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Everything posted by Woodbutcher

  1. As an overall reference it matters to a degree but every individual has their own point of reference. True enough , but there were an awful lot of folk off their nuts sitting around talking complete bo****ks about records as I recall ... Perhaps some kindly old 'soul' would knock up for us 'uneducated types' a definitive list of every tune played out since about 1963 , where it was played first , who discovered and played it , what label it must be played on ... blah , blah , blah ...
  2. Which is fine if you were around right at the very beginning , have attended every venue since and were there when every record was played out for the first time ... that would be very few people methinks ... Someone new to the scene will always be playing catch-up as far as sounds are concerned , to them everything they hear will be a "newie" and by association will remind them of that era/venue where they first heard it .... When I started attending niters in the late 70's early 80's I was blissfully unaware of the ancient days of the Twisted Wheel , Torch , Casino etc. and what was played where and by whom , still am in all honesty ... I'm just one of those simple punters that likes what he likes and is more interested in the 'sounds' than the minutiae of the name of the singer's/songwriter's/producer's dog's favorite toy or what car the bass player drove to the studio in , yes these details mean everything to the Soul-Stasi but luckily we're not all inflicted ... I can pretty much remember where I bought every 45 in my collection and from whom I bought it , as well as being able to picture myself dancing to them , despite them being some 40 years "past their sell by date" ... Glad I headed for the dancefloor all those years ago and not into the dark mysterious corners that required passwords to enter and entailed sitting down all night involved in an amphet-induced 100mph conversation about matrix numbers ...
  3. Wakey , wakey ... you posted that one a month ago ....
  4. Sharon Scott , "It's Better" ... Ady's RCA 100 Club gem
  5. Love the expression on the horse's face too ...
  6. Right-click on the file ... click on the "Open image in - "Paint" option When open in Paint select "Resize" at top left ... Select "Pixels" ... change the size in the boxes shown . Then "Save As" whatever you wish to call the new version. Saving as a PNG file should prevent any nasty JPEG compression artifacts .
  7. Not many wearing 'hats' like that though ...
  8. "The King and Queen" just round the corner from the 100 Club ...
  9. A few more odds and sods ... Sunrise behind the "Ship of the Fens". M31 , Andromeda Galaxy. Glider mayhem. A nice little commission. Saturn. Cocoon Nebula. Horsehead and Flame. Toys.
  10. Just a 75-300mm lens and a steady hand ...
  11. A few from Little Gransden in August , first time two Lancasters have been in the air together for over 50 years ...
  12. Probably easier to see in this animation I knocked up last year , a complete years worth of data to show the progression of sunspots as they travel across the rotating sun .... Posting the 'noisy' version as it's got a rather decent backing track ...
  13. Hi Russell, Astronomy/Astrophotography in general , but sitting out in the sun is a whole lot more comfortable than being out in the cold at 3am ... All-niters for me these days tend to mean a 6 hour session under the stars ... All shot with a Canon 1000D through a Tal 100RS telescope and 1.4x Barlow lens giving a focal length of 1400mm , with Baader ND3.8 Solar Imaging film and an OIII filter. Started shooting the Sun in earnest a couple of years ago as a counter to the cloudy nights at the time , it soon became a bit of an obsession and I strove to get a shot every day if possible , 2014 saw me bag 309 days from 365 , not a target I'm likely to top so a more relaxed approach this year ... My Solar Imaging gallery is found here if anyone's interested ... http://www.astrobin.com/users/steveward53/
  14. Following Martyn's theme ... Another daylight Moon ... Better timed airliner ... more luck than judgement ... A week's worth of the biggest sunspot group for 20 odd years ... And a close-up of said group ... Click on thumbnails for a full size image ...
  15. Roy Thompson ... Columbia Green and White demo ... ?
  16. Not sure about tonight but I shall be tuning in to this tomorrow lunchtime ... https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04v6cws

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