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Everything posted by Tattoodave

  1. the flip to Billy Nichols' Diamond Ring...
  2. a nice two-sider that I've had for years, but rarely play...
  3. A very choice flip from me today...I may have posted it before, but when it's this good, why not
  4. I had a 1200 egg incubator running constantly, hatching every egg that was offered, had all sorts in there, macaws, gyr falcons, ducks, turkeys, chickens, goshawks, you name it I tried to hatch them out. Mostly from captive bred birds, but not always.
  5. That's one I should remember, I used to breed them for release.
  6. Peter Adolph just wanted to call it "Hobby", but wasn't given a patent on that name, as you can imagine that would have opened up a real can of worms (still available in Poundland), so came up with "Subbuteo" as you said. Buteo buteo is one of the three neo-Latin bird names I can remember, the other two being Perdix perdix, the Partridge, I used to know a Mr. Partridge and he owned his own printing company called the Perdix Press, and the ever so unlikely Troglodytes troglodytes which is the Wren. No prize for figuring out why I can remember these three.
  7. Well done Peter, it is indeed Buteo buteo. Saw one last night being mobbed by a pair of kestrels, no camera with me of course.
  8. Recently flipped "It Was True", this is "Smokin'"
  9. Sounds like a white guy to me and he tries too hard.
  10. I try not to pay my taxes here, cash business and all that. Hope to catch up with you in September maybe, might pop over to Skeggy for a pint.
  11. The flip to I Check My Mail Box Every Day...
  12. So concave as opposed to convex, I can see it now. Still, you've not driven on a bad road until you've been to Alhaurin near me, you could lose a milk float in some of the pot holes there.
  13. Is that the remnants of a hail storm Mick as I'm a little baffled?
  14. The flip to Brenda Lee Jones You're The Love Of My Life...
  15. A nice bit of crossover for a Monday, the flip to Somebody I know...
  16. Is that a flying horse that you've photo shopped the wings off?
  17. Dicentra spectabilis, the white one has alba added on the end, it's relatively easy for me to remember them, I read Stern's Botanical Latin when I was 10.
  18. Don't remember posting this up before, but if I have, I apologise a little... but it's worth another listen even if cheap, mine's an issue
  19. From the same stable as Gillespie & Co is this rather nice instrumental...
  20. Hi Charlie, no, the guy who has printed them has done them basically as he likes company sleeves too, there were many labels that didn't have dedicated sleeves. If you want some from this guy PM me, I'm in touch with him.
  21. It was over an inch long Steve, but ugly as sin, I'm sure I have a book somewhere, I'll have to delve deep.
  22. The view from the deck at a friends house yesterday afternoon, one of three decks on the property, and the highest of them.
  23. An ugly big beetle that is a complete mystery to me, no doubt someone will have more than a vague idea as to what it is.
  24. A day out yesterday thanks to a cancellation, and as I don't do walk-ins I took off to the hills in search of orchids and other flora, this is the Yellow Bee Orchid, Ophrys lutea, but a very pale form, probably a hybrid with Ophrys fusca. This is how they usually look...
  25. My Friday flip...

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