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Everything posted by Tattoodave

  1. "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night" to quote Santa.
  2. If it's any help, the 26th November listed in the flyer in the corner of the article is 1967
  3. The Swans - Nitty Gritty City Rita and the Tiaras - GWTWIML I just love the soul of Doré
  4. Happy Christmas for Costa del Sol
  5. Tonight's sunset, and a Catastrophe.
  6. So, if a space used for breeding animals was left untidy would it be a dirty fokkerij? Fnarr!
  7. It was meant as a joke Russ, like the film, a British comedy about a woman in a dire situation after the death of her husband who had to find a way of making money quick to save her house, if you haven't seen it you've missed out.
  8. Not as impressive as the light from the greenhouse in the film "Saving Grace", mind you, she wasn't growing fruit and veg
  9. I can't claim this as mine, but it made me giggle...
  10. Last night's sunset
  11. Not a chance in a million, like my Guinness too much and I get cranky when I can't drink
  12. Don't bother with the Costa del Sol, it's been throwing it down most of the day, and the rain in Spain runs down the side of the road as they don't clean the drains
  13. Welcome to the madness that is Soul Source, where tinnitus and cartilage troubles abound. Mind you're step, there's a rocky road ahead of you, but feel free to comment on anything, the most they do isn't that savage as long as you have broad shoulders and a lively sense of humour. Dave
  14. You're my wife now!
  15. They are at my father's in the UK, but are replicas of it, I bought the linen at auction in Germany, so it's of the right era.
  16. You could play the records as the machine does the work, once you set it up it does it automatically. I had a couple of WW2 items done after the Hitler pillow case made a phenomenal amount of money. They've not entered the market, as yet, but may do after I peg out, after all I used vintage cottons and linen. These days it's very difficult to tell the difference if the bootlegger is worth his salt.
  17. You can get an up to date embroidery sewing machine and feed in a scanned image and it will reproduce it. My sister owns one and has done a few things for me, all unrelated to soul, but the results were a lot better than I expected.
  18. Strangely these four appear to have very little, but know what they're talking about...
  19. A canny blackbird would nest in the firethorn, about the only thing that would threaten them then is a stoat.
  20. The bush is a Pyracantha angustifolia, commonly known as firethorn, an excellent burglar deterrent, and thick enough to deter even the most determined of cats from catching blackbirds and the likes. Vicious and rewarding, a nice combination.
  21. My mate's dog, Luis, he has an attitude like his hairstyle!
  22. A Bass guitar usually has four strings, a rhythm or lead guitar usually has six. Usually acoustic guitars are not electrified, but they can be, also you can get acoustic bass guitars, confused? You will be! As the late 70's sitcom "Soap" used to say.
  23. Living in a fairly urban location we don't see a lot of aphids here, I tend to squish the aphids if they dare land on the fresh foliage of my bonsai. I did look up the scientific nomenclature of the local species, Eristalis Aeneus, and apparently their larval stage feed on rotting sea weed, there's no accounting for taste.
  24. I love hoverflies, we get a totally different one here, but it does a good job nonetheless. I'll have to do a little more research, it seems like it might be a coincidence
  25. Is their name associated with currants, ribes being the botanical name for the currant family?

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