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Everything posted by Johndelve

  1. Agreed, very good stuff. I have played the releases by The Legendary Beyons, Slickaphonic and Milton Davis a great deal over last year or so.....
  2. Well they are, both on "Call on me /That's the Way Love is "...
  3. Well done by Ace/Kent on putting this - Calvin's first ever LP - out, It's all unpretentious , slightly dated to be fair, stuff but I'm certainly enjoying it.
  4. Roger Harris went onto even bigger things : he became a member of The Manhattans.
  5. All the lyrics to this brilliant record are superb, but too many to print here. Just a sample, though: " She goes to bed every night With her fists balled up tight And then out of the bed Hollering, "Come on Maskman, I'm ready to fight!" That's what she said That's what she trying to start And then she run to the kitchen and get the water hot She missed me with the water but she caught me with the pot She picked a can of biscuits and I gave the dog a bite He been barking at the moon and acting stupid all night"
  6. Cheers, I will
  7. Hello, still looking for these if anyone can help.....thanks..
  8. "Just watched part 1, didn't expect to hear " The Carstairs, It really Hurts Me Girl ".. ......and I certainly didn't expect to hear Ann Peebles' "Part Time Love"........
  9. Backbeat Records in Edinburgh. A shop so crammed you can't enter. You have to tell the owner what you're after and he will carry the respective boxes outside for you to look through. Went there with my 13y old lad who'd just started to show interest in collecting rocksteady and reggae 45s using his pocket money. Told the owner what we're after. He said he doesn't even bother to show us the rocksteady/reggae boxes. That we would be after the rarities for cheap anyway. I said I'm here with my son who wants to buy some cheap 45s. He said he doesn't believe us and basically told us to f*ck off. I went to this shop last year and agree it is a ridiculous set-up. The owner wasn't rude to me but did take a very long time getting his three boxes of soul LPs out onto the pavement. Basically, though, apart from one purchase, it was all very unexciting stuff. Another shop I won't be going back to...
  10. Aah, yes, Royce Records, I remember it - fairly - well, although one bad experience in a record shop makes me shun them, and he simply didn't deserve to be in business towards the end. Beanos records in Croydon was dire, too. I recall asking if I could play a record I was thinking of buying as I wasn't sure what it sounded like and the bloke behind the counter refused , even though they had the means to do so, and had a go at me for coming into his shop in first place. Never visited them again, either..
  11. This is another tremendous LP from Soul4real, well done Alex, Tats and everyone else involved, very much looking forward to this. I'm 99.9% sure, too, this is the first time anywhere in the world that the brilliant "I need you baby" by Arthur A has featured on an LP.
  12. "Wait Til I Get Over" is a Jones solo album as opposed to a Durand Jones & Indications LP. And I'm not impressed with it either, highly disappointing. Such a shame from such a good singer. Hope the group remain can together....
  13. Ditto on all points above.....well done Steve, it's an excellent book, I'm learning a lot...
  14. Good luck with these Nick, I hope they do very well for you...
  15. Without doubt, yes.
  16. Thanks, just checked but none of these are there.....
  17. Johnnie Taylor - Real love (has to be LP, I have the CD) Little Milton - I'm a gambler (has to be LP, I have the CD) Joe Hinton - Funny (on U.K. Vocalion, I have the U.S. Back Beat version) PM me please if anyone can help
  18. While I understand being somewhat sad about not being able to afford some records, what about the thousands - tens of thousands, even - that DON'T cost that much. Just go after them instead.
  19. Mine, too. Have been looking forward to this one for a while...well done yet again, Alex and co.
  20. Well done again, Alex. Hope this excellent release does well for you, I'll certainly be buying one....
  21. And the original UK LP had more tracks than the US release, including the superb "Never In Public"....
  22. Very much easier said than done ! Took me years to find a copy.......
  23. Excellent LP, got it yesterday, highly recommended. Did not know Jato Von Del was a group, rather than a singer.
  24. I'm coming to this one a little late, but I'm with "Stateside" 's earlier posting where he stated: "I presume that B&S must have been distributed through S&S and Contempo had struck a deal with them to get access to the servicemen in Europe. Hence the 75 cent price tag. Just guessing now." I think that is almost certainly the case and was a means of distributing the magazine to U.S. personnel over here at a reduced cost and /or to circumvent some sort of rules regulations in force at the time. (Or maybe just to make sure that "B & S" included a little bit more info that would be of particular interest to servicemen/women over here. ) The front cover appellation, "Stars & Stripes", stopped some time between the end of 1973 and the late summer of 1974. In short, "Blues" and Soul" grew from an earlier publication of John Abbey's, "Home of The Blues", it did not evolve from a magazine called "Stars and Stripes", which, imo, did not ever exist.
  25. I like it a lot too, am delighted I bought it, and think it deserves to do well, but I just wish the songs were a little stronger. I don't think any of them are as instantly memorable as "Thrive" which , sadly, isn't on it....

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