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Joe Dunlop

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Everything posted by Joe Dunlop

  1. JOE DUNLOP TEL 01978 761 739, MOB O7739394787 EMAIL joedunlop@btinternet.com pay pal address POSTAGE £3. 50P SIGNED FOR, £8 SPECIAL, PICTURES ON WEBSITE www.soulmountain45.co.uk ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ USA IMPORTS’’’’’’’’’’ 1 bobby angelle it’s gotta be that way money ex 250 2 lee andrews iv’e had it crimson vg+ 150 3 the ad libs ‘’nothing worse than being alone’’’WDJ’ share vg+ 50 4 the appreciations she never really loved me WDJ’ EWsport ex 75 5 paul anka i can’t help loving you ‘’WDJ’’ rca ex 150 6 jo armstead a stone good lover/the urge giant ex 50 7 5 of a kind the other side sidra ex 125 8 april may & june he went away WDJ’’ rca ex 30 9 the apollas you’re absolutely right loma ex 75 10 125th candy store silent heart fania ex 125 11 ADLIBS LOVELY LADIES WDJ’’ INTERPHON EX 15 12 PATTI AUSTIN GOT TO CHECK YOU OUT CORAL EX 20 13 ‘’’’’’’’ ‘’’’’’’ ‘ I WANNA BE LOVED CORAL EX 25 14 ‘’’’’’’ ‘’’’’’’’’ A- TICKET A TASKET CORAL EX 40 15 RUBY ANDREWS GOTTA BREAK AWAY ZODIAC EX 10 16 3 degrees gotta draw the line swan ex 6 17 NICK ASHFORD WHEN I FEEL THE NEED DEMO’ VERVE EX 60 18 ATTRACTIONS FIND ME DEMO’’ BELL EX 25 19 AD&G CHECK OUT YOUR FRIENDS DENINE EX 25 20 LEE ANDREWS QUIET AS IT’S KEPT (WDJ £25) RCA EX 35 21 CALLEN ANDREGG FOOL’S PARADISE RBE EX 40 22 MEL VENNA ALLEN ‘’THE BIGGER YOUR HEART’ SALVADOR EX 40 23 GAIL ANDERSON LET’S FALL IN LOVE ALL OVER SALVADOR EX 200 24 125TH CANDY STORE THE TABLES HAVE TURNED FANIA EX 125 25 8TH AVENUE BAND THE WHOLE THING ‘’WDJ’’’ COLUMBIA EX 25
  2. tmg 507 red & demo here. www.soulmountain45.co.uk
  3. JOE DUNLOP TEL 01978 761 739, MOB O7739394787 EMAIL joedunlop@btinternet.com pay pal address POSTAGE £3. 50P SIGNED FOR, £8 SPECIAL, PICTURES ON WEBSITE www.soulmountain45.co.uk ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ USA IMPORTS’’’’’’’’’’ 1 otis clay messing with my mind echo ex 6 2 dean courtney you’re all i got ‘’’wdj’’paramount ex 20 3 judy clay i thought i’d gotten over you’wdj’ ember ex 15 4 the cadillacs let’s get it together ‘’wdj’’ roulette ex 75 5 arthur conley funky street atco ex 6 6 continental 4 what you gave me jay-walking ex 15 7 larry cappel hush hush ‘’wdj’’’’ rca ex 40 8 chessmen why can’t i be your man chess ex 30 9 janice christian just a bad thing ‘’wdj’’’ swan ex 125 10 eugene church the right girl, the right time king ex 25 11 don covay it’s better to have mercury ex 4 12 ‘’’’’ ‘’’’’’’’’’’ iron out the rough spots atlantic ex 6 13 g.l. crockett it’s a man down there 4brothers ex 15 14 kenny carter hey lover ‘’’wdj’’’ u.artists ex 30 15 brenda cuffari the music say’s it all charisma ex 6 16 pat clayton you’ve got to share silver tip ex 75 17 allan chase i live each day cinema vg+ 100 18 james carr coming back to my baby gold wax ex 6 19 june conquest almost persuaded ‘’’wdj’’’ fame ex 25 20 classics lv stormy imperial ex 6 21 the clovers one more time porwin ex 20 22 carl carlton you can’t stop a man in love ‘’’wdj’’’ abc ex 15 23 otis clay i’m satisfied one-dee-ful ex 10 24 dee clark hot potato constellation ex 6 25 jamie coe the dealer enterprise ex 20
