Although I wouldn't be seen dead dressed like that I can understand why some people do, they wear it like a badge, to make others see what they are part of, like Mods, Punks, Skins, Scooter scene et al, unfortunately the clothing chosen by the soul scene are atrocious, especially the extreme over the top multi pocket, multi badge gear, and as mentioned before this uniform was only around for a short period in time. Each to their own I suppose.
As for our friend Giovani.... he's not good is he ? Although he is having the time of his life the poor chap is delusional if he thinks otherwise. Anybody know his history ? Where is he from ? How long has he been on "the scene" ?
As mentioned before Northern has gone mainstream whether you like it or not, Zoe Ball played our friend Frank today on the radio and mentioned something about someone having a Northern Soul house party FFS !!!
I would like to throw this in ... Poor old Judd and his ilk got slaughtered on here for filming events, now they are being cherry picked from you tube
to post on here, just sayin' .
Choose your corner.