". Originals are thick heavy vinyl (yours will probably be styrene) and have a "Bell Sound" stamp on the runout. Atb, Damian
  16. Damian


  17. Naturals - Color Him Father please Des, not sure if PM went through. Thank you.
  18. Hello all, Looking for a VG+ or better original copy (not the boot with the crappy printing) of this one, please DM set price and condition if you've got one. Thank you, D
  19. Looking for a clean original copy of this if anyone's got one.. please PM with price and condition. Thank you, D
  20. Wouldn't mind one myself!
  21. Soul Majestics... nailed it.. when I saw that last copy go for $800+ on eBay I just couldn't believe my eyes.
  22. Great thread, found it just yesterday. First one that came to mind was TSU Toronados on Rampart. May have been rare at some point but there's probably a few hundred copies out there by now (with a new one going up on Discogs every week, it seems) and it still sells for 200-300 $/£. Top notch record whatever the case. It's probably also a good example of a record that people won't let go of once they have it in their collection - same as with Soul Brothers 6 on Fine, although that one seems to be more scarce overall. This is just personal impression from someone who hasn't been at this long, all of that said..
  23. Thank you. I looked it up and it turns out I already have that on LP - but it's on some weird unheard of label called something like "Music on Vinyl" or "Vinyl Only Records" (?) or something to that effect, and sounds pretty bad - this is actually what I had in mind when I wrote about sound quality in my initial post. It sounds as if many of the songs had been lifted off badly worn 45's and not even on good gear, and then EQ'd to death to compensate (making it even worse). I can't imagine that a Goldmine CD would sound like this, I'll check out the samples online. ATB.
  24. Thank you very much Rick. I believe I've actually got one of the "Where the Girls Are" volumes somewhere myself, on LP; I agree with your description, they weren't strictly soul, more girl group, but still an enjoyable listen from what I recall. I should fish it out from wherever it's hiding and give it a spin, it's been ages.
  25. Will check it out thank you Dave.

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