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Everything posted by Mixedangased

  1. It was prob Toni basil as I bought it off of Carl fortnum years back in the 80s
  2. Haha I've had one like that from the states,mrs phones me at work ,big parcel here for you !wot you bought now ? Lol rush home and find massive box with single 45 in,lucky no custom charges tho ?
  3. Ok mate thanks will have a look .
  4. Ain't that terrible wanted please ,demo or issue, pm price and condition please.
  5. I'm interested too but can't pm him,is he not on here anymore ?
  6. The free disc has scratched in matrix.
  7. Pm sent little anthony
  8. I'm after this if for sale jazz
  9. About £500.me thinks
  10. Eamsey on here had one for sale
  11. Some bloke Fred selling one on fb £125 hes on here too !
  12. Pm sent
  13. I've just looked at mine no f/w scratched just the number at about 7 o'clock, has dimple before the centre,the e is smudged and thin flex you vinyl,gonna put it on the cleaner and have another good look.heres a pic.
  14. Ok many thanks for the info,will keep an eye out for the Beatles :-)
  15. Ok john thanks, wasnt sure with these things,not mine anyways ,( I got a real one),gonna sell for a mate. will chuck it on eBay and see what happens.lol. what does a real emi look like ? Are they typed labels ??
  16. Yeah bought a oki knocki a couple of years ago,works really well, all depends on how many tunes you gotta clean.
  17. what would you value this at please ? many thanks
  18. As per title somebody's always trying issue or demo cond and price please
  19. As per title ,here now, £25 each or all 3 £60.00 .07745230430
  20. There's a second issue on discogs

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