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Everything posted by Tattoodave

  1. And the yellow flower in the second photo is Pallenis spinosa, or at least a diminutive form of it
  2. I'm hoping for September as I'll be back in the UK for a week and I for one will be queuing up, don't care whether the head butt scene is there, it was a violent time and things did happen that wouldn't so much now. If we are to survive as a serious music scene we have to stop behaving like dinosaurs and encourage those that are eager to join the ranks of the beloved, soul is the music of the gods.
  3. I was being facetious, but the glissando might have been attempted by someone with a stump and not fingers, there I go again!!
  4. If it is a little glissando then it's one of the worst I've heard sounds more like a guide dog for the blind (maybe belonging to the keyboard player)
  5. When you get a crazy American they do take some beating, world class read. I don't think I've had the pleasure, and hope not to
  6. This will mess with people's heads for sure, especially those that get taken in
  7. The run out grooves on the pressing/ bootleg is about an inch wide.
  8. Having lived through the Wigan early years when the distorted sound quality from self recorded cassette tapes were the only way to hear the sounds that were being blasted out on a Sunday morning throughout the following week and weeks, you remember, no digital cameras or phones capable of taking film footage, and those intervening years of dying brain cells from abuse of whatever kind was fashionable in this crazy mixed-up world, I would like in several years time to be able to sit down and watch a film that brings back happy memories of my youth. So, if I miss it on it's cinema release, I'll be buying it on DVD and watching it with a tear in my eye and verballing to anyone that will listen that I was a part of that, but no, because it was done some 40 years after the event I'm not on the bloody film, as the soul scene evolved as I and others aged, some of them sadly not evolving past the loutish working class of the 70's that beat the crap out of each other on the terraces on a Saturday night and then gurned and stomped the night away at what was at the time the closest place to Heaven on Earth, their venom now turned inwardly to criticise the compilation CD's that are marketed to go with the film, all thinking they could do better or that the film will quicken the demise of the soul scene. Surely they should be making an effort to encourage and nurture the youth of today to stop listening to the garbage that they are drip fed and hark back to a time when the sublime music of our youth had the devoted travelling the length and breadth of the country to listen to it, we owe that to the makers of the music if not the makers of the film, they weren't the blinged up power crazy, so called musicians of today, they were people trying to make a difference, and they make a big difference to me and countless others without even knowing it.
  9. Picked up a copy for £16 a couple of months ago
  10. I only buy on eBay US, and usually only from sellers that will put a low customs rate on the declaration. I have picked up bargains in the past, but it's a rarity now. I currently have only 11 items on watch when in previous years it would be pushing 100
  11. I have a friend in the UK with a Bengal that is honey coloured with spots, very vocal cat and always hungry. Lives with a German short haired pointer and bosses it about
  12. I've changed my mind, I want one too, there's kittens in Portugal and I'll see what he's got
  13. It's stunning, I'd just like a Jaguarundi now, that would be a close second
  14. Worked at Longleat for a while and got to take allsorts home, lion cubs, various primate orphans and even Lord Bath's chimp, Charlie for a few days. Dave
  15. Is that a cerval or ocelot, ears look a little too small for a cerval having looked closer. Used to know a little old lady, mega wealthy, that owned an ocelot and walked it on a solid gold linked leash.
  16. I had a Bengal tigress as a pet for two years, she used to push me out of bed in the morning, had her from 6 weeks old
  17. Why wouldn't they count? Bengals are beautiful
  18. Second razorbill photo is stunning Dave
  19. I used to go to the free festivals at Stonehenge in the 70's, cheap acid and everything else
  20. Once had a guillemot in a box overnight after I waded in the sea to catch it, covered in oil, fed it with sardines in tomato sauce before taking it to the vets, beautiful bird.
  21. What never been to Stonehenge? Or heaven forbid Swindon?
  22. Lovely shots Steve, if you ever get down to south Wiltshire during the summer there's an old lady in Compton Chamberlayne that takes in orphan badgers, she has a pet otter too, always obliging if you're courteous.
  23. And overdue an award from HRH for your work!!
  24. I'm now in Spain and Starbucks are rare, Spanish coffee is equally poor, so I'm living caffeine free and enjoying life. Try giving it up yourself, it's a drug, and not mine of preference

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