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Everything posted by Tattoodave

  1. I wonder if they could cope with a bus load of elderly naughty schoolboys?
  2. Nasty place, I guess only in Las Vegas?
  3. Here's one for the well travelled, the rock to the right covered in mist is Gibraltar, the one to the left is somewhere in Morocco, to the foreground are the pine covered mountains over the top of San Pedro.
  4. Something a little more up my street, in fact just up the end of it....
  5. I guess this is when you realise a bigger camera and lens are worth lugging up over rough terrain at Sierra de las Nieves, you can't get close to the birds on foot as they are protected, and of course fed to keep them in the area. I think they're Griffon Vulture, they were very impressive, but hard work to photograph until they all decided to fill the sky. A very grainy cropped picture of what led me to believe they are Griffon Vultures.
  6. Of course it all depends on the faith of the deceased, I plan to be pegged out on a rock for the birds to feed on, that way they might just shit on someone that shat on me in the past, if not, who really cares?
  7. Don't you mean "I'm on my way to a better place"?
  8. This one fits the bill too, would probably have me in bits, but then I'm a softie...
  9. Or maybe this....
  10. If my ticker fails me causing my demise...
  11. Probably better known for the flip, but this is nice too...
  12. Nice flip to Sweet Molly Malone....
  13. Tomorrow, and abusive email is welcome then, as I can take it out on the customers by putting the needles a mm or so deeper.
  14. she's open to offers Steve, I was going to offer her £5, but thought I don't need an abusive email on my day off.
  15. It might also help if you put whether it's a promo or issue and maybe the condition too, otherwise it's a little like being blind.
  16. Another pretty hellebore from my old garden...
  17. The later flowering ones like penstemons might not like an early dose of it, but the rest should love it. When the primulas get large you should split them up and replant them, preferably with a little shade. The aquilegias will self sow, so there's some free plants. The cyclamen will probably disappear completely for the summer, but try and remember where they are. I take it that by bleeding heart you mean Dicentra spectabilis? Dicentra is a good family to investigate, lots of species that do well in shade and semi shade and have valuable spring flowers. The fritillaries again would be helpful with a specific, the larger species along with the agapanthus enjoy a bit of being root bound or competition from other plants. The phlox are a late summer flowerer and are prone to mildew, but good garden maintenance and air circulation helps enormously. Heuchera will self sow when happy, a vast family due to recent plant breeding, I saw a vast display at a nursery near Newark that was incredibly colourful, though I was only tempted by Geranium phaeum varieties as I was collecting them with a view to breeding new ones before I came to live in Spain.
  18. That should do, it's pretty much an all purpose feed, might pay you to get some sulphate of ammonia too.
  19. Pretty much Baz, as long as the border is well fed, they like a bit of fertilizer, it might take a couple of years to see flowers from the seedlings, but once they are happy they'll run riot.
  20. I've had this for years...
  21. Get yourself a sturdy hand luggage size case, a 100 box should fit inside, mine does, and don't let it be put in the hold. A hand luggage case will fit in the overhead locker easily enough, so it's not far from you at all times.
  22. It's also a million miles off pink
  23. Another old pic, taken three years ago, should be in flower now, I found these near the top of Sierra de las Nieves.
  24. The colour on mine is actually more pale lavender than pink, so not that far off of grey.
  25. Yes Baz, that's why I posted up mine. If you want to grow hellebores successfully, cut the foliage away in November/ December, the flowers show themselves better that way, cut the flowers off before they set seed as the seedlings are prolific and are usually stronger than adult plants (bizarrely) unless you want to grow them on in a greenhouse, feed them straight after flowering has finished, they work well with roses, as both like a bit of spent mushroom compost. The Washfield doubles bred by Elizabeth Strangman are getting to be everywhere now and are inexpensive, and are very obliging in producing lots of flower. There's a book by Graham Rice and Elizabeth Strangman called The Gardener's Guide To Growing Hellebores which is well worth the money, especially if you can pick one up second hand.

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