Lucinda Slim & The Lone Stars 'All This Time'
Current indemand modern soul track from London singer song writer & DJ — better than Jo Stance 45 imho. Most missed when originaly had its limited release on the German Melting Pot label in 2009. M-. £20.
£1.50 P&P UK with proof of posting, elswhere plus at cost.
Also got a spare of this now deleted , hard to find gem - Monophonics 'like yesterday ' (Colemine) M- £50.
£1.50 P&P UK with proof of posting, elswhere plus at cost .
Finally , have an unplayed hard to find spare of this ltd 2009, now deleted release on Record Kicks. Gizzelle Smith 'Jiune' . Listed elsewhere at £50 plus P&P,
so to soul-sourcers, £40 all in with proof of posting in UK., elsewhere plus at cost.
Thanks for looking , pm's please to reserve