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Woodbutcher last won the day on March 22

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About Woodbutcher

  • Birthday 02/02/1962

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  • Top Soul Sound
    Artistics - This Heart of Mine

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  1. That's only half a day then , man up ...
  2. Well you could always post the results here yourself rather than relying on someone else to do it. My biggest problem with Pat's auctions is that they tend to contain pretty run-of-the-mill tunes that would generally not be considered as 'auction items' , five pages of them at present. John and Tim's do attract the more unusual and bigger ticket records which is why they attract more attention on here I'd say.
  3. For as long as I can remember (back to '81) the figures that records have changed hands for has been a huge talking point so I can't see how you can see it as a 'new' thing ... ?
  4. Same rules apply with any other post/thread .... Not interested then just scroll on by.
  5. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8ibgwf
  6. Have just finished my latest binge watch , that of the wonderful 1979 UK production "Danger UXB". Based loosely on "Unexploded Bomb - The Story of Bomb Disposal, the memoirs of Major A. B. Hartley, MBE, RE" it's the tales of a bomb disposal unit during the Second World War starting in the dark days of the Blitz in 1940 when we faced the onslaught of the Austrian painters advances all alone. A good accurate portrayal of the technical side of the job involved. All thirteen episodes are available on Dailymotion.
  7. 1-36 in your previous request ... https://www.soul-source.co.uk/forums/topic/427622-100-club-anniversary-45s-discography/ 43rd 6t37 was Warren Ray etc - It’s the feeling I get / Clyde Moultry - Without your sweet lovin’ 44th 6t38 was Miss Louistine - Extra , Extra / Joe Hinton - I'm gonna stay with Sugar 45th 6t39 was Tammy Brooks - Home to my Baby / Harry Gates - Love will find a way.
  8. I know that Ted but it's more of a ball-ache to then format the info to post on here , for everyone who might be interested to see , rather than just taking a fullpage screenshot of the finished auction. You can't afford to wait until 6:15 because as soon as an item's been paid for it gets wiped off the page , some items sit for a good while but a lot get cleared quite quickly , which is why we both missed the Turbines as I said earlier.
  9. It's what's known as a bit of banter where I come from , relating to the difficulty in catching the finished auction results in full as they've finished and before items are paid for whence they disappear from the listing (as happened with the Turbines 45 tonight) I was waiting for the auction to end before grabbing a screenshot to post in case Mr Zanetti wasn't able to do so as happens occasionally. Maybe you'd like to step up and give it a go yourself next week for the experience. Might I suggest you think of why platforms like this have a set of emojis to use in posts to denote a flavour of the nature of comments , and after you've done so please put me on your 'ignore' list to prevent your delicate personage from taking offence at what seems like every word I type , ta very much ... PS , my site numbers seem to suggest that "rarely says something nice!!!" is a somewhat inaccurate statement.
  10. According to you , and as that's just another opinion I shall politely ignore it and get on with my evening , without resorting to oh so scary 'shouty' capitals I might add ...
  11. Steady on fella , it ain't finished yet , it's not a race you know ...
  12. Sorry but anything containing those bloody awful synth 'pew-pews' has no place at an all-niter ... The MD1932 release is acceptable though ...

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