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Everything posted by Tattoodave

  1. Sounds more like Star Trek Porn
  2. Taken minutes before going over in a barrel (not)
  3. Bruges in March 2013 Naxos a few years ago Wooden church near Pecs in Hungary
  4. Not to be confused with a mono-rail
  5. I asked about the postage beforehand on one that was quoting an excess of postage because of GPS and told the seller what I'd have to pay to get it into Spain if I won and he said he'd post it signed for with a low customs declaration if I won, so that he had reassurance that the record arrived, and that I didn't have to pay import duties, so there are nicer dealers out there, just communicate. On the other hand, had one arrive at my father's house with import duty and handling fee required, so I let it go back to the US and got my money back, it was only a 40$ record, and I could afford to lose that after some of the wonderful bargains I've had over the years.
  6. I like her, she can sing a lot better than a lot of those that have made a living from singing
  7. Bang on the money as far as I'm concerned
  8. She's the editor of BBC 6 Music in Manchester
  9. I've not listened to the show, but I guess if you have an audience of people raised on "pop" music trying to draw comparisons with Amy Whitehouse and Edwin Collins will probably show the uneducated that Northern Soul might have somehow influenced people that they've actually heard of and like, so it's akin to drawing them into a world that they don't understand by offering them a small foothold. Obviously the show hasn't been meant for the elite, it's just a "celebrity" trying to show that there's music out there that isn't "pop" but is still great.
  10. Strange, I noticed the ice!!
  11. To survive another year on the Costa del Sol, make an occasional trip to the UK to see friends and do a couple of allnighters, and to see Peterborough United do something other than embarrass me.
  12. I won't be listening, but I hope those that do are pleasantly surprised. It doesn't always have to be hackneyed or clichéd, and with the film soundtrack available there might be a good two hours of entertainment from the girl. I always think the BBC should make an effort to entertain their audience more considering they've coined it in from most families for years with their license scam, but feel that when they can employ people like the bumhole that is Moyles they have an agenda that runs deep alongside the commercially viable so called popular music genre, so aren't that interested in an underground scene that relies on an OVO policy that some of their cronies can't make money out of, or am I just in my post Christmas hate the world mode still?
  13. probably didn't reach the reserve
  14. I'm dreaming of a sunny Christmas, and maybe I just might get one. Wherever you are in the world and however you plan to spend Christmas I hope you all have a happy one, drive carefully especially if you have a drink or two.
  15. Make sure you put a really low customs declaration on it Pete as they get charged for everything over about 10CAD, also make sure your address is on the front otherwise it'll come back. I was living in Toronto until a couple of years ago
  16. Send him to Rajasthan, the Karni Mata temple, that would suit him fine
  17. The only ice I see now Martyn is from the freezer
  18. I reckon 18K, with what usually happens on JM auctions this should go through the roof
  19. Foxtail Agave, flowering last week at the local nursery Bignonia with a darker flower than usual at the nursery Cassia corymbosa at the nursery Poinsettias at the nursery Solandra grandiflora flowering just up the road at El Zoco Sorry about the pictures being sideways, it's late and I'm tight
  20. I used to come to the UK for the summer and work the winters in Toronto, but would fly in just for an allnighter a couple of times a winter, red eye over and awake all the way back, sleep on Monday, work on Tuesday. Simples
  21. Ciertamente mi versión favorita de ella, un verdadero artista en el micrófono, hace que los pelos de la nuca se levantan :thumbup:
  22. Reminds me of a story from my past, heading through Hyde Park on my way to Victoria station to catch a train to Gatwick for my return flight to Toronto after a 100 club allnighter I thought the noise emanating from a rubbish bin would be a relatively harmless grey squirrel, so I thought I'd give it a scare and kicked the bin, only to see three enormous rats leap out, gave me the scare of my life.
  23. He's Argentinian, there's probably an ulterior motive

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