I think it might be in Spain Peter, Repsol is a Spanish petrol company with higher than normal prices (called ripoffsol by me and others), where whether dogs are good looking or not they need a lot of luck to survive, at the end of each hunting year lots of dogs are just turned out into the countryside where they soon perish as roadkill or die of starvation. There's definitely a 1000 Euro fine imposed on people feeding feral cats, which I do daily, and it may well imply to dogs too. You get small semi rural packs of dogs terrorising neighbourhoods all because they are hungry as on the whole the Spanish are not animal lovers and haven't the sense to placate them with food, trap them in cages and have them neutered, thereby preventing unwanted offspring to continue the bad habits. I have a feral cat that I used to feed about 200 yards away that is now a resident on my doormat, her brother has come about half way, but he's more adventurous and knows where there's other food available.
This ridiculous country has communal waste bins that it's illegal to deposit rubbish in during the day, and recently someone wrote into the paper about the police telling him off for deposit a bag of dog poo during the day while out walking his dog. They still condone the needless slaughter of bulls for public show, so you can't really argue with them as their mentality is barbaric.