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Everything posted by Scottmol

  1. Looking for The Lewis Explosion- start to feelin good again, on pleasure. PM's only please with price and condition. Thanks. Scott
  2. Sorted for this now!
  3. Looking for Coleen Lanza- Don't lean on me. On Merph. PM's only please with price and condition. Thanks . Scott.
  4. Ben E King- I can't break the news to myself. Vg ++ A few slight marks, plays loud and clear with no issues. Drill hole in label. £60 plus £2 p+p
  5. Hi got a nice bundle All in good nick (ex or better). £60 the lot. Otis redding- love man ATCO Eddie Floyd- don't tell your mama STAX Jimmy Hughes- sweet things you do VOLT Eddie Floyd- bring it on home to me STAX Eddie Floyd- people get it together STAX Homer banks- who you gonna run to me or your mama MINIT Bill coday -get your lie straight CRAJON wilson picket- funky Broadway ATLANTIC Johnnie Taylor- testify I wonna STAX Bob and Earl- Harlem shuffle CONTEMPO Omni- keys to the city FOUNTAIN
  6. Hi got a nice bundle All in good nick (ex or better). £60 the lot. Otis redding- love man ATCO Eddie Floyd- don't tell your mama STAX Jimmy Hughes- sweet things you do VOLT Eddie Floyd- bring it on home to me STAX Eddie Floyd- people get it together STAX Homer banks- who you gonna run to me or your mama MINIT Bill coday -get your lie straight CRAJON wilson picket- funky Broadway ATLANTIC Johnnie Taylor- testify I wonna STAX Bob and Earl- Harlem shuffle CONTEMPO Omni- keys to the city FOUNTAIN PM's if interested thanks.
  7. Much prefere the showcase version. I've got the green label.
  8. An Italian eurobeat label apparently according to info on discogs. Founded in 1995 so safe to say it's a boot.
  9. Boot then probably. Got mine on showcase but seen a yellow delta copy for 1/2 the price and just wondered.
  10. The delco's arabia on yellow Delta 100A- is this a second issue/reissue or released at same time as showcase. And is the delta the same version as showcase ? The showcase version seems to fetch a bit more £££
  11. Sorted for this now.
  12. Still looking for this.
  13. Suppose I'm just being a tight arse really thinking it might save me about £400.
  14. Looking for a nice copy of Johnny De Vigne- I smell Trouble on De-lite. PM's only please with price and condition. NO "MAKE ME AN OFFER!) please. Thanks. Scott.
  15. I think Horace's was licensed from Dore itself.
  16. Just need some info/clarification. Obviously the best way to own this record is on Dore but is the Horace reissue a legit release. I.e could I play it out without getting strung up??!! I have heard it is a legit UK release.
  17. Sorted for this now.
  18. Looking for a nice copy of little Milton - grits ain't groceries on checker. Pm only please with price and condition. Thanks. Scott.
  19. Sorted for this now.
  20. Anybody help? Still looking for this!!
  21. looking for a nice copy of Bobby Wells- Be That Way sometimes, on Romur. Pm's only please with price and condition. Thanks. Scott
  22. Hi Des. I'll have don covey rough spots if u still have it.
  23. Still looking for this!!

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