  4. JOE DUNLOP TEL 01978 761 739, MOB O7739394787 EMAIL joedunlop@btinternet.com pay pal address POSTAGE £3. 50P SIGNED FOR, £8 SPECIAL, PICTURES ON WEBSITE www.soulmountain45.co.uk ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’UK COLLECTORS ITEMS’’’’’’’’’’ 1 garnet mims looking for you united artists ex 250 2 jimmy beaumont you got too much going london ex 150 3 roy hamilton tore up over you RCA M 40 4 ko ko taylor wang dang doodle chess M 75 5 oscar poney jr without love ‘’’g&w dj’’’ bell M 35 6 jerry butler i stand accused sue M 85 7 decisions i can’t forget about you a&m ex 40 8 barbara lynn you left the water running london M 150 9 gene chandler such a pretty thing ‘’’wdj’’ chess ex 85 10 tar heel slim you make me feel so good sue M 125 11 SHADES OF BLUE OH’ HOW HAPPY SUE EX 40 12 GUY DARRELL IV’E BEEN HURT CBS EX 25 13 INTRUDERS (TEST) UP AND DOWN THE LADDER YDJ’’ LONDON M 200 14 O.V. WRIGHT EIGHT MEN,FOUR WOMAN ‘YDJ’’ LONDON EX 40 15 DRIFTERS UNDER THE BOARDWALK ‘’YDJ’’ LONDON M 100 16 nancy wilson the best is yet to come r&wdj’ capitol ex 25 17 JOHNNY SAYLES ANYTHING FOR YOU G&W DJ’’’’ LIBERTY M 125 18 CHRIS JACKSON I’LL NEVER FORGET YOU SOUL CITY EX 75 19 LITTLE RICHARD I DON’T WANT TO DISCUSS IT COLUMBIA M 85 20 DEON JACKSON LOVE TAKES A LONG TIME GROWING ATLANTIC M 60 21 TEMPTATIONS SINCE I LOST MY BABY TMG 526 M 60 22 STEVIE WONDER UPTIGHT ‘’’R&W DJ’’’ TMG 545 EX 200 23 MARTHA & VANDELLAS YOU’VE BEEN IN LOVE TOO LONG TMG 530 EX 60 24 FOUR TOPS I CAN’T HELP MYSELF TMG 515 M 40 25 MARVIN GAYE PRETTY LITTLE BABY TMG 524 M 40
  5. kenny shepard here www.soulmountain45.co.uk
  6. JOE DUNLOP TEL 01978 761 739, MOB O7739394787 EMAIL joedunlop@btinternet.com pay pal address POSTAGE £3. 50P SIGNED FOR, £8 SPECIAL, PICTURES ON WEBSITE www.soulmountain45.co.uk ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’USA IMPORTS’’’’’’’’’’’ 1 citations keep the faith ballad m 25 2 diplomats cards on the table wdj’’ arock vg+ 175 3 roy dawson over the top comands ex 60 4 drifters you gotta pay your dues ‘’wdj’’ atlantic ex 150 5 billy davis stanky get (funky) cobblestone ex 125 6 bobby diamond STOP; ‘’wdj’’’ black/white columbia ex 200 7 dontell’s in your heart (‘’wdj’’£25) dee jay ex 25 8 bobby darnell tell me how to find true love bronze ex 40 9 carl douglas marble and iron buddha ex 100 10 Jackie deshannon find me love ‘’wdj’’ imperial ex 15 11 DETROIT & INTRUDERS THERE SHE GOES DELLWOOD EX 150 12 THE DEL-CORDS YOUR MOMMY LIED TO YOUR DADDY IMPALA EX 100 13 DEL ROYALS SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL ‘WDJ’ MERCURY EX 25 14 DON & JUAN ARE YOU PUTTING ME ON THE SHELF’’ WDJ ‘ TWIRL VG+ 100 15 DRAMATICS INKY DINKY WANG DANG DO WINGATE EX 25 16 leah dawson you got to change ‘wdj’ okeh ex 85 17 LARRY DAVIS THE MAGIC IS GONE DECCA EX 150 18 JACKIE DAY BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE ‘’’WDJ’’ MODERN VG+ 75 19 JEFF DALE A SUFFERING PAIN ATCO EX 25 20 THE DEL VIKINGS CONFESSION OF LOVE ABC EX 25 21 THE DELCOS JUST ASK ‘’’WDJ’’’ SOUND S 7 EX 75 22 SAM DEES LOVE STARVATION ‘’’WDJ’’’ CHESS EX 25 23 JOEY DEE WHAT KIND OF LOVE IS THIS ROULETTE M 15 24 DIFFERENT BAG TRACK DOWN BAG RECORDS EX 8 25 DEVONNES I’M GONNA PICK UP MY TOYS ‘DEMO’’ FESTIVAL EX 8
