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Everything posted by Original

  1. Hi there Would you still have the cookie scott record ? Regards
  2. Anyone got a copy on the original ORR label best offer and be kind
  3. Ha ha thank you Ady for confirming the 45 was the first issue, which i always knew but now i have it confirmed. Thats just added a few quid onto the sound
  4. Son of Stan, I am sure what you say is true but the 7 inch came out at the same time so why does the LP get the original status,when i purchase the record i was told this is an unreleased sound and its the first issue Even Ady is unsure which came out first LP or single someone in the northern soul world should know ?
  5. Ady, Firstly thank you for a great all-nighter at crossfire amazing sounds from the DJs and a great night, secondly i bought the Kent single from an All-Nighter in Warrington, Parr Hall, in 85 i was always told and believe the Kent Single is the original could it be possible to re confirm as the OVO police will have me the next time i want to play this when i DJ.
  6. Checking pricing been going for 60 pounds so willing to offer this if interested Off course original only and condition Regards
  7. Hi Jon yes i have what your looking for i know the Heart of soul with singer is extremely rare just PM me or send a message to Hot mail steve-riley .co.uk Sorry not been about i have been abroad for a while Regards
  8. Hi there Is this still for sale Regards
  9. As always condition and price, must be original Regards
  10. PM with condition and price thanks in advance Steve
  11. Hi there Soul boy Interested in Padded cell Mister Misery Willing to make an offer if your interested contact me when you can if still available? Kind Regards
  12. Hi there how much you willing to pay I have most Wigan original patches even the rare rare I'm on my way !
  13. As long as it's original I am unsure what do you have
  14. Best price and condition thanks Steve
  15. Best price and condition thanks Steve
  16. best price and condition thank you. Steve
  17. Got a copy thanks Got a copy now thanks everyone
  18. Hi mate you still got that France's Nero for sale if so I gave it off you
  19. lan Do you know if Bry still has a copy of August and deneen we go together sorry not been on here laterly but still interested Steve
  20. Hi joe any chhance sending a photo !! Steve-riley@hotmail.co.uk regards
  21. Hi there any chance you ask him to get in touch can not find it Steve-riley@hotmail.co.uk thanks steve
  22. Price and condition thanks
  23. Pm me with price and condition

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