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on one

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Everything posted by on one

  1. I just happened to be looking for something else and came across it. No Worries.
  2. H I have just notice your Want for Gypsy Woman. Joe Dunlop has one for sale at Soul Mountain records. see link https://www.soulmountain45.co.uk/?attribute=title&s=Gypsy+woman&post_type=product. Hope this helps.
  3. Hi does anyone have a copy of I m Steppin out~Gerri Taylor~ Mica records. Does not have to be excellent copy, as long as it plays well. Text 07519406551.
  4. Kirsty, Dave Molloy was and is privy to any Searling cover ups, whether he decides to confide in you is down to him, always comes up trumps for me. That said he was our best man at our Wedding. By the way two Dave's have been quoted Mr Flynn and Molloy, if Molly is who you contact he his often on face book.
  5. Exactly my wife insist on lugging her tracks everywhere she DJs rather than have me drop them or loose them. Maybe because the time I did oblige I locked the back door and left the box on the doorstep.
  6. Joanie I you really sure T ha ha
  7. Hi Rich truly awesome what some may not be aware of the single white demo was given away as a freeby with the LP when it was first issued. Many people get mistaken thinking they have a British white demo copy of the record but in fact it was released without the larger American middle and has serrated edges around the run out just like many British records do. I am only aware because a friend still has the LP sealed with single inside unopened, Oddball?. All the best Tony L Preston
  8. Hope you don't mind me mentioning this and it is probably a fact you are aware of, but the same record was recorded twice on Volt that version being the more 70s track. The reason I know is that I had the record stolen maybe twenty years ago and when I eventually got another one it was a different cut. fortunately both tracks are blinders and I still have both. Sorry if I am informing you of facts your probably aware of but though would be worth a mention. All the Best Tony L Preston Lancs
  9. First heard 'What a way to go' on a tape a lad called Pete Miles from down Aldershot way did for me in the mid-late 80's. Haven't seen him in years. Anybody know what he's up to now? Can still see him clear as day peeking out his curtains, telling us all to "Shhhhh..... they're out there......!" Top lad ...... and boy, did he have some records!! Last time i heard it out was about a year ago at Mick H's do in Nottingham, when the lovely Derek Allen played it .

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