  7. JOE DUNLOP TEL 01978 761 739, MOB O7739394787 EMAIL joedunlop@btinternet.com pay pal address POSTAGE £3. 50P SIGNED FOR, £8 SPECIAL, PICTURES ON WEBSITE www.soulmountain45.co.uk ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’UK DEMOS’’’’’’’’’’’ 1 freddie scott i got a woman colpix M 40 2 the 4 seasons rag doll phillips M 20 3 major lance sweeter w.bros M 25 4 james royal call my name cbs ex 25 5 elkie brooks the way you do the things you do decca ex 75 6 betty everett i’ve got a claim on you sue ex 125 7 joe simon the girl’s alright with me monument ex 40 8 delfonics you’re gone bell M 60 9 human beinz turn on your love light capitol M 25 10 martha smith as i watch you walk away pye M 40 11 johnny johnson honey bee emi ex 8 12 the wildweeds it was fun while it lasted chess ex 60 13 rubin wright HEY GIRL capitol ex 85 14 georgie fame sitting in the park columbia ex 60 15 radiants voice your choice chess vg+ 40 16 KIM D the real thing PYE ex 85 17 LOU RAWLS DEAD END STREET CAPITOL EX 75 18 SCOTT MCKENZIE ALL I WANT IS YOU CAPITOL M 50 19 O’JAYS STAND IN FOR LOVE LIBERTY M 30 20 EDDIE HOLMAN A FREE COUNTRY CAMEO PARKWAY M 150 21 BOB & EARL EVERYBODY JERK WARNER BROS EX 40 22 BOBBY COLEMAN PLEASURE GIRL PYE INT M 200 23 BABY WASHINGTON ONLY THOSE IN LOVE LONDON M 40 24THE DRIFTERS ON BROADWAY ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’ ATL M 125 25 GENE MCDANIELS IT’S A LONELY TOWN LIBERTY EX 85
  8. midnight affair-truth
  9. issue here www.soulmountain45.co.uk
  10. JOE DUNLOP TEL 01978 761 739, MOB O7739394787 EMAIL joedunlop@btinternet.com pay pal address POSTAGE £3. 50P SIGNED FOR, £8 SPECIAL, PICTURES ON WEBSITE www.soulmountain45.co.uk ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’UK ISSUES’’’’’’’’’’’’ 1 shane martin i need you cbs M 900 2 jackie edwards i feel so bad island ex 750 3 barbara mills queen of fools sol hickory ex 650 4 p.p. arnold everything’s gonna be alright SM hickory vg+ 650 5 the quick bert’s apple crumble deram M 350 6 johnnie taylor ain’t that lovin’ you stay M 100 7poets she blew a good thing LT london vg+ 200 8 peggy march if you loved me RCA vg+ 100 9 tony williams how come phillips ex 100 10 king size taylor somebody’s always trying decca vg+ 300 11 NANCY AMES I DON’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT COLUMBIA EX 350 12 CANDY & THE KISSES THE 81 CAMEO-PARKWAY EX 250 13 AL WILSON NOW I KNOW WHAT LOVE IS LIBERTY M 85 14 O’JAYS LIPSTICK TRACES LIBERTY M 85 15 MARTIN RAYNOR CANDY TO ME COLUMBIA M 85 16 chuck jackson chains of love pye int ex 150 17 deon jackson ooh baby atlantic ex 60 18 peter james people say reprise m 60 19 ADAMS APPLES DON’T TAKE IT OUT OF THIS WORLD BRUNSWICK EX 40 20 BABY WASHINGTON THAT’S HOW HEARTACHES ARE MADE SUE EX 150
