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Everything posted by Tattoodave

  1. Fed one out my hand in a park in Twickenham, I think it was called Marble Hill or something, was told to take unsalted peanuts and just wait with them in my hand, I expected squirrels, but got great tits, blue tits and a nuthatch, I was well impressed as a youngster, maybe 13 years old.
  2. They were Corgi's, but didn't go into production, came out of the factory as one off pre-production prototypes, all from the 60's. Had 30+of them, bought them for £10 each, cheapest one sold for over £300
  3. I had the same problem with some prototype Corgi's, took me ages to figure out how to describe the bloody things, all I wanted to do was sell them quick.
  4. It arrived the day my little dog died, so I put off reading it for a while, but have read it twice since, first out of curiosity for the early years of the label, the second time out of interest, a great read, well researched and written with passion. Money well spent, a job well done Gary.
  5. Ask any northern soul fan about the Exciters and they probably won’t mention their number 4 hit from 1962. They will however, tell you about the buzz they get from dancing to “Blowing Up My Mind” or their live performance at Wigan Casino Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
  6. But there's another side to it of course, a few months ago I bumped into someone wearing a scooter clad tee shirt, I took no notice of the manufacture of the scooter, it was the fact that the words Northern Soul were emblazoned on the tee shirt too, but despite wanting to engage in conversation with this 30 or maybe 40 something about the music I hoped we shared a common love for he just walked away muttering he didn't really like the music. Give me an innocent mind any day.
  7. Where I live Chalky is a golfers paradise, as long as you have money. Thousands of ex-pats that enjoy a chinwag, especially over a pint, most can't afford to play golf often because of the outrageous green fees so they walk and do the beach thing, and occasionally entertain. I don't do the dinner party bit, my diet is practically vegan, and rarely eat out as the Spanish have yet to figure out how to cook without meat, fish or dairy products, but I enjoy a pint and a chinwag, so chat with people that have been in Spain for anything from months to 40+ years, inevitably we talk about tattooing and music, I know about other things, but when you support Peterborough United you tend not to brag too much about it, and when you have a passion for plant poisons not many will understand or want to hear. However, every now and then I get to hear from some that went to the Twisted Wheel before Northern Soul was labelled such and because of their age and history they have no idea that the soul music that they enjoyed still gets played out and an underground scene exists. People will make up their own minds about most things until someone can show them differently, and then some won't listen because they don't want their idea of the great scheme of things shattered into a million pieces by someone who they think is an easy target for ridicule, when they are the ones to be pitied. I just walk away, safe in the knowledge that the music I love won't damn me to hell, it's too good to be the Devil's work, even if other things in my life mean I'm damned as the next man.
  8. Chalky, then surely you should educate rather than be embarrassed, if they are mates then they will listen eventually, especially if you laugh at their ridicule with them. The penchant for ripping the arse out of someone's pleasure is a very British thing, so turn it around and give as good as you get, there is no better standing ground than soul music as far as I'm concerned. Not many people are bothered with the media here, In the south of Spain most people can't be arsed with what Cameron and his ilk are doing to mess up the UK, they come here to escape it and enjoy their lives.
  9. Maybe it's me, but I've talked to literally thousands of people over the last few years that have no idea what Northern is, so don't associate it with the negative sides that seem to be the bugbear of so many aging soulies. Maybe it's my penchant for talking to the dementure sufferers of the world, but I try to explain that Motown started a formulaic music style that proved popular in the USA and Europe and other labels tried to emulate what the sound was like in order to get hits and cash in on Motown's popularity, often coming up with grittier, less sugar coated dance tracks that were destined to be forgotten but for people with a desire to dance to anything that wasn't mainstream, to live a different life away from popular music, to dig a little deeper into the wealth of music out there and when they ask for examples I just hand over my MP3 player and see if they get it. If their feet aren't tapping within 30 seconds I walk away, afterall, that's all it took for me to hear in 1972. I'm not embarrassed by what's gone before me, I've never been one to conform to the stereotypical anything, I like to provoke, it's fun fu**ing with people's minds, let them think what they want, at least they are thinking, which is more than most do on a daily basis. I'm sure everyone has a part of their history that they'd sooner forget, whether a different decision here or there could have made a huge difference in their lives, I know I have, many in fact, but the one constant has been the music I grew up with, love beyond anything else in my life and share with some of the nicest people I've ever met (albeit all of them flawed in some way or other), it's the shared moments in our lives that make us what we are, and as far as I'm concerned no-one should "mess with soulies".
