Hi guys, to try any get “normality” back in to our events, we are not continuing with “ticket only” admission for our September night. Tickets for our last events sold out within 4hrs of release, so to give ALL our friends equity we are returning to pay on the door.
Be great to see all our great friends for another fantastic night of the best music ever recorded!!
Let’s get back to partying! Our guest DJ this month is BBC soul spinner JOHN KANE. Hope all our great friends can join us again for another night of the BEST MUSIC EVER RECORDED
Hi guys, hope all our great friends can join us again for another night of the best music ever recorded! Our guest DJ is Andy Carling (Wetherby Engine Shed) so sure to be another cracker!
Hi guys, hope all our great friends can join us again for another night of the best music ever recorded, the soundtrack of the legendary soul clubs of the 60s & 70s. Always the best of nights at the friendliest club with the big heart! ALL monies raised donated to local charities xx
Happy new year from all at KIPPAX SOUL CLUB. We are all still on a high from our spectacular New Year’s Eve party, but hope all our great friends can join us again for the first of our regular monthly events of 2020.