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  11. JOE DUNLOP TEL 01978 761 739, MOB O7739394787 EMAIL joedunlop@btinternet.com pay pal address POSTAGE £3. 50P SIGNED FOR, £8 SPECIAL, PICTURES ON WEBSITE www.soulmountain45.co.uk ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’USA IMPORTS’’’’’’’’’’’’ 1 williams & watson too late ‘’’’WDJ’’’’’’ okeh M 375 2 bernard williams focused on you harthorn ex 450 3 jay.d.martin by yourself ‘’’WDJ’’’’’ tower ex 425 4 sam nesbit black mother goose amos ex 500 5 howard guyton i watched you slowly slip away verve vg+ 350 6 moments baby i want you HOG vg+1350 7 tony hestor watch yourself giant M 1000 8 soulville all stars i’m gonna get to you soulville ex 150 9 eloise laws love factory music merchant ex 250 10 garland green ain’t that good enough demo revue ex 200 11 STEINWAYS YOU’VE BEEN LEADING ME ON OLIVER EX 300 12 WILLIE TEE FIRST TASTE HURT GATUR VG 500 13 JOY LOVEJOY IN ORBIT CHECKER M 60 14 THE FANTASTICS THAT ONE ‘’’’WDJ’’’ SOUND STAGE 7 M 150 15 AL GARDNER SWEET BABY GOOGA MOOGA M 75 16 james barnett keep on talking ‘’wdj’’ fame M 450''''''''SOLD''''''''''' 17 ROSE BROOKS I’M MOANING ‘’’’WDJ’’’’’ SOUL CITY M 300''''''''SOLD'''''''''''' 18 VIRGINA BLAKLY LET NOBODY LOVE YOU MOJO VG+ 1000 19 HOMER BANKS SWEETIE PIE GENIE VG+ 425 20 VIBRATIONS CAUSE YOU’RE MINE EPIC M 300
  12. JOE DUNLOP TEL 01978 761 739, MOB O7739394787 EMAIL joedunlop@btinternet.com pay pal address POSTAGE £3. 50P SIGNED FOR, £8 SPECIAL, PICTURES ON WEBSITE www.soulmountain45.co.uk ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’USA IMPORTS’’’’’’’’’’’’ 1 spydels peace of mind assault ex 25 2 semiloes i can’t stand it hi-lite vg+ 75 3 soul tones you and me baby valise ex 25 4 sam & dave soul sister, brown sugar ‘’WDJ’’ atlantic ex 8 5 the sound judgment happy without you ‘’WDJ’’ kapp ex 10 6 students takes a little time york’s ex 25 7 jimmy seals runaway heart ‘’’WDJ’’’ challenge ex 25 8 the soother’s i believe in you port m 25 9 johnny starr don’t block the road mala ex 25 10 jimmy seretta lover’s island boyd ex 75 11 shirley & jessie oh baby (we got a good thing) wand wol ex 25 12 soul aggregation i can’t find love ‘’gdj’’ capitol ex 40 13 spinners i just want to fall in love atlantic vg+ 25 14 silent majority something new about you hot wax ex 75 15 symphonics boy (please help me) ‘’wdj’’’ abc ex 25 ‘’’’’’UK COLLECTORS ITEMS’’’’’’’ 16 little hank mister bang bang man london vg+ 250 17 bobby sheen DR.LOVE capitol vg+ 250 18 hamilton & the movement i’m not the marrying kind CBS m 200 19 fred hughes oo wee baby i love you fontana m 75 20 betty everett getting mighty crowded ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’ ex 25 21 jimmy james this heart of mine piccadilly vg+ 250 22 chris jackson i’ll never forget you soul city ex 75 23 little richard i don’t want to discuss it columbia m 100 24 homer banks hooked by love liberty m 100 25 jason knight our love is getting stronger wol PYE vg+ 350
  13. moses smith-dionn-white demo
