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Everything posted by Tattoodave

  1. Strangely they do sound like a cat, they look a bit like this...
  2. Quite rightly not forgotten, been playing it out for years
  3. Been there, done that Steve.
  4. Having met Rita Graham at Prestatyn, and been lucky enough to be in the studio when she was interviewed for the campsite radio station where she sang the long version acapella to about 6 of us, there is no way that I'd vote for anyone else.
  5. Don't get me wrong, I can remember hearing new stuff at Wigan, Cleethorpes, Peterborough, St. Ives, Notts Palais, Samanthas etc. I just wasn't a DJ groupie who took notice of who played it or noted the day, most of the time the music was new to me coming from a rural community where everyone was hooked on the top 10, and going to a school where they were all long haired prog rock fans. I lived for the weekends, everything in between was less than mediocre.
  6. I went straight to jail and didn't pass go
  7. People often say they can remember where they were when JFK was shot, Elvis died, John Lennon was assassinated (can't remember how) or where they first heard this played and who by, and I'm amazed at their memory. I can't even remember my way home after a good night out. I have played the bass guitar in the very distant past, though after lending my guitar to a left handed guy to try and he played it better left handed than I did right handed I realised it wasn't quite for me. But along came soul music, and I suddenly realised that my emotions were given a severe kicking that I'd never recover from. I still can't remember where I hear new stuff, but if something grabs me by the nads that I've not heard before I do try and find out what it is, and every now and then I remember and can inform others that ask, not too often. I can be made to cry by hearing certain soul tracks and if I'm on the dancefloor I brush the tears away as though it's sweat, more often though a big smile reaches ear to ear, unseen by most because of my profuse facial hair. My mind won't analyse what it is in soul music that moves me so much, I'm just grateful that it does.
  8. More likely to see Sadhus in India than Nepal, they have their own aura, though sometimes I wonder if that's just a dyslexic's spelling of aroma.
  9. Rightly so, mans best friend has never been a caterpillar, apart from that one time in my experimental days.
  10. Hi Sharron, it's probably the large white, they eat cruciferae, cabbage, cauliflower, alyssum etc. I had an influx of them last year about this time and managed to get several to pupate and fly off, they shouldn't harm Clyde, my Happy came to no harm. Babyboy is the one that should know for definite.
  11. Tut tut, now that is poor parking!
  12. I've not seen any for weeks Steve, there's still martins about, but the swifts and swallows are gone sadly as there's a lot of flies and mosquitoes about. The hoopoes are back though.
  13. Thanks Ste, I'm still trying to figure out where my head is after an ecstatic holiday in the UK.
  14. That'll do it, the sap is the thing that does it. My father comes into contact with it being a gamekeeper, but knows to steer clear without gloves after a couple of trippy episodes.
  15. It will self set seed if not removed, but tell him to wear gloves unless he likes delirium.
  16. a pleasure Steve, it's very closely related to the much prized Brugmansia, like a poor cousin, both are poisonous. Datura is not an hallucinogenic per se, it is a deleriant which is to say it blocks certain neurotransmitters in brain and creates an all-encompassing delirium. You remember those old scare stories that used to be told about taking acid? The old urban legends about people taking LSD, thinking they could fly and then walking out of third floor windows? (Of course if you’re on acid and you think you can fly then it’s not the acid that makes you jump out the window; it’s plain stupidity that makes you do it on the third floor instead of testing your theory first on the ground...) But with devil’s weed, you really are so removed from reality, that the possibility of doing yourself a fatal mischief is all too real.
  17. It's a Datura stramonium, becoming more common in the UK, deadly poisonous, known as jimsonweed, thorn apple or devil's snare.
  18. I rented a house in Sibiu one summer and tattooed the locals, one of my favourite places too, beautiful country.
  19. You realise you'll be shedding weight on a daily basis walking Ace around and no doubt you'll have to limit your vodka intake until you get used to each other's schedule. He'll do you proud Pete, they are wonderful companions.
  20. Tattoodave

    RIP Aretha

    So sad, it's like losing an old friend, her songs have given me comfort, joy and many a teary eye over the years. R.I.P.
  21. Then he just needs extra work, it can be done, check out the dog whisperer.
  22. He's a handsome chap, needs some TLC obviously, good luck when the time is right.
  23. Notts Palais and Samantha's also a maybe.
  24. Could be Cleethorpes or WC, foggy memory from last week, let along 40+ years ago, I just about remember who I am, on a really good day.

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