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Guyh last won the day on October 5 2016

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  • Top Soul Sound

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  1. Ace read, great information, so interesting and presented so well too mate
  2. Proper fellow, and A1 collector
  3. Well Dave, what an absolutely cracking tale my friend, proper old school record hunting, well done. Some folk presume such things are purely luck and happenstance, but it's not either, it's all about the more you practise the luckier you get, it's down to skill, knowledge and experience, it's making your own luck mate! I enjoyed it no end, vicariously of course unfortunately. It really reminded me of my own UK record hunting as a youth. I was smiling to myself and excited too...even though it was Turf Moor as the backdrop. Thanks mate, a superb article and great great find!
  4. Cheers Solidsoul
  5. Brilliant, a staggeringly good vocalist and live on stage even better than vinyl 👍.
  6. I have a "flair" for cover-ups mate
  7. I didn't realise there was a ice hockey play sequence called The Michigan Move... they must have heard the record at Stafford
  8. Unbelievably excellent live on stage too! Totally brilliant...
  9. Tut tut Sir, ‘twas I and my Rose Batiste & The Revilets CU
  10. How about this for a piece of SoulTown Blackburn exclusive floorshaking
  11. This absolute ToTW monster is sure to get a play or two
  12. I seem to remember Eddie saying summat, but it was off the cuff and nothing personal. Lots of folk on the fringes of our scene don’t really understand it’s politics, complexities and in-fighting. Eddie is a “diamond geezer” and enjoys northern soul folk without being one himself, he’s a mod, and as such should be enjoyed...and is regularly patronised by me for being so!.
  13. My apologies on behalf of Chris, Keith...he’s a scum fan, yer know what they are like. Yep, I think there’re about 80-100 tickets left mate. So you can safely order. Do please make sure you leave your mailing address also if paying by PayPal. Cheers
  14. PM me with an offer mate. Excellent condition yellow demo. I might sell...
  15. It actually looks like we might be starting at 18:00 now and using the bottom room for the 2 earlier hours...watch this space, sort of

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