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Everything posted by Tattoodave

  1. Was it by any chance a sack race he was losing?
  2. It's about the easiest one to identify for me, most of them can be confusing, apart from the Snow Bunting of course. I've seen the painted bunting, but couldn't get a photo at the time.
  3. A Reed Bunting, if I'm not mistaken.
  4. I must admit that they are one of my favourite little birds, my father used to breed them to cross with canaries, so I have seen a few close to. I am surprised I was right though.
  5. Shame it wasn't a male, they are easier to identify, it almost fits into the LBJ category (not the former US President, but Little Brown Job)
  6. looks like a siskin, but I could be wrong! I'm better at trees! That's an alder.
  7. The wide open plains of Winnipeg are feared by most mortal men Robb, the savage winds especially. Strangely, the Minnesotans used to say they only had two seasons, winter and July.
  8. I hope you enjoy playing them as much as the bride and groom enjoy listening and dancing to them.
  9. A very sad loss, RIP Tommy Tate
  10. Me too Peter, wonderful voice.

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