  14. JOE DUNLOP TEL 01978 761 739, MOB O7739394787 EMAIL joedunlop@btinternet.com pay pal address POSTAGE £3. 50P SIGNED FOR, £8 SPECIAL, PICTURES ON WEBSITE www.soulmountain45.co.uk ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’UK ACTION’’’’’’’’’’’’’ 1 harmonica fats tore up act 4507 ex 40 2 roy lee johnson boogaloo no 3 act 4518 ex 30 3 bobby williams baby i need your love act 4509 m 60 4 the rubaiyats omar khayyam wol act 4516 ex 200 5 bobby bland rockin’ in the same old boat act 4524 m 20 6 fantastic johnny c new love act 4543 ex 25 7 showmen our love will grow act 4529 ex 150 8 ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ take it baby act 4545 ex 150 9 z.z. hill make me yours act 4532 ex 150 10 dee dee sharp what kind of lady act 4522 ex 150 11 alice clark you got a deal initials wol act 4520 ex 60 12 olympics mine exclusively act 4539 ex 8 13 buster pearson pretty woman act 4612 ex 6 ‘’’’’’’’’UK STATESIDE’’’’’’’’’’’ 14 hoagy lands the next in line ss 2030 ex 1000 15 kim weston a little more love ss 359 ex 200 16 invitations what’s wrong with me baby ss 478 ex 300 17 temptations girl why you wanna make me blue ss 348 ex 200 18 patti & the emblems mixed up, shook up girl ss322 ex 60 19 mitch ryder breakout ss 521 m 100 20 gloria jones finders keepers ss 555 ex 100 21 bobbby lynn earthquake ss 2088 ex 100 22 sharpees tired of being lonely ss 495 ex 200 23 the platters sweet sweet lovin’ ss 2067 ex 30 24 gene chandler nothing can stop me ss 425 ex 75 25 jimmy clanton hurting each other ss 410 ex 75
  15. JOE DUNLOP TEL 01978 761 739, MOB O7739394787 EMAIL joedunlop@btinternet.com pay pal address POSTAGE £3. 50P SIGNED FOR, £8 SPECIAL, PICTURES ON WEBSITE www.soulmountain45.co.uk ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’USA ORIGINALS’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ 1 don ray born a loser ‘’’ydj’’’’’ rca vg+ 150 2 bob relf blowing my mind to pieces trans ex 300 3 rock candy alone with no one dontee ex 150 4 al reed 99/44/100 pure love axe ex 75 5 della reece compared to what avco ex 40 6 fenton robinson somebody palos ex 20 7 turly richards i just can’t take it any longer ‘wdj columbia ex 20 8 margaret royal i’ll never go away trax ex 50 9 the ripples cowboy’s to girls apache ex 100 10 dogie gray out on the floor charger m 40 11 the falcons i’m a fool (i must love you) big wheel m 40 12 royalettes never again mgm m 6 13 willie rogers i want to thank you ‘’’wdj’’’ ronn ex 6 14 lee rogers our love is more d-town ex 6 15 reflections gift wrap my love capitol ex 6 16 rising sun hey’ don’t hurt yourself sceptre m 20 17 tommy ridgley in the same old way RIC ex 15 18 della reece blow out the sun rca ex 6 19 supremes when the lovelight ‘’’wdj’’’ motown ex 25 20 monitors say you vip ex 25 21 jimmy ruffin since iv’e lost you ‘’’wdj’’’ soul vg+ 40 22 ‘’’’’’’’ ‘’’’’’’’’ how can i say i’m sorry ‘’’’’’’’ ex 10 23 velvelettes theses things will keep me loving ‘’’’’’’’ vg+ 6 24 eddie kendricks it’s so hard for me to say ‘’’wdj’’’’ tamla ex 8 25 marvin gaye ain’t that peculiar ‘’’’’’’’’’ ex 6
