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Everything posted by Widnes63

  1. Ste they are brilliant photos mate
  2. You get the 10 points, well done Dave my next guess was going to be joshen berry (spelling ?)
  3. My dad makes jam from the fruit on his allotment, Plum, Damson, Strawberry, Redcurrant and Rhubarb, i'm running out of ideas
  4. Dave did you give us a clue in Latin ? Is it a Prune ?
  5. Ste you can give me the names next time I see you, very intriguing How times have changed, no mobiles and social media back then
  6. My dad bought me the Book of British Birds for my 14th birthday a loooooong time ago, this started my interest in birds, I recently had Tweet of the day bought for me ( my dad listens to it on Radio 4)...not a bad little book, full of interesting facts and anecdotes, plus it has an accompanying BBC website with all the bird songs
  7. Haha what are we like !!! ...I hope Wendy doesn't see this because she will want to know why I didn't remember... You not gonna tell on me are you chaps ?
  8. Wendy !!! funny how you remember things after you have been given the answer thanks for reminding me Russell....nice couple.
  9. Looks a good night Russ.... I noticed a couple from sunny Runcorn over here in blighty dancing to Cashing in, she is the blonde centre stage with the dark top, he (Kev) is the grey haired chap dancing on the right... Do you know them Ste (Winsford) or Gary (Zed1) ?
  10. Looks a good night Russ.... I noticed a couple from sunny Runcorn over here in blighty dancing to Cashing in, she is the blonde with dark top centre stage, he (Kev) is the grey haired chap dancing on the right... Do you know them Ste ?
  11. Great song !!! Plus that's the largest bow I have seen
  12. Definitely the latter for me
  13. A Magling.... must admit that I had not heard of the Nutcracker before.
  14. Thanks Ste, after months in hospital it's good to have him home, he is still on a trickle of oxygen to help develop his lungs but that's nothing compared to what he has been through...... Hope to see you and Lou in the new year mate
  15. Remember Ronnie my grandson born premature at 28 weeks weighing in at 1lb 2oz ? Here he is pre hernia operation before he came home on the 23rd...... . And here he is at home having a sleep on his granddad, weighing in at nearly 7lb ..... My best Christmas present !!!
  16. Gaz I bet I can guess which one that ishope you and Debs are both well
  17. I worked with some lads from Barnsley and when young Carl said that he was getting his coit I didn't have a clue what he was talking about I soon picked up the lingo though, another was spice (sweets) great bunch of lads the Barnsley scaffs
  18. Ha Ha .... I should of researched it first, maybe then I wouldn't have posted...doh !!!!
  19. I remember Mick Jagger playing Ned Kelly in a film, don't remember the title though
  20. Thanks Dave ,both are doing well... funny enough I have been calling him big Ronnie ...it certainly opens your eyes when things happen to you personally, what about your poor mother having to carry you around at that weight, you were a big un
  21. Here is my eldest daughters partner holding my first grandchild....Little Ronnie weighing in at 1 pound and 3 ounces. He is so small due to malnourishment because of the placenta not being attached to mother properly, plus he was delivered 12 weeks early because my daughter had preeclampsia and her liver and kidneys where not functioning, Not a good weekend but a good start to the week.....both are doing well
  22. Ste I can remember you cruising around Widnes on your Lamby, usually on your way to the clinc to do a spot of fishing
  23. So that's where you have been hiding !!!! Nice bike Gaz, looks brand new
  24. Ste what a smooth talker you are

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