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Johnny Jones

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Everything posted by Johnny Jones

  1. A few from a few weeks ago. A quiet moment of our dogs (Rain, Bo and Nell), and Rain posing.
  2. Nice selection of wildlife to view yesterday, Linacre Reservoir near Chesterfield.
  3. Back from a week in Filey, had a fantastic few hours at Bempton Cliffs. Amazing spectacle if you like seabirds. Here are a few of the many (probably over 100 photos) i took there plus a couple of others from the week. Gannets, Puffins, Razorbills, Herring Gulls, Kittiwakes, Guillemots, Jackdaws.
  4. A few from the dog walk this morning (and one of Rain, our Whippet).
  5. A nice walk around Poolsbrook Country Park near Chesterfield today, very fortunate to spot the Deer in the wood to the side of us, even more fortunate to get a decent photo, it just stared straight at me for a couple of minutes then went on its way, great day.
  6. A few more from yesterday, there's a Goldcrest in the middle one, there was a couple of them zooming about, but they were too fast for me.
  7. A nice walk around Rufford park yesterday, blew the All Dayer Hangover cobwebs off
  8. Cheers Paul, will do, looking forward to a cracking day. Roger Banks coming in the afternoon, flogging vinyl if you're interested pal.
  9. A few from last week, Had a poorly laptop but got it up and running again
  10. 3 from this afternoons dog walk, Great Tit, Redwing and Robin
  11. Back to work tomorrow so a few more til next week, hope u like them . J.J.
  12. A few from today, lovely blue sky makes the perfect backdrop to some of these.
  13. Thanks, I thought it might be , was stood in mud, a dog on either side pulling me in different directions trying to get a better shot but to no avail
  14. A Few more from today, Long tail tit, Great tit, From the size of these and the noise they made, i'm assuming a pair of Ravens (never seen any round here before).Need some help with the next one ?? and when i got back on to the bottom of my street these flock of Waxwings were on the roof opposite
  15. A few on my walk with the dogs this morning, don't think i did bad juggling two dogs and a camera (might join the circus). Berries in abundance for the birds and squirrel.
  16. Something Different Soul Club 1st Sunday Soul Session of 2017
  17. A couple of nice ones from this mornings dog walk, usual Robin photo included
  18. A couple of Moorhen Photos on Cromford Canal earlier in the year.

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