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  16. JOE DUNLOP TEL 01978 761 739, MOB O7739394787 EMAIL joedunlop@btinternet.com pay pal address POSTAGE £3. 50P SIGNED FOR, £8 SPECIAL, PICTURES ON WEBSITE www.soulmountain45.co.uk ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’USA ORIGINALS’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ 1 nancy marano keep your hands off my baby ‘’wdj’columbia ex 25 2 the mumy don’t let the sun catch you crying mumy ex 100 3 maxwell a new star maxwell ex 40 4 machine my baby loves me jarrett ex 25 5 florence miller i believe in love P&P ex 75 6 clyde mcphatter lucille ‘’’’wdj’’’ mercury ex 15 7 the moniques don’t throw stones centaur ex 40 8 masterpiece we’re gonna make it YPSI ex ''''''''''SOLD''''''''''' 9 donnie mann this love is real uni ex 75 10 johnny moore thank you baby mercury ex 15 11 magic tymes when your sitting all alone mala ex 10 12 ruth mcfadden ‘’he hurt me again’’ recona ex 100 13 the matadors you’d be crying too ‘’’wdj’’’’ keith vg+ 50 14 metros time changes things RCA ex 15 15 marlina mars i’m gonna put your love on strike ydj’ mgm ex 30 16 magnetics where are you allrite ex 40 17 the minits take a look at yourself mgm ex 20 18 johnny moffett i found joy ‘’wdj’’’ canterbury ex 10 19 maze color blind capitol ex 6 20 mad lads did my baby call volt ex 20 21 the moving finger spinning top ‘demo atlantic ex 8 22 montclair’s wait for me sunburst vg 6 23 marvels five forgive me uptown ex 25 24 betty mabry it’s my life ‘’wdj columbia ex 6 25 mad lads i for got to fall in love with you ‘wdj volt ex 20
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  17. JOE DUNLOP TEL 01978 761 739, MOB O7739394787 EMAIL joedunlop@btinternet.com pay pal address POSTAGE £3. 50P SIGNED FOR, £8 SPECIAL, PICTURES ON WEBSITE www.soulmountain45.co.uk ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’USA ORIGINALS’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ 1 the vel-vets i got to find me somebody 20th century vg+ 500 2 moses smith girl across the street dion ex 200 3 d.lee richardson you got me in the palm of WDJ’’ soulville ex 300 4 beverly hills i don’t care anymore ‘’WDJ’’ air play ex 25 5 brilliant corners three lonely guys modern vg+ 250 6 jimmy mcfarland ‘’lonely lover’’ R P R ex 500 7 major lance you don’t want me no more okeh ex 475 8 hot tamales love’s invention detroit ex 25 10 profiles take a giant step goldie ex 100 ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ UK TMG’’’’’’’’’’’’’ 11 barbara mcnair you’re gonna love my baby tmg 544 ex 650 12 the velvelettes these thing will keep me loving you tmg 580 ex 200 13 marvelettes i’ll keep on holding on tmg 518 ex 100 14 barbara randolph i got a feeling tmg 628 ex 75 15 miracles ooo baby baby tmg 503 ex 40 16 detroit spinners i’ll always love you tmg 627 ex 35 17 brenda holloway together till the end of time tmg 556 ex 100 18 martha & vandellas you’ve been in love to long tmg 530 ex 40 19 chris clark from head to toe tmg 624 ex 60 20 four tops i can’t help myself tmg 515 ex 15 21 marvelettes danger heartbreak dead ahead tmg 535 vg+ 15 22 miracles the tracks of my tears tmg 522 ex 85
