They have paper wasps in Spain, clever little recyclers of rubbish that build nests attached to grasses. Doesn't make them any less vicious as many a young boy with a stick will tell you. They aren't that common, preferring areas away from humans, for obvious reasons.
A good voice and guitar playing, I like the 1st and 3rd song, thought the 2nd could be improved on lyrically, but fair play it's much better than most can do. Good luck with the song writing, I hear you can make a few bob if you're good at it, and a couple of yours are good enough.
I love Siskins, Redpolls, Twite, Linnets, all pretty little singing birds, my father used to have captive bred ones to cross with canaries when I was a boy, he got very upset when I let them go
Pyrostegia venusta growing over Hedera helix (I love to confuse, it's Flame Vine growing over Ivy to most)
Narcissus papyraceus, the paper-white narcissus.
Then it's him and me both Steve. I've got a bloody cold, so I'm just dosing myself up with whisky and ginger wine until the medication kicks in.
Be lucky Dave
The 6T's Soul Club's Anniversary allnighter at the 100 Club in September. It's awesome music policy, fun atmosphere and the free single make it worth every penny of the return flight from Malaga.
According to a quick search on t'internet, it is a detachable wig that can be donned or doffed much like a hat, hence the name. they are usually in the topknot or Beehive styles= The Ronettes.
High healed sneakers are just that, like a trainer/ sports shoe with a heel stack, not stiletto style as that would be hideous
He could have put something more than just the words "Re-Issue" and made it a much larger font. There should be a way of telling eBay about this type of blatant fraud, OK so he covers his arse, and makes a mint from a mug, but that'll be a reluctant eBayer the next time around.