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Everything posted by Dim

  1. Demo or issue on London label. VG+ or better please
  2. The Exits on Gemini (Under the Street Lamp /You got to Have Money) is not a reissue. You may be talking about Ace/Kent's recent release of it where they reproduce the label faithfully. My view is that reissues have a negligible effect, if any, as collectors will always want the originals be they from US or UK or indeed other countries in some cases.
  3. Phil Coulter is from my home town of Derry in the north of Ireland.. He's a composer and an accomplished pianist. He has 23 platinum discs, 39 gold and 52 silvers to his name plus 5 Ivor Novello awards. He co wrote Puppet on a String for Sandie Shaw and Congratulations for Cliff Richard. I think even he would agree that being part of NS history stretches the bounds of credibility just a wee bit.
  4. This is not bad either. On you tube.
  5. Much of what you say isn't actually true. When the Wheel closed the crowd split into two main factions. Some went to Leeds Metro and some to the Lantern allnighter in Market Harborough, Leics. There was and still is a thriving Rare Soul Scene in the area including Northants, Cambridge, Bedford out towards Peterborough. Bletsoe had an allnighter 71/72 there were numerous clubs such as the Howard Mallet in Cambridge. Post the Wheel but pre the Torch you also had places such as Saints & Sinners in Birmingham and Up The Junction at Crewe.
  6. I have one acetate in my collection. The Formations. "At The Top Of The Stairs". They were used primarily as promotional discs. This is a Chappell acetate and, a doff of the cap to Karl White here, I had no idea who they were until he pointed me in the right direction. My point here is that there is an overused tendency to define things as acetates, when in actual fact they're just carvers. I wish you luck with your enquiries Stephen.
  7. I'm not pro or anti but I was told that it damaged the wooden floors in some way rather than anything else and that it was premises managers rather than promoters who were against it. I don't know if that's true or not.
  8. Mike.... I'll add my apologies too.
  9. If that's the case how come 35% of the current hospital admissions are double vaccinated? We are told the efficacy starts to decline at after 5 months and at 6 months we will need more vaccine. That's probably why the Government ordered what at the time appeared ludicrously high volumes of the vaccine. I still believe it's all smoke and mirrors because if they told us the real scenario they'd have a rebellious population on their hands. My take on it as far as events are concerned? Go while you can because I don't you'll be able to by mid November.
  10. I'm intrigued by this "flipping" concept Dave. As a buyer, I understand that there has to be something, in any transaction, for everyone. I also understand that on occasions a premium may be added to price for certain records. Dealers who wait for certain records to flip later are surely playing Russian Roulette aren't they? Not a sound basis for success or reputation I'd say.
  11. I've been successful in three of JM's auctions in the last couple of years, but I've lost count of the number I've participated in. I normally approach them with a reasonable knowledge of the going rate for the record concerned and a maximum bid figure that I'm prepared to go to. Of the three, I paid just about the right amount for Kenny Shepard.... It went for double that less than a year later on the same auction site... I paid well under the going rate for the My Pleasure album, June Yamagishi, featuring Bobby Womack. On the third I lost all sense and cognative function when at the last minute a telephone bidder jumped in and proceeded to up the anti. Suffice to say I ended up paying £250 more than I'd set my maximum bid at and because I love the record with a passion nobody else was going to have it. I lost the plot completely. I went straight to Confession Therein lies the rub. I reckon there's enough people like me around to add upward pressure to prices, it's just that very few admit to it. The Incredibles was my downfall.
  12. Randy Cozens (I think it was Randy) defined Modern Soul as being anything recorded after midnight on 31st December 1969. I reckon we've got enough to worry about without terminology being added to the list
  13. Happy Christmas to you Mike and the Team. Let's hope 2021 brings us all joy and peace. xx
  14. And an appalling record.
  15. Doubt it Karl.... £300 is about right, I'd say. I've not seen it at £150 since you were 6
  16. A prime example of the way things are... In February of this year I won the JM auction for a mint Kenny Shepard "What Difference Does It Make" for £300. Last month in the JM auction a copy went at £566. Nearly doubled in 9 months!!!
  17. I've just bought the book. I am very much looking forward to reading it, as it has what seems to be a fresh and novel approach to the Scene and I admire the charitable intentions expressed. Good luck to you John.
  18. Thank you Mike. I totally agree with the final sentence of your comment.
  19. Dave Godin A Northern Soul, a biography by Stephen Stevlor. Review by Damian Conaghan.............. aka Dim @Dim Those of us who regard ourselves as Soul Music fans have heard of Dave Godin. My introduction to him, along with many of my peers, was via his column, during the early 1970s, in Blues & Soul magazine, where his musings gave due weight to the beauty of the music we love. A few of our number got to meet him and a few got to know him to varying degrees. But I never met him and, beyond his stellar reputation, his coining of the phrase 'Northern Soul' and the whole legend of Soul City, I knew very little about him as an individual. So when this book became available I bought it without hesitation, hoping it would put some flesh on the bones of the reputation and provide some sense of what Dave Godin was about as a "person". What the book delivers is an enthralling, fascinating and, at times, contentious view of the man himself. In his Introduction, Stephen Stevlor states that what he imagined to be a project that could be completed in months actually