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Everything posted by Widnes63

  1. Well done Sandra & the runners up thanks Russell.
  2. Here's my contribution, cherry tree, spot the bird feeder
  3. Thanks for clearing that up for us Dylan
  4. If I remember correctly, when at the last anniversary I was told that it was one record per person instead of the usual one per ticket , so there would be less copies, ........ unless I dreamt it
  5. That's not good... and on such a quiet road.
  6. Correct !!! you get ten points
  7. Thanks Ste, I knew someone on here would know what it represented, its on a road that runs parallel with the M62 opposite the Dream statue at Sutton Manor colliery.
  8. This photo was taken last summer, any ideas ??? Was told that it had something to do with the tour of Britain.
  9. Been working in Liverpool with the lads, dotted around both sides of the river are ventilation towers for the tunnels under the river, this is the most ornate of them, the King Georges dock vents, in the alcoves on either side of the door where our scaffold wagon is protruding from are these two statues, one represents day and the other night, apparently the tunnels used to be open 24 hours a day, thus day and night.
  10. For those of you that remember the photos of my grandson Ronnie when he was born premature here is an update, first driving lesson and waiting patiently to be fed
  11. Well spotted Dave , had to put my specs on though to see them
  12. Never seen that clip before, great timing, Paul was one of those dancers that had a unique style, thanks for sharing
  13. Will look out for you Dave, hope there isn't too many men in shorts, I will get some funny looks bothering men in shorts .
  14. Hi Ste , didn't realise there was a reunion, i'll be at the 100 club that night mate.
  15. My sister sucks them up with the vacuum cleaner ..... I just live with them, keeps the fly population down.
  16. Hard to choose a favourite from this selection. Some good photographs. Thanks for sharing Russell.
  17. Jerry for me, he puts the message across better, he really does hurt on the other side, Sidney is just having a little moan about it...IMHO
  18. Nice photo Chris but is it just me getting the photo upside down ?
  19. Playlists, Mixcloud, You tube, all good ways of hearing something different or getting that 'so that's what it is' moment. In the Kenwood suite at Bury nighter some of the young soulies ask the DJ what was played and store the answer in their phones, I don't carry a phone out and I don't have the old pen and paper, I definitely wouldn't remember it if I was told so for me playlists are a yep !!!
  20. Such a shame that Lowton is closing, it seemed to be having a resurgence with more people attending each month, had some great nights there over the years & I will definitely be at the last one.
  21. We will be heading south next month for our annual pre anniversary nighter , unfortunately we only make two visits a year, alas real life often gets in the way
  22. Thoroughly slashed and beaten !!! great set for a sunday afternoon
  23. Ste your photographs are getting better all the time, these two are brilliant mate.
  24. Dave you have jogged my old memory with that comment, apparently the football game Subbuteo is named after the Hobby ( Falco Subbuteo ). The chap who invented the game wanted to call it " hobby for boys " but the maufacturers thought it a boring name so he came up with Subbuteo... That's the story I was told

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