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Bjorn Nilsson

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Everything posted by Bjorn Nilsson

  1. Swedish Jackie Wilson. Front and back:
  2. I'm not djing very often but here is a few that i tend to take with me but never play: Vi Campbell - Seven Doors, Peacock. Played it once in an R&B club. Dan Folger - Way Of The Crowd, Elf. Played out twice very early when it was just me and my frend in the whole place. Volcanos - A Ladys Man, Arctic. Great but hard to dance to. Have played the other side (Help Wanted) a couple of times.
  3. Yes it's on his "Just For You" LP but it's also on 45.
  4. Posted this a couple of days ago in another thread. Fantastic! Get It Right - soul president - big mack
  5. And here is my current favourite 80's! Just What I Had In Mind - gary taylor - a&m lp
  6. My current favourite 70's track! Don't Tell Me You're Sorry - chuck cissel - arista
  7. Ok! Sorry I think I got it a bit wrong. Thought I understood British humour but this Internet thing makes it harder! Take care!
  8. Why do some people here imply that all great dancers have a gigantic ego? Is it because they can't dance them selves or something? I have'nt met all these fantastic dancers but the ones I have met have been just as nice and down to Earth as anyone else!
  9. I remember a black guy I think was called Carl from Mansfield. I met him in Gothenburg and in Cleethorpes around 2001/2002. Very nice guy and the best acrobatics I've ever seen!
  10. Romeo And Juliet - Jimmy Helms - Pye UK
  11. Four Vandals I quite like them but I think It's much because of the incredible story that surrounds it (the same reason that many hate them!)
  12. Here is my first 15. In order: 1. The Webs - Give in 2. Chappels - Help me somebody 3. Shirley & Jesse - You can't fight love 4. Joe Taylor - You don't love me 5. The Vanguards - The thought of losing your love 6. Wizdom - I'm so in love with you 7. Herman H. Harper II - Headed for the streets 8. George perkins - I'm so glad you're mine 9. Arthur Freeman - Played out playgirl 10. The Butlers - Laugh, laugh, laugh 11. Bobby Joy - You sweet devil you 12. The Spoilers - Hey little girl (come on be my girl) 13. Robert Taylor - So much love 14. The Chimes - The beginning of my life 15. Billy Paul - Your song
  13. Great clip that brings back memories. Saw him in Gothenburg a couple of weeks ago. Fantastic! I was glad that his voice sounded better than ever!
  14. Just bought this for the other side but I haven't got it yet. Nice to hear that this side is great too!
  15. I don't have a pet but I named two companies that I'm involved with Shrine and Sentry after the record companies.
  16. I'm not at home now so I can't check, but I'm pretty sure that the Atlantic and Jetstream are different takes. I think the Jetstream version is faster and better.
  17. Sorry to hear that. Really enjoyed them!
  18. Just looked at the Google ads at the bottom of the page! Steam-irons made in China. Thats irony.
  19. I had a record a couple of years ago that had a bad warp so i stuck it in a bok and put it in the book shelf. It was a rare jazz EP so it could take all the time it needed as I'm not a big fan of jazz. The trouble now is that I can't remember in what book I put it. Will try Pete's way next time!
  20. Yes we are! Much more than all these cold, heartless women.
  21. J. R. Bailey - Just Me 'n' You is a fantasic LP in a similar style to What's Going On.
  22. £700
  23. The other version is on Atlantic.
  24. The Work Song...
  25. This week it's a slow one. Big Maybelle - If I Had You. It's an unreleased track from Goldmines Big City Soul 4.

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