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Everything posted by brianmcb

  1. Across the Board Soul - Northern classics, Motown, Philly and Modern. All proceeds to Ostley House Dementia Village. Barrow-in-Furness. DJs - Steve Ahern, Gary White, Jonny Mutton & Paul Tindale, Brian McBride.
  2. The Highland Room was always, and remains, at the centre of my personal northern soul experience. In 1972/3 we'd travel the 70 miles there from Barrow, leaving late on a Saturday afternoon either five to a low-slung Morris 1100 or a hired minibus if there was more interest. There was a pub halfway up Central Drive where we'd get changed making sure we all had a tie at the ready to get past the Mecca's doormen. The pub landlord originated from Barrow too so was always welcoming. He always had a spare clip-on tie (useful for a landlord when a punter tries to drag you over the bar) which he'd loan you on condition that you returned it to his mother's house in Barrow. That photo of the entrance to The Highland Room in this thread still makes the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. Approaching them all you could hear was this low, thumping rumble which brought only excitement of what sounds you'd be about to hear that night that no other venue in the world would be playing. Through those doors it was like entering a private party in a plush setting: low ceiling, wood-panelled walls, and thick-piled tartan patterned carpet. Behind the decks - Tony Jebb (RIP) - a masterful DJ who changed my music world as an 18-year-old. I'm eternally grateful to Tony for introducing me to Mamie Galore "It Ain't Necessary", Johnny Sayles "Can't Get Enough", Lorenzo Manley "Swoop Down On You", Rufus Lumley "I'm Standing" and Johnny Copeland "Sufferin' City". Happy days.
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