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Everything posted by Widnes63

  1. Oh right, well I hope everything is ok in Lincolnshire then Lets hope we can get back to the 100 club soon, until then take care. Ste.
  2. Thanks Dave, I knew that you wouldn't let us down, I hope that it is going well for you over there. Ste.
  3. Andy, Tattoo Dave will have the answer to that, he will know what they are. Ste.
  4. Corporeal... word of the day Ste.
  5. I knew you wouldn't let me down
  6. Russell they look like photographs from another time. Very nice. Ste.
  7. I remember the lad with the choker type necklace dancing in Mr Ms 79/80ish, think his name is Sandy, he used to do some type of martial arts.
  8. Pass … you would have to educate me on that. I don't have an affinity with Judd, I remember a thread about people being filmed at events and his name was mentioned, I noticed that most of the clips on this thread were his. Just an observation. Ste.
  9. Although I wouldn't be seen dead dressed like that I can understand why some people do, they wear it like a badge, to make others see what they are part of, like Mods, Punks, Skins, Scooter scene et al, unfortunately the clothing chosen by the soul scene are atrocious, especially the extreme over the top multi pocket, multi badge gear, and as mentioned before this uniform was only around for a short period in time. Each to their own I suppose. As for our friend Giovani.... he's not good is he ? Although he is having the time of his life the poor chap is delusional if he thinks otherwise. Anybody know his history ? Where is he from ? How long has he been on "the scene" ? As mentioned before Northern has gone mainstream whether you like it or not, Zoe Ball played our friend Frank today on the radio and mentioned something about someone having a Northern Soul house party FFS !!! I would like to throw this in ... Poor old Judd and his ilk got slaughtered on here for filming events, now they are being cherry picked from you tube to post on here, just sayin' . Choose your corner. Ste.
  10. Thanks for the link Karl, interesting read. We do Pop Master every day in work , sitting in our scaffold wagon with a brew. My ex wife used to work in the library of Liverpool Hope university, when they went digital they filled numerous skips with records and cd's.
  11. Sad news indeed, first met Billy when he was on the door at Lowton with Jimmy Buff, It seemed at one time they were on the door of every decent venue. Sincere condolences to Billy's family. Ste x
  12. I always give my anniversary records to a friend who collects , I don't own a record player or collect myself so they go to him, I don't even think or care about how much they are worth, you can't put a price on happiness
  13. Definitely Ree for me , it just seems to have a bit more to it. Excuse my ignorance but why is Ree's version attributed to Ree Flores and Willies version to George Flores ? I could search for it but i'd like to see if any of our members knows the answer.
  14. I thought the same thing when I seen the studio set up they had, great photo but as you said so disappointing.
  15. How very poignant! I'm sure that she will keep you busy, she looks full of energy. Catch up in a few weeks. Ste .
  16. Very nice Dave, what have you named him ? Ste.
  17. Good morning Mr Smith, hope you are well. Definitely Spike island, great place for a walk, unfortunately the canal near Fiddlers is temporarily fenced off , so you can't walk to the Ferry Tavern . Ste .
  18. I'm good, thanks for that, I will have a look at the link
  19. Gaz hope you and Debs are both well, nice photos mate, any idea what the building and chimneys were used for ?
  20. Good to see you and Martyn last night at Bury town hall, very rare for the three of us to be in the same room, That was a great photo opportunity missed. Ste.
  21. Stubshaw Cross during the Wigan weekender along with a contingent of those kilt wearing chaps from north of the border Ste.
  22. Thanks for clearing that up Russ, can't believe we are having this conversation
  23. What a day Russell !!!

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