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Pete Morgan

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Everything posted by Pete Morgan

  1. A good mate of mine who is on this list, Steve Mochan had a copy of the Agents- trouble with two labels on it. It was almost hanging off. I was so tempted to rip it off (like when you get a crusty scab that needs to be picked off!) .. I left it alone though pete morgan
  2. To Ady and family, Our deepest sympathy in your tragic loss. You are in our thoughts and prayers at this difficult time. Pete Morgan and Family
  3. Last played them three weeks ago after dj,ing in Sydney...happen to be a messy dj ;so they are all over the place Ree Flores - look into my heart M+ h Pattie Austin - Giving all my love ... Coral ( been a few of these in peeps boxes!) Jj Callier- pusherman - Jay cee Dean Courtney - Love you just can,t walk away - MGM Bileo - you can win - Watt city Records Inspirations - Your wish is my command - Midas Dusty Springfield - Am i the Same Girl -Phillips (aussie) Sandy Wynns - Touch of Venus - Phillips ( aussie) Magicians - Is it all gone - Villa Randy Brown - I,m Always in the mood - Parachute Carol Anderson - Sad girl - Fee Jimmy Mc Farland - Lonely Lover - Rpr Carl Spencer - cover girl - Rust Frankie Valli - You ready now - Phillips ( SOUNDED GREAT !!) Bottom and co - gonna find a true love - motown ( ps Doud parkinson was at no 22 and i played it, still reckon it sounds a bit "love boat" cheesy ) cheers Pete morgan
  4. Some great choices here !! I also like 'Whitey on the moon " BY Gil Scott Heron, a priceless time capsule of black life in the ghettos whilst white man was jumping around the lunar surface. something off same LP is "The revolution will not be televised" ( title name of LP) couldn,t find a video clip of Whitey track but this is ok https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTCQSk2l8bc...ated&search= pete m
  5. Love this thread, I reckon Bobby womack has to be the hardest working soul singer ... what a selection of tunes.... one track i am enjoying and playing out quite a bit is his 1993 outing with LULU ! " I,m back for more" on dome 12"( sorry can,t send clip) Pete morgan
  6. welcome Janine, To Australia One more to the soulful pot !!! thank god, we need some more soulful poms over here .!!... the plus to moving here..... nothing better than leaving an allnighter and crashing out on the beach.. looking forward to your visit to Sydney Pete Morgan
  7. Fantastic stuff Pete, It is a hot sunday morning in Sydney ,The wife and daughter have gone out and your podcast is cranked up !! cheers Pete . I am loving the Ska podcast too. pete m
  8. I used to know a youth who had "Black Power" on a 78 bootleg I am Not a Bootlegger :-) I cut the Black Power on to 78 rpm acetate late 77! I bought an EMI 78 rpm recording machine mid 70,s ( a museum piece ) and i cut two copies of James Colt and One copy of Jimmy McFarland just for a laugh. The quality was crap as it was recorded from speakers from my Auntie Flossies music centre through to a Classic looking chrome type 'elvis' microphone onto a 1950,s cutting machine. Small world that i have been sprung ! I am amazed !! That would be a one of as i threw the other copy out years ago. I still have the Jimmy McFarland back in Wales though, no money ever passed hands and no 45 was hurt in the tests I still have the emi machine in North Wales if any Museum is interested to buy it! 100% true story Pete Morgan
  9. thanks for all the info guys, guess i won,t bother with the decks Pete morgan
  10. Has anybody got one of these? If so is this a better option than the Numark usb deck. ? If you get two of them i am a bit confused how you would be able to use a mixer and plug it into a usb port ? It seems a better option with a pitch control and being direct drive any help greatly appreciated TIA Pete Morgan here is the deck in question https://www.djstore.co.uk/cgi-bin/item.pl?&...item=kamddx4000
  11. I played " Open the door to your heart " last night and it sounded great loud ! , I know it is quite A raw sound ,but people were asking about the label, and who ,s version was it and it got me curious about it,s orogins; where is the shiptown label based and any info on group? Are the echoes the same as EJ and the Echoes ? TIA Merry christmas to all soul sourcers Pete Morgan
  12. Here is my 5 selection from both of my sets this Saturday in Sydney Magicians - Is it all Gone - Villa Inspirations - Your wish is my command- Midas Ree Flores - Look into My Heart - M&h Pattie Austin Giving All My love to you - Coral Bobby Guitar Wood - Mighty Nice to Know - colt other side Joe Valentine -Iv,e Lost the only love i ever had- Val Gloria Scott- What am i gonna do - casablanca 45 Incognito - People at the top - Dome LP Norma Jean - Saturday !2" (thanks Dave Thorley for tip !) Stephanie Cook - I thank you 12 " King st cheers Pete Morgan Merry Christmas to all on soul source, will be thinking of you all when i,m on the beach on boxing day!