took him years to put to bed. You can see why for this is a substantial body of work running to just short of 450 pages. The layout of the book is interesting in and of itself. As well as the narrative the book is peppered with a variety of images, all relevant and all working well to assist and augment the unfolding story. Of great interest to me are the numerous Dave Godin Top 10 charts, wherein some of his choices may cause eyebrows to be raised. The written pages are produced in a variety of colours and, in a way that I can't fully explain, helped to make my journey through the book that little bit easier. The admiration and love for his subject shines through Stevlor's prose, which is at once immensely readable without ever descending into a fact based diatribe or a hero worshipping paean to Godin. There are a number of wonderful contributions from a selection of those who knew him... more of which later. So, to the content... Stevlor takes us from Godin's childhood in South London, where he became aware at an early age that he was 'different'. His vegetarian conversion and realisation of his homosexuality are covered but not in any laboured way. His principled anti war stance, his passion for animal rights, his deep dislike of censorship, his atheism and his anarchic thinking are all there as the book develops. We have great detail on the Dave Godin that earned the reputation we have come to take almost for granted. From his "road to Damascus" moment in a cafe (jukebox) that he frequented regularly after school ..... Ruth Brown's "(Mama) He Treats Your Daughter Mean". The whole Tamla Motown Appreciation Society story, Soul City, the shop and the record label, are well covered as you would expect. From my perspective however, the move to Sheffield, via Lincoln, the events at the Polytechnic, the Anvil Cinema, which provided the perfect vehicle to share his love of film, the contributions to the Sheffield Alternative Magazine, his relationship with senior management at the City Council and his eventual departure, was totally new to me and served to add layers to the already complex and complicated character of Godin being explored in the book. His return to Soul and the Northern Scene is extensively covered, including his somewhat disputatious relationship with Ian Levine and his move to Black Music magazine, which also plays a part in the Mecca v Casino 'feud'. Mary Chapman (and Cleethorpes) also plays an important role in that her view of Godin is a little different to some others....albeit very positive. His great pride and pleasure in seeing the release of the Deep Soul Treasures lights up the pages, as does his great relationship with Ady Croasdell as they worked tirelessly to get it done via Ace Kent. The section of the book that covers the period from the onset of his illness through to, and in the immediate aftermath of his passing, meticulously described by Stevlor with contributions from those who were witnesses to events, makes for quite poignant and (at times) distressing reading. But the account of his funeral, and the celebration of his life that followed, is uplifting The play lists of the DJ's who illuminated that evening are included in the final chapter. I mentioned earlier the contributions in the book by those who knew him. There are a couple I'd like to refer to specifically. The first is by Sean Hampsey, which in it's warmth and admiration of Godin really encapsulates the reverence and high regard that Soul people feel for him. Diggin Deep 007 was dedicated to the memory of Dave Godin. (Jaibi... It Was Like A Nightmare c/w You Make Me Feel Good.) Contrast this with the recollections of David Patmore and and Jane Edwards of Sheffield City Council, which are less than favourable, and you have a conundrum to address. When I finished reading the book I found myself pondering who Dave Godin really was. A man of principal and passion. An articulate and lucid thinker. A man possessed of great generosity and compassion. But also a man who could be dogmatic, at times very despotic, taciturn and unforgiving. A Godin quote... "I have always stressed in my opinion that true Soul appreciation springs from the heart rather than the brain" Godin leaves a rich legacy and very prominent in this is that the Soul Scene is blessed with people like Ady Croasdell, Sean Hampsey & Kev Briscoe and Garry J Cape who carry on the standard set by him in the pure Soulfulness of what they do and that they do it in the right way. This is an important book in my eyes. Not just for the story it tells but also for the fact, as with most good biographies, it leaves you wondering about the unanswered questions it poses. Stephen Stevlor deserves great credit for this biography. I cannot tell you how pleased I am to have it on my bookshelf. Damian Conaghan.............. aka Dim November 2020
  20. A review of Dave Godin A Northern Soul, a biography by Stephen Stevlor. Review by Damian Conaghan.............. aka Dim Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
  21. I'll be very happy to have a copy Gilly and I wish you every success with it... A proper labour of love.
  22. I very recently bought this one sided acetate. People of a certain age may understand the significance of "At The Top Of The Stairs", by The Formations in the rich history of the Scene and it's influence on old guys like me.. one of the stepping stones on our musical journey. It was very much on impulse that I did it.... for it's quirkiness as much as anything. I know very little about Chappell and I have no understanding of the their role in the promotion of records. Any information would be great.
  23. Which Jackie Day?
  24. Dim

    Soulville Sunday Sounds

    These are the DJ timings for this Sunday : DJ Times: 3.00pm until 3.45pm... Dim 3.45pm until 4.30pm... Mark Shaw 4.30pm until 5.15pm... Mark Johnson 5.15pm until 6.00pm....Knocker 6.00pm until 6.45pm... Dim 6.45pm until 7.30pm... Mark Johnson 7.30pm until Finish.......Knocker
  25. You are both correct of course. But Stephen Riley's book is a Northern Soul rather than a Rare Soul tome. So he covers the period post Twisted Wheel... Flamingo etc.

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