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Everything posted by Dothe45

  1. Im sure it was 3 quid ,mate. Never mind memories fade after 40 odd years can I buy it back off you with inflation of course
  2. Selling my Sandie Sheldon to Mr J Bentley in 71. On Okeh demo mint for 3 quid. Oh dear. !
  3. Yeah the same for me. I was there in 72. Got plenty of goodies. Brought them back and played them to Jebby & I levene Best ones in the suitcase. Ship the rest Good old days
  4. One of the great ambassadors of soul will be sadly missed . RIP Ian
  5. Always looked up to Paul if we attended a venue and Paul was there I always thought well it must be ok if he,s. here Top guy will be sadly missed on the circuit. Rip
  6. Dothe45

    bobby sheen

    Great to see on a demo got the black issue my self. Had for 40 odd years great record
  7. A legend RIP billy butler.
  8. Went over to the US in June 72. Digging for vinyl with the late Niel Mason from bury we were probably the first to go digging in Fred kapplans record cellar. And also various other places inc a massive warehouse in Buffalo Ny. With millions of. 45 s. to wade through. Remember finding. Nolan Chance. On constellation. Also Baby Reconsider on Fat Fish. 10 copies of Eddie Parker. love you baby. On Ashford to mention few. Also dealt with Ray Avery Glendale California Happy days. Back to the Uk. In the. 70s. Also got 8 copies of invitations. What's wrong with me baby on stateside. mlnt. 2 shillings. Each. Accrington. Co op.
  9. A Wheel regular and the Cats a few times happy times. The good old days
  10. Hi Richard Can I give you a ring p,ease let me know your phone number. Dave
  11. Got an original copy in reasonable condition open to offers

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