  10. I vaguely remember seeing and enjoying this 1980's film and wondered if anyone has a DVD that they would sell of it, PM me if you have Cheers Dave or download it to Youtube, I don't mind
  11. Had some in the late 70's when in Amsterdam.
  12. Yes, that's one label I'm proud to wear
  13. Looking forward to this and learning more about them as it progresses.
  14. It's too late for a documentary anyway the place burnt down, unless some Hollywood type wants to rebuild the Casino as it was, so they can trawl some old guys back with their Zimmer frames to try and coax out memories from their speed addled brains, lets face it, it's taken long enough for Elaine's brilliant film to hit the screens, Hollywood won't move very fast in favour of it because America probably won't understand, let's face it, they are retarded in their music taste now when you consider their devotion to people like Beiber and Britney. I went to the Casino until 76, saw the commercial stuff trying to creep in and decided it was enough for me. At times I wonder what might have happened if I'd continued going, but then I wouldn't have seen the world and probably wouldn't have lived this long and still love the music. I probably would have worn my knees out more than I have and be one of those with a Zimmer frame
  15. My pleasure, I collect Dore, and have my original Rita and the Tiaras signed by Rita Graham
  16. It was reissued, whether by Dore or not is highly debatable with the also hard to find Swanns on the B side Nitty Gritty City. I'd consider the Kent version with the unreleased Instrumental version of GWTWIML a far more attractive proposition.
  17. So many classics, I'd be happy to hear that as a set and would stay on the floor as long as I could.
  18. I once took a picture of some crocus with a filter on the lens and called it Soft Focus Crocus, twice as good as that in my opinion, and it came out as I wanted, not a fluke foot in a hole and press the shutter mistake. Photographers that make money out of it are as bad as actors and professional footballers, too many people fawning over them. If the picture was entered into competition it would be laughed at by 99% of people
  19. Looks like a primitive cave painting done by a Neanderthal, arty types talk a load of BO**OCKS.
  20. Watched it again without the beer glasses (Sangria and gin and tonic really), and enjoyed it as much as the first. I could pick a few small holes in it, but as a part of cinematography I found it great, breathtakingly real in parts and I now find my Tinnitus justified. Hats off to all those involved, best film I've seen for ages.
  21. It's actually known as a Shaggy Ink Cap, edible when young, but that one appears too old.
  22. Beats me, as does any three year old on Playstation
  23. Watched it last night on DVD to cheer myself up after Sangria and gin and tonic, it did the trick too. The gritty realism of the 70's hit's you head on, the days of bootboys and football violence softened by the glorious music that tamed us all, or at least those that could be tamed. It made me smile from the outset, laugh out loud a lot of the time as I drew parallels in my own youth, and remember some that didn't make it. It's easy to find a fault or two in the continuity with record label colours, but the setting was perfection. Elaine should get a Bafta for this, it is well deserved, and done on a small budget which puts the entertainment bigshots to shame. I bumped into a couple from Bolton yesterday that asked if I'd seen it, I said the DVD was waiting for me, they were surprised at the DVD being already out, so maybe that confirms the distributors mistake. However, I shall watch it again this weekend, when I'm not so eager or drunk to try and rip holes in it, though from what I saw I doubt if I can, speaking as a foul mouthed, tattooed and once earring wearing veteran.
  24. It looks like someone has booted it already, can't figure out how to post a link, but here it is ebay item 121453216489
  25. The dog El Kapitan would have been 2 next month, and Borrasco, the cat was about 5, so neither of any real age. Just one little chap left now, Kapitan's half-brother, Happy, who is 2 and a half

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