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Everything posted by Tattoodave

  1. I won one in a church raffle in Roseville Minnesota 1991, a flight over the St Croix valley, absolutely amazing 3 hours, considering I'm scared of heights.
  2. You should be very proud Steve, a lot of very beautiful photos
  3. The trouble is Russell my mind is like Swiss cheese and any knowledge that doesn't get used regularly seeps out.
  4. looks like one of last years babies
  5. Not quite Jean Tijou, but you have to admire the artistry Derek.
  6. Not much bigger than bees either, well a little bit maybe. Don't see many lambs here, wild boar piglets every now and then and they are skittish little buggers, I tried taking a photo of one and it's mommy wasn't pleased.
  7. Shouldn't you have waited for the tide to go out?
  8. don't put him off Steve, his mum might be looking over his shoulder
  9. I love long tailed tits, did a tattoo of one a few years ago, pure magic. Saw a flock of goldfinches today, 20+ easily, and a kestrel flew through a hedge about 3 feet away, the speed was amazing (I've said that before)
  10. The winds off the Atlantic blow the sand way up onto the road that leads to Punto Paloma, and they clear the roads several times daily because of the dunes, great area for windsurfing. Madonna of the snow from the Sierra Nevada slopes
  11. the price guide is for the bootleg information, essential reading for anyone that doesn't want to find their prize possession is a pile of sh*te
  12. Just get out once in a while and check what the dealers are selling at events, use your brain to remember the ones that they ask big bucks for and just keep your eyes peeled, there's still bargains to be had, even if you don't particularly like the track you buy sell it on at a small profit and you'll be on your way. Get yourself a John Manship guide #5 which has the bootleg info in it and just explore it all.
  13. Hopefully this is better, my first resized photo
  14. Thanks Steve, I'll give it a go
  15. As a technophobe is it a simple process as I wouldn't have a clue? I'm not usually allowed metal scissors
  16. Did it a couple of years ago, slept very soundly afterwards
  17. Samaria Gorge Crete, a nice walk
  18. It's a parasitic plant, grows on the roots of willows and poplars
  19. The last remaining 8 sailed windmill in the UK Bruges March 2013, got stuck in Brussels with Eurostar not working the next day Enchanted City near Cuenca where Conan the Barbarian was filmed, sorry about it being sideways
  20. Well done Elaine, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, it's richly deserved, you did a wonderful job. Tattoo Dave
  21. Nice brickwork on the gable end!!
  22. This is the outside of the wooden church near Pecs in Hungary, didn't see the guy on the roof when I took the photo, not a job I'd want
  23. Berlin in 2012 Reflection of Fernsehturm in Alexanderplatz apartment block Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels Berlin
  24. I'd like to see Houdini get out of this

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