  18. JOE DUNLOP TEL 01978 761 739, MOB O7739394787 EMAIL joedunlop@btinternet.com POSTAGE £3. 50P SIGNED FOR, £8 SPECIAL, ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’UK ISSUES’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ 1 ike & tina turner beauty is just skin deep HMV m 20 2 bill black’s combo little queenie london ex 25 3 fats domino it keeps raining ‘’’’’’’’’ ex 25 4 round robin kick that little foot sally ann ‘’’’’’’’’’’ ex 30 5 lou johnson unsatisfied ‘’’’’’’’’’’’ ex 60 6 little richard a little bit of something columbia ex 60 7 ‘’’’’’’ ‘’’’’’’’’’’’ poor dog ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ ex 40 8 williams & watson a quitter never wins ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ m 125 10 travis wammack scratchy atlantic m 30 11 garnett- mimms can you top this verve ex 25 12 jackie lee the duck fontana m 75 13 edwin starr girls are getting prettier polydor ex 20 11 chuck jackson chains of love pye int vg+ 150 12 homer banks a lot of love liberty vg+ 40 13 tommy neal going’ to a happening SM vocalion vg+ 60 14 chubby checker at the discotheque cameo parkway m 40 15 c,jackson & m. brown baby take me pye international m 25 16 deon jackson ooh baby red atlantic ex 25 17 little anthony goin’ out of my head u.artists m 15 18 tams what kind of fool (do you think) hmv m 20 19 the chants i get the sweetest feeling rca m 100 20 bob & earl band my little girl jay boy ex 25
  20. JOE DUNLOP TEL 01978 761 739, MOB O7739394787 EMAIL joedunlop@btinternet.com POSTAGE £3. 50P SIGNED FOR, £8 SPECIAL, ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’USA IMPORTS’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ 1 thelma houston baby mine capitol ex 250 2 elliot Hoffman another world TSOP ex 20 3 carl henderson i love you so renfro ex 15 4 freddie hughes send my baby back wee ex 20 5 holidays the love we share rob ron vg+ 25''''SOLD'''''''' 6 joyce hobson i surrender to you/this time revue ex 40'''''''SOLD''''''''''''' 7 roy hamilton i taught her everything she knows RCA ex 6 8 billy harner SALLY SAYIN' SOMETHING- KARMA SUTRA EX 20 10 fred hughes can’t make it without you demo’’ cadet ex 6 11 león haywood you don’t have to see me cry decca ex 25 12 donald height you take your loving soozee ex 25 13 charles hodges slip around calla ex 6 11 toni harper heavenly love rca ex 85 12 don heart lovers hideaway tuba ex 75 13 mary holmes i need your lovin’’’ philly groove ex 75 14 eddie holman i’ll cry a 1,000 tears bell ex 20 15 al hudson we must make it happen atco ex 20 16 clara hardy call my name astra ex 100 17 d. hart & j. shorter all the love i got la-beat ex 100 18 hosanna ‘’’hipit’’’’’’’’ L.H.M.A, EX 8 19 ronni hill i wouldn’t give you up roulette ex 8 20 hypnotics girl, you know that i love you reprise ex 20
  21. JOE DUNLOP TEL 01978 761 739, MOB O7739394787 EMAIL joedunlop@btinternet.com POSTAGE £3. 50P SIGNED FOR, £8 SPECIAL, ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’UK ORIG DEMOS’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ 1 don charles the drifter parlaphone ex 150 2 shepherds stubborn heart jay boy ex 150 3 friday brown getting nowhere parlaphone ex 35 4 freddie brown i got a woman colpix m 40 5 michael cox i’ll always love you parlaphone ex 50 6 leon haywood ever since you were sixteen vocallion ` m 25 7 bobby bland ain’t nothing you can do ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ ex 85 8 garnet mimms it’s been such a long time united artists ex 40 10 johnny howard band rinky dink decca ex 15 11 joe hinton pledging my love vocallion ex 15 12 tommy tate a lovers reward columbia m 125 13 carl douglas something for nothing go records m 75 11 joe simon the girls alright with me monument ex 60 12 gospel classics more love that’s what we need chess ex 275 13 howard tate look at granny run verve m 25 14 jerry butler only the strong survive mercury ex 25 15 the wildweeds it was fun while it lasted chess ex 25 16 shirley & the shirelles look what you’ve done to my heart bell ex 60 17 brian poole everything i touch turns to tears cbs ex 150 18 roy head pain vocalion ex 30 19 nella dodds finders keepers losers weepers pye int ex 75 20 jackie wilson to make a big man cry coral ex 25 21 MAJOR LANCE COME SEE COLUMBIA EX 125 22 MAJOR LANCE HEY LITTLE GIRL COLUMBIA EX 75 23 MAJOR LANCE I’M SO LOST COLUMBIA EX 75 24 MAJOR LANCE INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA EX 300 25 JERRY BUTLER MOODY WOMAN MERCURY EX 200 26 JAMES & B, PURIFY LET LOVE COME BETWEEN US BELL EX 30 27 SOUL SISTERS GOOD TIME TONIGHT LONDON EX 100 28 LITTLE MILTON WHO’S CHEATING WHO CHESS M 75 29 JACKIE LEE WOULD YOU BELEIVE JAY BOY EX 25 30 THE DELLS YOU’RE SONG 20TH CENT EX 100
  22. lost and found-blue rock
  23. dissatisfied man-le-grand
  24. JOE DUNLOP TEL 01978 761 739, MOB O7739394787 EMAIL joedunlop@btinternet.com POSTAGE £3. 50P SIGNED FOR, £8 SPECIAL, ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’USA ORIG’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ 1 little richard i don’t want to discuss it ‘wdj’ okeh ex 100 2 ray lewis too sweet to be lonely DAR ex 60 3 chico Lamar i gotta have you chess ex 200 4 little walter i’m a business man (dj £8) checker ex 8 5 little ray come baby dance w.bros ex 40 6 ricky lewis i’m lonely too cindy ex 60 7 pamela laws what did you do boyd ex 30 8 liberation don’t spread your love around ‘wdj’ GSF ex 40 9 the lollipops loving good feeling ‘’wdj’’’ impact ex 100 10 emanual lackey lucky to be loved by you wild deuce vg+40 11 little ronnie i was wrong ‘’’wdj’’’ galaxy ex 20 12 jimmy lewis let me know minit ex 30 13 candace love wonderful night aquarius vg+ 20 14 ronnie love chills and fever dot ex 25 15 buddy lamp confusion wheelsville ex 15 16 loveables just beyond my fingertips ‘wdj’ toot ex 10 17 chris lamar treat me so good don-el vg+ 8 18 major lance without a doubt okeh ex 25 19 ken lewis ain’t gonna make it easy de-vel ex 60 20 L.ben & cheers baby you’re mine rush ex 30 21 lost souls ‘’i’m your love man’’ glasco ex 40 22 benny latimore i can’t go on anymore blade vg 100 23 Theresa Lindsay gotta find a way correctone ex 20 24 leaders you are the one i love blue rock vg+ 15 25 little helen the richest girl soul town ex 6 26 emanual lackey more love westbound ex 6 27 marva lee lover boy ‘’’wdj’’’ atco ex 15 28 little royal my love needs company trius ex 15 29 lost generation you’re so young but you’re true brunswick ex 8 30 preston love cool ade kent ex 6

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