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Bjorn Nilsson

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Everything posted by Bjorn Nilsson

  1. The first issues only credits Reave Watkins for the song. EDIT: Was a bit late here. Simons post has the details! I also doubt that a picture sleeve exists. Has anybody actually seen one?
  2. Thanks! Staying in this weekend because of the flu but these podcasts really makes it much easier!
  3. Sha La La - mixed feelings - united 14782 refosoul
  4. Edit: Sorry posted wrong version.
  5. I hope the doctor ordered 24 hours of soul music per day!
  6. Seen it around £150.
  7. Played Out Playgirl - arthur freeman - excello 14533 refosoul
  8. Somebody's Changing My Sweet Babys Mind - little milton campbell - checker 14522 refosoul
  9. A Lovely Way To Die - jackie wilson - 14485 refosoul
  10. Sad Man's Land is also on their 45 on Tobin (yellow or blue label) but it has Hey Little Girl on the other side which is a fantastic stormer! Does anyone know anything about this group?
  11. Thanks! Lots of new tunes for me. Will be perfect when i'm working from home!
  12. This thread reminds me a couple of years ago when me & my girlfriend was celebrating our first year together. One of my friends told the dj (Heikki H from Finland) and he played The Bitter & The Sweet - I Won't Have Any Babies For You for the happy couple!
  13. Which I think is the point in this case. If the Tolbert was 1000+ copies no one would care. It's a good song but not +£2000 good (my opinion). But that is also the point of northern/rare soul! I love sertain songs more just because they are extremely rare and I think that that is the case with everyone here even if they don't confess to it! But it's a big difference to love a song just because it's rare!
  14. Sex!? My experiece has been: Internet porn, drugs and Northern Soul.
  15. I think it's just that people are being aware of it's value since they seem to come from different sources and both issues & demos.
  16. I like these kind of proto-house records! Maybe not soul though.
  17. Great selection! Have'nt heard them all yet but I'm sure I'll like them too. The Christian Plicque went on Ebay for just £20 a couple of months ago but I was totally broke as usual so I missed it.
  18. Playin' Games - t-connection - dash 14363 refosoul Refosoul Rare and Northern Soul Clip library Not everyones cup of tea I'm sure, but personally I love it!
  19. Personally I like dancing competitions! If you don't like them you can just get off the floor for fifteen minutes and have a beer or something. I think the trick is not to take it seriously at all, it's just a game and if the best woman/man does'nt win it's not a big deal.
  20. My current T.K. favourite is T-Connections Playing Games on Dash! Probably has six or seven guitar solos and I would'nt dare to play it out but I can't help loving it.
  21. No idea of the value but I've got it on Swedish Atlantic!
  22. When I bought from them a couple of years ago the paper sleves did'nt fit inside the cardboard ones. Had to fix 100 of them with a ruler and a swiss army knife.
  23. I have thought about dj'ing with a bare lower part of my body. Not sure if it makes me a great dj though but I'm sure it would help!
  24. I'm not a usual fan of blue-eyed soul but The Way of The Crowd is one of my all time favourite beat ballads/enders. It's just Real Soul! Fantastic!

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