  13. My hero would have to be Adrian Pountain, without a doubt. Half my collection are records he introduced me to, and half my want are also - he's got a lot to answer for! . A man of impeccable taste spanning all types of soul music. Ditto !!! My mentors back in the day would be the older Welsh lads who shone the soul torch for the rest of us North Walians ie Bob Foster and all his mates around that time, Then it would be Rob Marriot and his big bruv who had impeccable taste , All the dj,s at Wigan who got me totally addicted !! and after all that i thought i knew a fair bit and migrated to Australia and met Ady Pountain who nutured and taught me loads and sold me loads of nice tunes; as well as half of Australia ! The man is a true legend, passionate about soul and a wicked sense of humour. Pete morgan
  14. Aretha Franklin - Rock with me (sparkle) she's not called the queen of soul for nothing. SSSSSSOUL Sorry for last post I play above tune on a 45 , is it the same tune ( atlantic) ? lps i do play out Jackie Wilson - My heart is calling / I don,t want to lose you skullsnaps drizabone Linda Jones - Last minute miricale Isley bros - my love .... Temptations - save my love for a rainy Day Incognito Marvin Gaye Mpg stuff can,t see the problem it is the original format ...only prob is the output which can be tweeked pete m
  15. I might be hallucinating but i remember a certain person at wigan playing a tune around christmas time...lonely little christmas tree or summat like that ?? anyone remember..?.pretty cheesy if i remember right. At home i dig out every christmas morning a Gladys knight lp ...all the classic carols ...perfect seeing it usually is 35+ centigrade on christmas day in Sydney ...no chance of snow :-( no chance of a white christmas :-( pete m
  16. A couple of years ago i got off the bus in Sydney and there was a stall near the bus stop run by Australian country wives association they were selling scones and knitted coat hangers and bric a brac. I spotted a record box and skipped past all the Perry Comos etc and saw a white Abc Us Demo ! getting excited i pulled it out The Trends 'Not too old to cry " . I nearlly fainted . I also pulled out a Doug Parkinson I,ll be around aand a Renee Geyer be there in the morning 45 not a bad find for a pile of 20 records 3 being of Northern interest. 50 c each .....bargain ! pete morgan
  17. I did hear that bb refered to the bb gun and the hole looked like a bit like the bb bullet hole ? not sure if true or not. About the ballast thingy, I used to dive a lot in Bermuda in the 80,s. I used to regulary dive on a wreck called the constillation. ( same wreck which derived the Peter Benchley story in the "Deep" book and movie ) . The wreck sank in the early 40,s and i found crates and crates of 78,s buried near the wreck as well as the famous morphine ampules .! not too sure if it was ballast or just cargo , the 78,s still had lables intact, but they were all fused together. Pete morgan
  18. The one and only 'event' that I ever took my partner to (some 16 odd years ago) she described as "Some sort of cult, where everyone looks brainwashed." My wife is Australian and a few years younger than me, i used to drag her to the soul nights when i dj,ed. one night i was playing i looked around the room and didn,t see her for at least an hour.I finished feeling slightly worried and got a girl to check the ladies and she was asleep on the toilet...bored shitless was her response. I go on my own now. she also couldn,t understand why we all shuffle around the dancefloor and don,t lift up our feet! The best was that it reminded her of a gay night, "all these blokes dancing on their own" she also questions why all the songs have "Baby" or "love" in the lyrics. guess i will not convert her :-( pete m
  19. I passed on a copy of vid to steve a couple of years ago never clocked you on it, have to have another look [/quote Hi Mike, any chance of a spare copy for me? all the copies i have don,t have these outakes(clip above) on it.Hope you are well regards Pete m
  20. How not to shuffle skip the clip to 2 mins 30 sec and i am the fool trying to shuffle/stomp in the red stripe shirt. my old mate Steve roberts from colwyn bay has the white flat cap..he was always a good dancer ....bastard :-). most dj,s can,t dance inho pete morgan
