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Everything posted by Johndelve

  1. Good morning. No, it is not complete. There are no African products shown, nor any from Yugoslavia. I don't think there is anything from Taiwan either - but I would have to double check- but there is an interesting Earl Van Dyke LP from Argentina (which is on discogs) and a few from Japan. France, Holland, Italy and Spain are pretty well covered too. But I would have to agree that it cannot be considered to be definitive, not even for 1959-1971. I didn't learn much either, apart from some of the alleged sales figures of the LPs in the U.S. In short, it is a nice book to leaf through and look at, but is not one that is going to take long to read or add a great sum of knowledge to anyone who is reasonably au fait with Motown label LPs in first place. Best John
  2. The book has now arrived, incredibly quickly I must say. I haven't been through it in great detail yet, and I'm certainly not one to go digging for errors, having made a few myself in my own books - it's inevitable - but an unfortunate one does jump out clearly : calling Bobby Taylor & The Vancouvers Bobby Taylor & The Governors on four occasions. I have to conclude, though, that it IS overpriced, but I certainly wouldn't describe it as 'hand-knitted' ; it is a proper, professional job with decent quality photos. ,
  3. It certainly looks appealing to me and I've ordered it. Will report back once I've got it and read it.....thanks to Soul Source for flagging it up in the first place; I wasn't aware of it before.
  4. Hello, am looking for Baby's 1965 LP on UK London HAC 8260 Please pm if you have a nice copy for sale Cheers John
  5. I don't know if anyone else on here used to go to Brighton in the seventies but if you did, this - something I did back around 2008 - may be of interest. https://www.mybrightonandhove.org.uk/places/placeshop/record-shop-tour/record-shop-tour-11
  6. You did well. I can't see any more of them appearing any time soon. Best John
  7. Bloody hell, that is rare. Never heard of it before today and pretty sure it has only appeared on discogs in last few days....
  8. I look forward to hearing about those best bits....I rate Harry Williams and Charles McCormick among the best and most under rated of all soul singers Best John
  9. Hello, Pip Williams. I loved your work with the magnificent Bloodstone. Any good stories about them? Thanks
  10. Their Stang LP ST-1002 Thanks
  11. It doesn't look like anyone has yet mentioned Don Bryant's extraordinarily good new LP, "You Make Me Feel". His last set, "Don't Give Up On Love", was excellent, but this is in another league: in fact, I would go as far as to say it is one of the best records in a true 'southern soul' style for the last forty five years. I have now played it through three times and am amazed at the quality of musicianship, songs (many re-cuts, it's true) and his singing; it shouldn't be as good as it is at his age. To say I am impressed would be putting it mildly.
  12. It is Sam Dees. Rod Dearlove had this as a 10" acetate and talked about it in issue #24 of his "Voices Of Shadows" magazine which came out in 1997. He also stated it was recorded in 1971. The other song on the acetate was "Found Love In My Own Backyard".
  13. For my part, I have simply stopped buying records at this time from overseas as I'm not sure how likely they are to turn up. An LP I bought from the Czech Republic has still not arrived and was apparently - and I have no reason to think it wasn't - posted just over three weeks ago. I have never before not had a record arrive from Europe.
  14. RIP, Bill... you were one of the finest - and one of the nicest - of all soul singers..
  15. This may be of interest to some : https://lightintheattic.net/releases/6199-stone-crush-memphis-modern-soul-1977-1987
  16. I would have thought it prudent to think hard about shipping from anywhere in the world right now. I haven't bought any records at all in the last ten days, and the last two I did were from Europe. Both would have arrived by now in the normal course of events but I'm still waiting. I imagine they will turn up but delivery times are going to be longer than usual, and that's even assuming they can be posted in the first place.
  17. I would think that the CURRENT price for Harry Deal and Malcolm Hayes - or any other record for that matter - is a lot less than it was a week ago.. Discuss.
  18. No, the live event with Joe Battan and Swamp Dogg was held at another venue in the city but there were some DJ sessions on the rooftop of the Ercilla hotel, but not in the downstairs bar.
  19. Aah, I can reply to myself ! I see the Shirelles info is already contained in one of the links above... I should have checked before posting so hastily...
  20. I also believe, but am not 100% sure, that she fronted a 'fake' Shirelles outfit after she left the Ribbons which resulted in a 1975 court case...
  21. It is, especially as one could get most of the original albums at £3 or £4 quid without having to look very hard, and only Soul Folk In Action or We'll Get Over originals would set you back around the £20 mark...and even the 1 disc of 'rarities' is hardly thrilling...and I LOVE the Staples...so if I'm underwhelmed.....
  22. Will be interesting to see how this one sells; great music of course, bu it strikes me as wildly overpriced. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Come-Go-Me-Collection-VINYL/dp/B07Y4KVKSH/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=staple+singers&qid=1575989660&s=music&sr=1-1
  23. And, for that matter, this lot too: https://www.discogs.com/label/692259-Soul-From-The-Vault

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