Well that's because it's an archive page on the site ffs , I'm merely pointing out that Annette died in 2019 and therefore would have had a job reporting Jerry's passing on FB as per a previous posts claim ...
A somewhat more reputable source than Farcebook methinks ... https://chicago.suntimes.com/2019/9/30/20892400/annette-butler-jerry-iceman-cook-county-board-commissioner-bunny-smith-trio-obituary
Can find nothing online other than a couple of 'reports' on FB , I personally prefer a more reliable source , his demise was touted on Soulful Detroit in 2018 and that was false.
Never seen that before , I regularly rummage around the following offerings while waiting for the current auction to finish , and they've not yet returned to showing anything.
I'm in shock , just lost an old friend and one of the greatest drummers of all time.
Rest in peace Rick , you will be sorely missed by a generation ...
One thing I noticed regarding the "DJ COPY" stamp is that it's on the "Wrapped" side on the one John just auctioned but it's on the "Tomorrow" side on Discogs (which is presented as the A-side)
And does anyone have a soundfile of the "Tomorrow" side ? I've hunted high and low but can't find one anywhere on line.