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Everything posted by Tattoodave

  1. I see a lot of Emperors, but their speed and ability to change direction at will make them a formidable foe, so I for one salute you.
  2. A couple of my current favourites, with most plants now being dry and scorched. Bulbine frutescens, a lovely little succulent. Parkinsonia aculeata, a park tree that you don't see many of (saying that, there's four within half a mile of me)
  3. It is a Buzzard, Buteo buteo, the first bird I owned as an aspiring falconer when I was a teenager, moved on to a Goshawk soon after as buzzards tend to not want to hunt and would rather eat carrion.
  4. At night when I'm very lonely, My love is looking for you only, there's no barricade my love can evade, there's no shelter it can't raid. Johnny Sayles - My Love's A Monster
  5. I've never had a problem, I have addresses in the US, Canada, England and Spain and all you do is when you are about to bid on an item you go to Postage and Payments box on the items page and click on that, it will give you the option of changing the country to which you want it posted, just pick USA and enter the Zip code of who you want it sent to, the postage rate will then come up on the description. As long as you have an address listed in your Paypal account in that country there'll be no problem paying for it.
  6. Had a look at his feedback, seems he can be good at times, but he sounds like a nut-job, one to avoid as you say
  7. I just couldn't look at it, get me 6 feet in the air and I tremble
  8. The first one should come with a health warning for those, like me, that don't have a head for heights, even in a picture!
  9. We do have enough to spare, it'll be a constant 25C or more in a week or two. Enjoy Pembrokeshire, must be 20 years since I was last in Wales. Dave
  10. Steve, they are all within a couple of hours of me, and incredibly quiet, Goshawks, Eagles, Vultures and enough orchids to shake a stick at. Bliss. Have a good Bank Holiday, I miss going out though, so there is a downside Dave
  11. Three of my favourite places in Andalucia El Refugio de Juanar Near Grazelema El Torcal
  12. That's the bit that got me Byrney, he's got a hotel room so obviously isn't a local lad and the promoter expects him to know the name of an asshole that nutted him on the dancefloor, maybe the promoter would be better getting a psychic medium involved?
  13. Now don't go forgetting!!
  14. We're just walking along the beach, passing dreams we thought we'd never meet, seeing strangers and calling out "Hello", We'll sift sand then we'll hold hands and I'll kiss your lips, Along the beach The Village Choir - Along the Beach
  15. 5-Spot Burnet Provencal Fritillery
  16. The thing is Andy, they are possibly better suited to the UK than they are in hot arid Spain, so they proliferate and are taking over. My advice would be to cut them every year so that they don't set seed, and try and dig them up, their bulbils, tiny bulb that grow off the main bulb, will grow quickly enough and they will spread and spread, threatening the native species. Whilst I live in Spain and enjoy the climate I feel reluctant to start an anti Spanish (bluebell) campaign just in case of a backlash. p.s. I first went to visit Kew when it cost 1d to get in, check out the price now, it's staggering and no longer affordable to most for a few hours of pleasure.
  17. A rare find, Orchis cazorlensis, or really Orchis spitzelli subspecies cazorlensis.
  18. Spanish bluebells in fact, Hyacinthoides hispanica, English are Hyacinthoides non-scripta, totally different.
  19. A couple from my trip to Berlin 3 years ago, practically to the day
  20. These are from yesterday Mallard drake asleep Very noisy parakeets feeding a couple of curiosities colour variations of Brachychiton populneum
  21. Saw an osprey yesterday morning by the coast, first I've seen for a couple of years, the last one was being mobbed by ravens. Saw a golden oriole yesterday too, but not close enough to photo. Going out tomorrow to the mountains, so might see something to photograph whilst there.
  22. Tattoodave

    Ben E King Rip

    Another of our aging family gone, such a shame we have to age. RIP Ben E King
  23. From late March until October maybe, they fly off to Africa for winter, though I'm sure if I was a nightingale I'd prefer to be here, but there's probably not the insects about to keep them fed. I usually hear them when I'm walking the dog as it's a very quiet neighbourhood where I live. I have seen them from my kitchen window, along with Sardinian warblers, hoopoe, chiffchaff, spotted flycatchers, bluethroats and goldcrest, as well as blue tits, sparrows, blackbirds and starlings of course.
  24. Thanks Martyn, I heard it before I saw it, thought it was a large cricket or something as it didn't sound birdlike, I don't remember having seen them before, but then I've not spent a lot of time in Europe.

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