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  1. Iggyplop's post in Can someone identify track please was marked as the answer   
    Otis Lee -Hard Row to Hoe
    Friend just sent me full clip...
  2. Iggyplop's post in Catacombs, 1971. was marked as the answer   
    Dont know if this is of interest..
    I ran coach to Wigan via the Cats from the second week it opened until the end of February 74..
    I came from Gloucester at the time & we also picked up from Cheltenham..
    There was a large crowd that had been going to the  Catacombs especially after The Torch & the Junction in Crewe had closed.
    I was a young 15 year old at the time & it seemed the easiest way to get there!!
    Seems so young these days but remember back then you left school at 15/16
    The coach cost a princely £40..from a company called Edwards..
    I was charging £2..so was easy to break even or even make some cash..
    Would leave The Catacombs at midnight..
    The Wolvo crowd would pile on & even more on the return .There were 3 on each seat & people standing!!
    One morning we came out & the coach had been nicked!!
    The police recovered the vehicle but not before someone had taken a dump on the backseat...made for a fragrent return journey..
    One night on way to the Casino  & leaving Knutsford Services D.S.pulled coach over & everyone was taken off & searched.People had gotten wise by then & all gear had been necked.prior to the services..
    I know  Colin James ( Jamo) from Wolvo then ran the coach to Wigan
    Steve Smith certainly ran the coach from Gloucester for a while..
    After the Cats had closed..we used to meet in The Vine & Gethro had started running the coach..

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