  21. Some records just get you up for the weekend, here one that always does it for me. 60's fans run for the hills 6mins of heaven Norma Jean-Saturday(Bernard Edwards and Nile Roders at their best) Cheers Dave, that put a skip in my step for the weekend ! ( 38 degrees centigrade today .... the world is frying ..not even summer yet ! may try and play this in my set at the national weekender in Melbourne ;-) could you pass on my best wishes to Ay Pountain and Arthur and Maria at the November night you are dj,ing at all the best Pete Morgan (sydney)
  22. ] Shopping in Matalan yesterday and Ann Sexton - You've Been Gone Too Long comes on.Couldn't believe me ears.Quick spin then backflip while in queue. Anyone else heard similar while out shopping? Dave. well in Sydney last month i was shopping with the missus in Kmart and nearlly fainted as Drizabone "Real Love' came on !! had a little shuffle down the gardening isle.Cheered me up for the day ! on reaching the check out i enquired about the stores music policy and he said it was same selection as all the stores get, on line . the song after it was crap Pete m
  23. - will the rotter who stole my leather Stu Bugger me i had my faithfiul duffel coat nicked at Wigan by a iinfamous person on the scene who will remain nameless, and My old mate Dave Withers gave him a physical serving the following saturday on my behalf. Coats were quite a popular thing to nick on those cold nights. Infact in the late 70,s there seemed to be quite a bit of light fingered activity on the scene. I lost tunes at the ritz and girls handbags were going as well. guess all the dodgy elements have left the scene these days and now all we have to worry about is greed and liable cases what a wonderful world Pete Morgan
  24. Hello, has any one got any memories of the All Dayers at The Ritz in Manchester that they would care to share. I'm researching a book on Manchester clubbing from the later 70's to the mid 80's and would be grateful if anyone could provide any info on the DJ's, music styles, how often they took place and so on, or indeed any info on Rafters etc in the same time scale ? Well, Like Mike ( Mr soul source) i was from North Wales and we used to all to go to the Ritz all Dayers after Wigan each month and sometimes if a bank holiday weekend; Bellevue on the Monday bank holiday. It blew me away when i first arrived for the first time in the mid 70,s it was so posh ( at the time ) wall to wall carpets and a huge sprung dance floor in the middle ( with a fence type post around in places) the record bar was at the left of the dancefloor and was different to wigan as the influx of 12,s had started.. 1st tune i heard was carwash.......... It seemed that the djs alternated with levine and curtis or Searling and sam and Pat Brady etc ....so it was all mixed up and you had to wait for Northern.sets whilst the strange people with jellybean plastic shoes and whistles danced to Dc Larue "cathedrals" and let,s all chant etc... on reflection the tunes were quite camp and i imagine very US disco. I did like a few of the tunes and it was quite a wierd fusion of people..I remember at the change over that most Jazz funkers would leave the floor and the Northern soul people would fill the floor.There were a few dodgy people there as well My mates wife had her handbag nicked at one Ritz all Dayer and i lost my coat and a few 45,s..another time. I remember seeing Tavaras there straight after they were at Wigan.....Too F###ked to remember much though at the time.... What was the pub called round the corner ? pre drinks place ,was it the oxford?. In all i have great memories about the venue until i revisited a few years ago from Aussie to see Eddie Holman and was devistated about the seedy state of the place..The downstairs toilet area was damp and flooded.but the music was great ( it was a revival night)The Ritz was truly a jewel in the crown at the time ...a pleasant chill out place after a seedy sweaty night at Wigan. Interesting new sounds which helped my tunnel vision at the time see more sides to our wonderful music heritage Pete m

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